By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
There is still time for you to add your thoughts and ideas on the vision of the City of Wyoming.
The city leaders and staff will be hosting another Wyoming [Re]Imagined meeting on Thursday, Oct. 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Godwin Heights High School, 50 35th St. SW, Wyoming.
“We are really looking for community input on this,” said Mayor Jack Poll during a recent City Council meeting. “This is a big deal that will set agendas, look at properties, look at where we want the city to go in the next number of years.
“We have staff here that does a wonderful job. We try to do our best to give out input but when we have 75,000 people in the City of Wyoming, so there are a lot more opinions then you see in this room and we want those to be a part of the plan in a community where you live and work and do business.”
For the past several months, the City of Wyoming has hosted community workshops, student/youth workshops, focus groups, surveys, and pop-up meetings at various locations.
A key component to the various programs have been an interactive mapping exercise to help identify future desired land uses throughout the community. The exercise is an opportunity for residents to help identify where they would like to see such items as future housing, commercial centers, and employment centers.
According to staff, the mapping exercise will provide residents an opportunity to talk about specific areas within the city such as Site 36, Divison Avenue, and 28 West Place/Downtown area. At Thursday’s meeting there will be a Spanish version of the mapping exercise available with a translator provided.
Those unable to attend the workshop can utilize the mapping exercise at the website wyomingreinagined.com or click here for a direct link to the map.
Also available on the website are ongoing surveys which are offered in both English and Spanish.
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