By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma

How much does having busing services impact you when heading to the Gerald R. Ford International Airport? Do you find it easy to be dropped off at the airport? What improvements would you suggest for access to the Ford Airport?
These are just some of the questions residents and stakeholders are being asked to on an Airport Access Study survey hosted by the Grand Valley Metro Council and the Gerald R. Ford International Airport.
The project is in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation, Kent Conty Road Commission, City of Kentwood, Cascade Township, and engineering firm AECOM. The study is designed to investigate ways to improve access to the airport as well as the surrounding local road and freeway systems. Rapids growth and develop at the airport, and in the Greater Grand Rapids Area, makes now an import time to consider how best to provide access in the airport area into the future, according to organizers of the study.
“While labeled ‘Airport Access,’ this study focuses on transportation through a broader lens, looking at what modes of transportation are needed, how people get to and from the airport and its surrounding area, and how it can be improved upon,” said Laurel Joseph, GVMC Director of Transportation Planning. “Dating back to efforts made in the 80s and 90s, we recognize the far-reaching impacts this project will have.”
The study will examine current transportation needs and changing travel patterns including airport passenger and cargo traffic, road connections and access, traffic operations and safety, bike and pedestrian circulation, transit service, railroad connections, airport security, and terminal access redundancy. The study also will evaluate different airport access alternatives, leading to a recommended alternative (or alternatives) and an accompanying implementation and action plan.
The start of this project will be the survey which will ask residents and stakeholders to consider the type of travel they did before the pandemic, how frequently they visited the airport, what modes of transportation they took, and the ease of access to the airport. Participants will be asked if shuttles, biking, walking or parking impact access to the airport. Participants also will have an opportunity to identify airport access areas they feel need improvement. Filling out the survey takes about five to 10 minutes.
“Out communities continue to grow and change, attracting national talent in various industries,” Joseph said. “ Our airport and its connecting transportation system need to not only meet our current needs but also projected growth. The goal is to find ways to improve the accessibility, functionality, safety, and efficiency of the transportation network for years to come. we cannot do that without the essential input of those traveling to, from, and through the area today.”
Joseph said the goal is to collect as much community input as possible. To help with that, survey participants many enter into a $50 gift card drawing. There will be two winners. The survey will be open until the end of April.
For more information about the project, click here. To take the survey, click here. (Survey is available in both English and Spanish.)