Tag Archives: Adoptable cat

Cat of the week: Smudgee


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Social butterfly Smudgee was initially a Belmont rescue back in February of 2018 (we think she was four years old, born in early 2014) who was taken in by Focus on Ferals (FOF). They did their typical top-notch stray work-up, discovered she was FIV+, and was told she had already been spayed due to a scar on her ventral abdomen. So imagine their surprise when April rolled around and their sweet little calico-tiger girl popped out a litter of kittens!


Unable to house a mom and brand-spanking newborns at their facility, FOF enlisted the help of a dual volunteer who took in the beautiful brood and provided a cozy, comfy foster home for Smudgee and her three offspring until the kittens could be weaned and placed into their adoption program. Mama then went back to FOF and awaited her turn to find a home, but as the months rolled on by and she was overlooked time and time again, FOF enlisted our help; on Aug. 6th, Big Sid’s welcomed this darling, playful little lady as our newest member of a very elite group of kitties.


From the get-go, Smudgee has been extremely outgoing, always seeming to be around no matter where you are or where your gaze falls. She adores attention from the volunteers and is exceptionally tolerant of her surrogate son, Just Jack, who tackles her on a regular basis in hopes of getting her to chase him around. She mingles and mixes well with the older crowd too, and honestly is so laid-back that we feel she would thrive in pretty much any type of family situation—kids, cats and perhaps even a gentle companion of the canine persuasion.


Soon after her arrival, she discovered the joys of what we call our ‘feeding frenzy’ and since then has been a very enthusiastic participant; in fact, we are watching her dainty waistline so that she doesn’t eat so much as to appear pregnant—again! Interestingly enough, before Smudgee came down to our sanctuary, Dr. Jen had to extract all of the teeth behind her canines as her mouth was on fire due to an inflammatory condition known as stomatitis, a condition that is fairly common in FIV+ kitties.


And until Smudgee had partaken in the tempting tray feeding—get this—she was consuming kibble like a boss (even though yummy canned food was offered pre- and post-op at the clinic). Also on a positive note, since she doesn’t have a mean bone in her ever-expanding lil’ body AND she has only a few teeth to claim as her own, the risk of transmission to another household cat is negligible. Plus, will ya look at that ADORABLE FACE?! How anyone can resist that is beyond us.

More about Smudgee:

  • Medium
  • Calico
  • Adult
  • Female
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats, children

Want to adopt Smudgee? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.



Cat of the week: Remington


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


August of 2018 sure brought us our (un)fair share of cats that needed our assistance, and our sanctuary head count grew quite a bit due to the number of cats with either Feline Leukemia or FIV that were helpless and homeless. A Grand Rapids resident stumbled across this bedraggled boy, took him in to be checked out only to discover he had FELV AND an owner — who refused to contact her or the microchip company. Sadly the rescuer wasn’t in a position to keep him, and he badly needed further medical attention, so she asked for our help in getting her 6-year-old rescue (born in the summer of 2012) off the streets and into someplace safe.


It would be nice to say that Dr. Jen’s first meeting with this guy was love at sight — but it wasn’t. This scruffy orange and white fella wanted NOTHING to do with Dr. Jen and expressed his disdain for the situation he was in by lashing out and lacerating her with his dagger-like nails; what a little pistol he proved to be! Dr. Jen chalked up his less-than-desirable attitude to the fact his teeth were rotting out of his head and considered the fact that he was underweight (probably had tremendous difficulty eating) and had been shaved prior to his arrival in hopes of removing some of the skin-tight mats that caused focal areas of inflammation  scabbing and scaling.


So Dr. Jen forgave the ‘hot mess’ his momentary lapse in judgment and let it be known that if he dropped the tough guy act once and for all, life would treat him better than he could possibly imagine.


Needless to say, it took Remington several days to simmer down in his new surroundings and realize that not everyone was out to get him, but he took to shelter life much better than we anticipated. He still tends to growl when overwhelmed or if you come near him wielding a brush, but besides his initial attack on the good doc, he is not one to raise a paw to another cat or human to express his uneasiness. He has shown us that the way to his heart is through his stomach via endless bowls of yummy canned food; you can do no wrong when you fill his belly!


Remington has calmed down significantly in the month after his arrival, and secretly we think has developed a fondness for his caretakers, as he has been caught sneaking down the hallway after lights out at night to watch his humans as they depart; he may feign disinterest, but deep down we have grown on him. Besides stuffing his cheeks, Remington is most happy when he can perch on a sunny windowsill and watch the birds at the feeder. And although he doesn’t chum around with other cats, he doesn’t go out of his way to pester them, as he believes in keeping to his own space and respecting that of the others.


He has slowly learned to trust his food sources and is finding us to provide good company, though we feel that the type of home life that would be suit him is one where he can get comfortable at his own pace. Patience will definitely be the key to a long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship between him and his person, but the rewards to be reaped will be worth the wait. We can see the potential in our Remi and want him to be able to find a place in this world that will provide him a gentle place for his soul to claim peace and his body and mind to finally flourish.

More about Remington:

  • Medium
  • Domestic Medium Hair
  • Adult
  • Male
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed
  • Prefers a home without children

Want to adopt Remington? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.



Cat of the week: Ruger


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


In August of 2018, Dr. Jen received an email from a woman who came across this gorgeous gray and buff boy (all boy, if ya know what I mean) hanging around her workplace. She took him in to her vet to have him looked over and discovered, besides the obvious frayed ear tips, greasy stud tail and enlarged jowls, that he suffered from some significant dental issues and was FIV+. So she reached out to us to see if we could help him, offering to drive him up to the vet clinic in Wyoming and pay for his additional medical costs; we didn’t even need to see the picture of his long and lanky body sprawled out on a blanket, or gaze upon his goofy grin to know that he belonged with us at Big Sid’s.


Dr. Jen set to work on addressing his multitude of medical needs AFTER smooching his adorable face: neutering him, treating him for fleas, tending to a nasty nail fracture/toe infection, and extracting the broken roots of his upper canines (his upper incisors were already missing, more than likely due to the same trauma that snapped his fangs) along with several other rotten teeth. Once all was said and done, Ruger (born in early 2015) looked—and smelled—absolutely remarkable, and a few days later he bopped on down to our sanctuary with a smirk plastered on his face that elicited the same from every volunteer who crossed his path.


Our terrific tabby proved to be one of the happiest little campers around after settling and making himself at home; the benefits of indoor life seem to suit him immensely. Of course he appears to be smiling given his lack of choppers, but the more time Ruger spends in our care the more you can truly see how giddy he is, the glee just bubbling up inside of him, so the smile he boldly wears on his face does actually reflect how he feels with every fiber of his fabulous being.


Ruger still is a bit skittish when there is a lot of commotion going on, so a home with noisy dogs or boisterous kids may be too much for him, but he absolutely loves the company of the other cats, Craig in particular, so placing him in a home with another feline friend is a must. And he is a lover, not a biter (that would be quite difficult in his case), so the risk of viral transmission is minimal. He isn’t one to constantly seek out attention but will hand it over readily when you want some one-on-one kitty-time; he will also ask for your hand to bestow upon his the best belly rubs you can offer. Simply put, he is content to just BE a cat—an indoor, spoiled cat but a chill, laid-back cat.


It is a shame that his ears look like someone took pinking shears to them, and it upsets us that his adorable facial features came about due to the fact his health was neglected, but we choose to see the silver lining in instances like this, to look at the positive versus focusing on the negative. Our beautiful boy is emotionally none the worse for wear and he sports his unique physical traits with the pride of a survivor. Ruger is pawsitively one of the coolest cats around, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to make him your very own!

More about Ruger:

  • Large
  • Domestic Short Hair (Buff/Tan/Fawn/Gray/Blue/Silver Tabby (Tiger Striped))
  • Adult
  • Male
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats
  • FIV+

Want to adopt Ruger? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.



Cat of the week: Dave


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Darling, dynamic Dave is all the rave, a stunning (yet ravenous) fella who showed up at the house of one of our cat magnets in late July 2018, making himself quite at home on the front porch, following her indoor cats from window to window, trying to convince the home owner to let him in. Because she was unsure of his health status, she first took him in to her vet (very smart on her part) to have him tested, dewormed and given flea control, but much to her dismay, this friendly fella came up positive for Feline Leukemia.


Sadly, the family had been prepared to take him in and make him part of their own furry fold, but Dave’s viral status forced them to look for alternative placement; that is where we came in. On Aug. 13, we opened our doors and hearts to this fabulous four-year-old feline (born in late 2014).


Dave needed a bit of a medical work-up–he had a nasty ear mite infection, an abraded foot pad, greasy stud-tail (he was intact), enlarged lymph nodes and a formerly fractured toe on his right rear foot. To top it off, he also had roundworms, giardia and lungworms. And shortly after he arrived at our sanctuary he broke out with calici virus which caused him to spike terribly high temps and develop painful tongue ulcers.


But in spite of it all, Dave never once complained, always cuddled, and took his meds like a the champ that he is; his true personality and spirit could not be dampened, as he showed us what a sweet, silly and playful boy he is, the purrfect mix of laid-back and inquisitive.


This beautiful boy proved to be one of those cats that will follow you around, not to bother you or beg for attention, but rather simply to see what you are up to. He is quite fond of nap time but will wake up in a hurry if a human enters the room and wants some snuggle time, though he waits patiently on his perch or in his cat cubby for his person to walk on over and rub his belly, an activity he will happily engage in until your hand falls asleep. He loves, loves, LOVES his canned food but it is pleasing people that satisfies him and fills him with contentment.


This awesome cat will thrive in pretty much any stimulating home environment, and we feel that he would also like to have another of the feline kind around; ideally finding him a home with another cat with FELV would be the best, but there are vaccines that offer protection against viral transmission that can be given to non-infected cats.


Dave is just too spectacular of a cat to pass on by—so don’t even try! Come meet him, pick him up in your arms and discover why we are all completely enamored by this cool cat.

More about Dave:

  • Large
  • Domestic Short Hair — Tabby (Brown/chocolate)
  • Adult
  • Male
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed
  • FELV-positive
  • Good in a home with other cats; children

Want to adopt Dave? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Rockette


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


This summer (2018) has brought us an overabundance of kitties with injured legs, so when a Kentwood resident called the clinic asking for help with a cat whom she thought had a bone sticking out of its leg, Dr. Jen had them bring the kitty right down. As it turns out, this darling little girl (born in early 2017) had suffered a traumatic injury to her right rear leg, but the amputation had occurred some time ago, leaving behind a stump just above where her hock (ankle) should have been.


She did come with heavy fleas, a horrendous case of ear mites, a puncture wound on her neck that wasn’t healing well, and sadly in the early stages of pregnancy which Dr. Jen discovered during spay surgery. We can’t imagine what this poor cat went through, but thankfully her skin and bones healed, and even though she is a tripod without a foot, she is fearless in her fight and fabulous with her ferocity for fun!


From the get go NOTHING has slowed her down: she runs, leaps, bounds, twirls, kicks and literally jumps for joy, so giving her the name Rockette seemed to fit her perfectly. The observations of our shelter and cat care managers mirrored Dr. Jen’s impression of exuberant Rockette:

“Our girl so super sweet! She has made herself at home since the minute she arrived at the shelter. Her injury doesn’t hold her back at all; she climbs, runs, and jumps just fine. She can be very sassy with the other cats so she might enjoy being an only cat. She would do very well with kids though!”

“Despite her missing part of a leg, she is purr-petually on the move. She has a very sweet personality and craves attention. While she’s not one to be held for long, she will hop up on your lap and soak up whatever attention are willing to give. I love how she holds her own against the 4-legged cats, occasionally swatting, but yet playing nicely with them MOST of the time. Loves the laser show, and sprawling out on the toddler beds. Would do well in a home with another cat or two, but I think dogs may be a bit too much.”

We’re making it our mission to find our goofy girl a home that has children that can match her energy and enthusiasm for life, yet a kid or two who also wants a cuddly companion when playtime is over; we don’t think this will be a difficult task at all. Rockette is going to be kicking up her heels (er, heel) once we find her a family of her own, and we simply can’t wait!

More about Rockette:

  • Medium
  • Domestic Short Hair (Gray/Blue/Silver/White)
  • Adult
  • Female
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats; children

Want to adopt Rockette? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.



Cat of the week: Dove

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Dr. Jen wrote this biography in a bit of reverse order, because she felt that the astute observations of the cat care team paints a pretty accurate picture of darling Dove, a 4-year-old (born in the spring of 2014) who came to us quite suddenly in mid-July, 2018.


“Dove has been a complete surprise, as we all expected her to be a complete challenge after how she first acted at the clinic with Dr. Jen; she settled in almost immediately and is loving (free-roaming) shelter life. She has a soft coo that she elicits when she purrs, so Dove is the purr-fect name for her. She will swat occasionally when she gets overwhelmed, so I think it’s best that she is adopted into a home without small kids. She gets along great with the other cats so a feline roomie would be to her liking.”


“Dove has finally become more social and is tolerant when we pet her, although she does set the tone of the interaction. As a matter of fact, recently when I was petting her, even though I THINK she realized she liked it, she still slapped me. To me she acts like she may have lost some trust in humans. If I remember right, didn‘t her previous owner pass away, and then she was taken in by someone else who also had to leave her? If so, I guess it’s no wonder she’s not fully able to trust right now, but deep down I know there is a good girl in there looking for a new person to give her a home of her very own again. It would be nice to see her placed in a quiet one that will take the time (and be patient) to help her build up her confidence again, and knock down the wall she’s put up. I am a softie for dilute calicos and she is no exception, even though she may be a bit of a diva.”


It’s totally true: Dove HATED the mere sight of Dr. Jen that first day after our cat care director came to kitty’s aid and retrieved her, even though she literally walked right into the travel carrier. Although Dr. Jen took it very slow and easy with her, losing one owner, then being shuffled off to another only to lose that one within two months, had to have turned Dove’s delicate world completely upside-down. Dr. Jen was concerned that all of the TLC in the world wasn’t going to right what Dove perceived as wrongs, but once out of that clinical setting and into a laid-back space that allowed her room to adjust and acclimate, she showed us her sweet side — and hasn’t stopped since, even though she spices it up a bit.


Dr. Jen would love to see Dove in a home with a mature couple who have homebody tendencies as Dove would love nothing more than a lap to claim and a human who would stroke her fur and tell her how beautiful she is, eliciting that soft coo we have all come to know and love.

More about Dove:

  • Extra Large
  • Dilute Calico & Domestic Short Hair Mix
  • Adult
  • Female
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats; no children

Want to adopt Dove? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.


Cat of the week: Chanel No.2

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet—or few—from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

When a Belding resident (and a rescuer herself) contacted us in early July 2018 about this injured little lady, Dr. Jen knew she had to make quick work of getting this kitty into our care; Kathy and the kitty’s caretaker noted this dainty girl’s wounded neck, called around for help and received no assistance locally. Upon arrival at the vet clinic, the cutie-pie (born in early 2016) proved to Dr. Jen that the quite nasty neck wound wasn’t about to dampen her spirit—she purred and trilled the entire exam! However Dr. Jen had to sedate kitty to take a closer look at what the heck was going on (a proliferative lesion known as an eosinophilic granuloma), debride the wound site of the exuberant tissue that was delaying skin healing, and treat it topically as well as systemically with antibiotics.

At that time Dr. Jen had noted a small upper lip ulcer, which can be common for this type of inflammatory condition, but it wasn’t until a few weeks later when Chanel No.2 developed another one (they are commonly called rodent ulcers) that Dr. Jen chose to treat the condition with injectable steroids. This seemed to do the trick in expediting skin repair, as did another gentle debriding at that time.

We also had to come up with creative ways to keep her neck covered so she wouldn’t excessively lick the tender skin as it slowly healed, but that proved to be quite the challenge. After trying (and failing spectacularly) with a sweater and stockinette, our cat care manager brought in a doll bib from home—and it foiled Chanel’s efforts to over-groom. Plus, she look absolutely adorable in it, though it was only needed for a few days.

The leaps and bounds of improvement Chanel made over the next few weeks were absolutely remarkable!

From the get-go, charming lil’ Chanel was a heart-stealer. Not one to ever grumble or hiss at another cat (or human, for that matter, as her lesion was tended to), this perfect little purr-machine lives for belly rubs, and absolutely craves attention. She acts as if she has always been around other kitties and received tons of attention from whomever had her at one point, so it would be to our extreme liking if we could place her in a home that would continue to treat her like a princess, as she really thrives on the pampering she has been receiving. We all have no doubt that once her bio hits the internet, we are going to be receiving inquires and applications almost immediately for our lovely, kittenish girl.

We are known for thinking outside of the box when necessary—and we certainly have a crew of creative folks working with our fur-kids! We will do whatever it takes to get our feline companions up to par so that we can ultimately send them off into loving, long-lasting homes of their own!

More about Chanel No.2:

  • Medium
  • Domestic Short Hair; Black & White/Tuxedo
  • Adult
  • Female
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats, children

Want to adopt Chanel No.2? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.


Cat of the week: Bunsen Honeydew

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Beguiling, handsome Bunsen Honeydew is the coolest boy—we kid you not! Even if you ignore his twisty half-tail that curves to the right and those gorgeous ocean blue-green eyes of his, you can’t overlook his charm and the super-chill, surfer-dude vibe he gives off.


This fabulous four-year-old (born in the summer of 2014) came to us from the west side of Grand Rapids in late July 2018, after he was wrangled and whisked to Focus on Ferals to be tested for FELV and FIV (both negative, thank goodness) and neutered. He was initially thought to be a bit of a wild child; he appeared a bit rough around the edges (just look at his tattered and torn ears) from living on the streets for so long, had an upper respiratory infection and was terribly flea-ridden.


Once rescued, the boy gobbled down two entire cans of food in a flash — proof-positive that the way to a wayward boy is through his stomach.


At our free-roaming facility, Mr. Honeydew here instantly meshed with his new surroundings; in fact he is so laid back that he literally hangs out on top of our intake cages (doors are always open) and simply waits for a volunteer to approach him, make eye contact and wander on over to receive kisses! He is oblivious to the presence of the other cats as it is human companionship that he craves with every ounce of his beautiful being.


We would LOVE to be able to place him in a home where he can be the center of attention; though he won’t demand it, he will reciprocate with the sweetest gestures of gratitude and affection. If you are looking for a people-pleasing, sweet and stunning cat to be your cuddle buddy, Bunsen Honeydew is exactly whom you need to take home with you!

More about Bunsen Honeydew:

  • Large
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Male
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats, children

Want to adopt Bunsen Honeydew? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Cerys

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Naming this cute-as-a-button calico was challenging in a fun sort of way, as Dr. Jen wanted something that embodied her personality and was as unique as her arrival to the shelter.


On the evening of July 30th, 2018, a nice guy by the name of Kyle found this kitty wandering around on Turner NW too close to the highway off ramp. He had briefly seen her in the neighborhood a time or two before, assumed she belonged to someone, but he was certain she did NOT belong in the middle of the busy road dodging traffic. He scooped her up, popped her in his car and actually drove over to our facility with her riding in the back seat.


Now we aren’t actually equipped to take strays in directly off the streets like this, but he was so sweet with her and had nowhere else for her to go, so we made an exception and set her up in the lobby away from the other cats, treated her external and internal parasites, let her fill her belly and then sleep off the events of the day.


Cerys (pronounced ‘care-iss’) had a nasty bilateral ear infection secondary to ear mites. This caused quite a bit of trauma at her ear bases as she scratched and rubbed them—and who could blame her—so at her workup the next day at the clinic, comfort was first priority. Dr. Jen also spayed Cerys a few days later, even though it appeared that she had had a litter earlier in the spring. Dr. Jen guestimates Cerwys was born in January of 2016, so who knows how many kittens she had actually birthed prior to her rescue.


Everybody fell in love with this darling cat, so we settled happily on the name Cerys, whose Welsh meaning is simply ‘love’.


Dr. Jen likes to ask shelter and cat care managers to give the scoopdidoo on our residents when it comes time to write their bios, as she usually only spends time with them at intake and again at their one month recheck. The gals had this to say about our lovely little lady:


“Cerys definitely has a calico disposition at times; she is getting along better with the other residents but did have a tough time at first. She absolutely loves human attention, and will let you hold her for some one-on-one time. She is also very playful, gives great head bumps, and enjoys the windows and bird feeders. She would do best in a home with another cat and where she will receive lots of attention. She loves to follow us around, and will jump up on any surface to make sure you see her. “


“Cerys is so sweet with people but is overwhelmed with all the other cats at the shelter. I think she would be fine with another cat, just not 20. She definitely makes sure she gets her fair share of attention, she follows everybody around asking for pets!”


So the consensus is in: Cerys is ready to be loved AND she’s a lover! We think this is exactly the type of cat most folks are looking for, so we suspect that once her story goes public, we aren’t going to have her with us for very long.

More about Cerys:

  • Medium
  • Calico & Domestic Short Hair Mix
  • Adult
  • Female
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats, children

Want to adopt Cerys? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.


Cat of the week: Lina

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Lovely little Lina (born in June of 2015) came to our sanctuary as a FIV+ outdoor kitty that one of our volunteers had been looking after since kittenhood. Having multiple cats of her own she wasn’t in a position to take this darling in, so she did the next best thing by setting up a cozy shelter in her garage; Lina and two other strays could come and go as they pleased (after they were fixed, of course).


The living situation worked well enough for all of them, or so it was thought, until Lina arrived at the house with a nasty injury on her back, similar to one she had sustained previously. Knowing that our primary focus at our facilities is sick or injured outdoor cats, the volunteer contacted Dr. Jen for help.


As it turned out, the large lesion on her back was more of an abrasion with a secondary infection (which healed nicely with antibiotics), but Lina was also afflicted with a bilateral ear infection (chronic from the looks of her ears, though her left one was tipped way too short when she was spayed), swollen lymph nodes and a previous tail injury (dislocation/fracture) that stops her from swishing it fully.


As you can see, this gorgeous girl had seen her fair share of injuries and ailments, so it was about time she found the safety and comfort of an indoor environment. Her rescuer noted how outgoing and unafraid Lina was and surmised that is how she kept ending up on the wrong end of trouble; she expected everyone else to be as friendly as she was.


Lina loves to snuggle

Sadly, by the time we took her in, the poor thing had finally gotten exasperated by the treatment she had been receiving and put her guard up. Given the fact that Lina needed repeated ear flushes and medication infused, along with lots of vaccines, it is no wonder we have only witnessed her meek and timid side at the writing of her bio (July 21, 2018) one month after her arrival).


Although seriously shy and very reserved, she is extremely sweet and would literally spend 24 hours a day nestled in the arms of a willing human. When she isn’t being held close, she prefers to perch high up on one of our walkways out of arms’ reach until you gently retrieve her and allow her to do one of her favorite things — bury her head into your neck and nuzzle. She does have a fear of having her ears touched, so if you approach her head-on too quickly, she will hiss and retreat, but if you approach her slowly and assure her snuggle time will ensue she will melt into your embrace.


Lina is mostly ambivalent towards the other cats, as long as they leave her be and allow her to have her own space — which is totally out of the spotlight. Since she herself doesn’t have an ounce of ornery in her, placing her in a home with a mellow feline companion would be fine, but honestly, our Lina needs a home where she can be treated with patience, kindness and the understanding that her love will come to her human over time, once trust has been gained and she feels safe and secure.


If we could find a retiree or someone who works from their home to take this sweetheart in, we would be absolutely thrilled, as she has been through so much in her life thus far that she deserves nothing but calming comfort to surround her for the rest of her days.

More about Lina:

  • Medium
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Female
  • Tabby (Gray/Blue/Silver)
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats, no children

Want to adopt Lina? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


To learn about the FIV virus, go here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Craig

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Volunteer and Wyoming resident Leanne F. is no stranger to the strays in her area, but unfortunately there was one particular cat that was causing quite the commotion this spring (2018) when he kept harassing her newest porch resident who had been hanging around for about 3 months. It had taken about that long for her to gain this fine gray and buff tabby fella’s trust, as he would only appear to eat at her feral cat house when she wasn’t around.


Slowly, over time, he began to put on weight and build up his confidence and allow her to win him over. Although she has a heart of gold and will feed whomever is in need, she couldn’t allow this docile, gentle guy whom she nicknamed ‘Gray the Stray’ get the tar beaten out of him, so she enlisted Dr. Jen’s help when he appeared with an infected puncture wound on his head.


By the time schedules aligned, the topical medication she’d been applying had allowed the bite to heal and he was happily on the mend, having bonded with Leanne as she lovingly tended to him. However, it didn’t surprise anyone that Craig tested positive for FIV, which is transmitted solely by bite wounds. Even though you can’t find a nicer, more even-tempered cat that Craig here (who was born in the fall of 2016), ya can’t blame a guy for trying to defend himself, even if he failed. Now, he won’t have to worry about that ever again!


That. Face.

Once at the clinic Dr. Jen set to work neutering him and getting him program-ready, so this sweetheart could make his way down to our sanctuary in short order. His acclimation period was insignificant, as Craig obviously had been an indoor cat at some point and clearly remembered just how awesome that was. He made friends instantaneously, feline and human alike, and in no time at all had proven himself as one of the most easygoing guys we have. In fact, our cat care director stated that if all of our cats were like Craig, their jobs would be so much easier.


Craig is the perfect mix of playful and mellow, relishing time spent napping on the toddler beds as much as he does delighting the volunteers with his enthusiastic lust for life. He could really give or take another cat as a companion when he lands a home of his own, because as long as he has people to please, he is absolutely golden. One-on-one attention is what revs Craig’s engines, and when his rescuer came on shift the first Monday after his arrival, he literally galloped like gangbusters over to see her in response to her voice—how cool is that?


He is going to hands down (er, paws down) make the absolute BEST PET for a family who is looking for a fun, fine fella with lots of energy and eagerness to shower his human with affection!

More about Craig:

  • Medium
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Male
  • Tabby (Gray/Blue/Silver)
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats, children

Want to adopt Craig? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


To learn about the FIV virus, go here.


Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Elphaba

Lovely Elphaba

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Energetic, enthusiastic Elphaba came to us as a shelter transfer (from Harbor Humane Society in West Olive) on May 31st, 2018. Seems that this darling, adorable little lady (she weighs a whole 6 lbs and was born in the spring of 2016) was all set to be adopted when she tested positive for Feline Leukemia. Since she was being housed in a cage in their lobby she received lots of attention, and the staff was heartbroken as they knew they would no longer be able to keep her as part of their adoption program; they reached out to Dr. Jen and she told them we would be able to accommodate her.


As far as her history goes, we know that they took her in on April 23rd, and that she was an OGU (owner give up) who was to have been spayed prior and sported the tattoo to prove it. However, within about 10 days of her arrival at our sanctuary, guess who started exhibiting sings of heat, sticking her derriere up in the air in a very non-ladylike fashion, teasing all of the (neutered) boys with her feminine wiles? So Dr. Jen took her back to surgery to recover a complete ovary, not a remnant of it, that had been left behind when she was spayed. Surgery was a success this time around and she recovered without a hitch.


Prior to that retrieval, Elphaba was quite anxious and ornery, terrified in her new surroundings. Given the fact that she had spent the past month caged, we can see why our free-roaming facility was a bit daunting to her. However after her hormones settled down and she settled in, she became an outgoing, sassy little diva with very big opinions. She is not afraid in the least to smack a cat twice her size right across the face if they get too close for comfort. She also isn’t too keen on being picked up although she loves her humans who dote on her, fulfilling her every whim and desire.


Elphaba would really like to be the only kitty for a family who is looking for a petite little princess who is playful and precious. And—great news—even though she tested NEGATIVE FOR FELINE LEUKEMIA (TWICE) at her recheck exam a month after her arrival, adopting her in to a home of her own in her opinion is the ideal situation, so we are going to do our best to find that place for her and grant her every wish.

More about Elphaba:

  • Medium
  • Adult
  • Female
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
  • Not good with other cats

Want to adopt Elphaba? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Charly

Meet charismatic Charly!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Charismatic Charly (born in May of 2015) came to us from Focus on Ferals (FOF) in May of 2018 since he was feline leukemia-positive. However, it is part of Dr. Jen’s intake process, even with shelter transfers, to retest any cat coming in prior to placement at our sanctuary, so she was pleasantly surprised that Charly tested negative for the virus (twice, with two separate samples submitted).


Charly came into FOF in February of 2017, a Cedar Springs stray with a gimpy left front leg and a variety of gashes and wounds on his face from fighting (he was intact). Although his skin lesions healed well, he never lost that limp and diagnostics weren’t performed until Dr. Jen took him in; physical exam and x-rays showed that he had suffered significant trauma to his left carpus (wrist) to the point that the ligaments were damaged and his paw hyperextends. Charly therefore has a bit of hitch in his giddy-up, but it doesn’t stop him from enjoying his life to the fullest by any means!


Most of the time he has manners and behaves, but since we welcomed several recently neutered tom cats to Sid’s around the same time, he sometimes acts like the sheriff in town—which doesn’t always go over too well. He isn’t the aggressor in these situations but mainly appears to be trying to keep the peace by inserting himself into the mix. When he isn’t involved in patrolling the perimeter you can find him curled up snoozing away in a kitty teepee or open cage, proving that even busy guys need their down time.


Once he is well rested he is extremely energetic, so we feel placing him into a home with kids to wrestle and play with would be ideal. He has also shown us his sweeter side by sidling up next to and snuggling close to some of our shy females, so a home with another cat to chum around with would make him a very happy partner! And just look at that face! It is so stinkin’ adorable—how can you resist?!

More about Charly:

  • Large
  • Tabby and Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Male
  • Tabby (Brown/Chocolate)
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats and kids

Want to adopt Charly? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Baz

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


If Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh was a cat, boisterous, beguiling, bouncing-off-the-walls Baz would embody him for sure! This busy boy (born in March of 2017) came to us on May 31, 2018, after having been found in the yard of a Wyoming woman who lived in the trailer park just down the from the vet clinic. Initially his rescuer thought he was injured, and coming from the corner of 44th and Clyde Park, she thought perhaps he had been hit by a car and was laying in her grass, stunned and hurting; of course Dr. Jen had the rescuer bring him right down for evaluation.


Once Dr. Jen examined Baz, it was clear that nothing physically was wrong, so it left her wondering if he was yet another cat who was tossed out and left behind, too scared to move or cry out for help. Within a few seconds, he was trucking around the exam room like he owned the place, sporting a way too-tight collar that had probably been on him since kittenhood. Dr. Jen offered to take him in, got him neutered and program-ready with all of the required medical care. He hung out with Dr. Jen for a day or two to recover from his surgery, during which time Baz and she became fast friends. This fabulous fella has the most magnificent markings, a beyond playful spirit and is overall just a terrific tabby!


Once at Crash’s, he took the place by storm, acting as if he had always lived there amongst the furry fold. He is a hoot to watch as he tries to engage the other residents in a wrestling match, but sadly no one quite lives up to his activity level, so Baz is left with us humans to entertain him! We want — no NEED — to find him a home that is energetic as he is, one with kid cohorts and a cat or two that can give him a run for his money! We think he’d even do well with dogs as he is THAT easygoing and open to new experiences.


Nothing gets him down or stands in his way of having tons of fun; it is really fascinating to observe him in his glory, gallivanting around our place like the Energizer Bunny, with his inquisitive nature bringing big smiles to our faces. Not only is Baz adorable, he is comical and curious, promising that there will NEVER be a dull moment when he is around! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to welcome this wonderful, whimsical boy into your world!

More about Baz:

  • Medium
  • Tabby (Tiger Striped)
  • Adult
  • Male
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed
  • Good in a home with other cats and children

Want to adopt Baz? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Tully

Meet Tully, a lovely, reserved gentleman

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


In mid-March 2016, Dr. Jen received an email from Sara at the Humane Society of West Michigan asking if Dr. Jen could take in a shelter transfer from Allegan County that tested double positive—meaning he had both Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Viruses. If that wasn’t enough, this fine fella (born in March of 2012) came to them sporting a nasty open wound on his left elbow that needed to be surgically repaired, was intact, teeming with fleas and greasy and grimy due to hormonally induced stud-tail.


When Dr. Jen got him two days later, he had been neutered and sutured but was still inhabited by those pesky buggers, needed a bath in a big way and would greatly benefit from a dental cleaning. No worries though, as suds and soaking spiffed him up nicely and his pearly whites were sparkling in no time! Although timid and shy, this guy proved to be quite sweet, just a bit out of his element—totally understandable considering the whirlwind events of the days prior to his arrival.


Dr. Jen and Tully embarked on a quiet friendship that involved reassuring head rubs and soothing praises while she encouraged him to spoil himself a little with the smorgasbord provided; we know the way to one’s heart is often through the tummy! This reserved, reticent boy had to be enticed to partake in the finer things in life, something that continued once he made his way down to our sanctuary.


Given his tendency towards reclusiveness and preference of the shadows versus the spotlight, our attentive volunteers make sure they calmly draw Tully out, literally and figuratively, each and every time they are in his presence, so that he realizes he is now safe and out of harm’s way. Considering how docile and demure he is, there is no doubt that he was not the aggressor, but rather the victim, when he was out and about on his own for who knows how long; this saddens us to no end. He is such a modest, non-threatening, tranquil creature that Dr. Jen chose his Irish name as it means ‘calmness’ and ‘peacefulness’.


Slowly but surely, under the gentle guidance of his devoted caretakers, Tully is coming out of his shell, poking his head out for those pets that he craves but doesn’t always ask for. That is OK because we are great at reading non-verbal cues and have no problem going to him and slathering him with affection! In time we have no doubt that this sweet boy’s true colors and inner strength will shine through, and he will fully grasp what that he is a fabulous force to be reckoned with.

More about Tully:

  • Large
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Male
  • Black & White/Tuxedo
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed

Want to adopt Tully? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.


Cat of the week: Mo Cheeks

An extra-large, easygoing feline with tons of love to give!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Meet MoCheeks, a massive sweetheart with a face that is to die for! Born in early 2013, this FIV+ fella ended up at Harbor Humane Society in November of 2016, but since they do not have an adoption program tailored to FIV or FELV cats, they contacted us to see if we could help out and give this great guy a chance. Thankfully we were in a position to do so when 2017 rolled on in , and we happily welcomed MoCheeks (our very fitting name for him) into our program.


From the get-go, he was very confident and extremely social. He does have chronic tearing from a herpes virus infection that is all too common in kitties, but he takes his twice daily Lysine supplement and cleaning of his peppers like a champ; any time and attention lavished on Mo and he is in utter heaven! He gets along great with the other cats and is often found hanging out with a buddy or two. He’s just a very easygoing, easy-to-please guy. In fact, no one has heard a hiss or snarl from him from day one as he is just such a gentleman! And as one of our cat care directors put it so eloquently: he is soooooooo melllllllloooooowww!


Prior to his rescue, our outgoing onyx boy suffered some sort of trauma to his choppers and rear feet, as his upper canines are broken and two nails on his toes are misshapen and a bit ‘janky’. However, he doesn’t let past experiences taint the vibrant colors of the world around him, especially since he has landed with us at BiG Sid’s! Overall, he is probably one of the nicest boys we have the pleasure of claiming as our own—and this is HUGE considering the population at our place is beyond phenomenal!


There is SO much mo’ to love with Mo Cheeks!

More about Mo Cheeks:

  • Extra Large
  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Adult
  • Male
  • Black
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed

Want to adopt Mo Cheeks? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!


Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Lacy

Hello, Lacy!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


In March of 2013, this captivating little calico cutie ended up at Harbor Humane Society in West Olive, where she tested a faint positive for Feline Leukemia. Hoping that in time her body would clear itself of the viral load she was carrying, they housed her until it was time to retest her again in 6 months, but sadly there was no change in the results. So their kennel supervisor contacted Dr. Jen to enlist her help — having been caged since her arrival, she was anxious to get her into a free-roaming facility.


This little lady proved to be more brash and bold than her much larger counterparts; leave it to a lively, little 8-pound female to take charge and show the boys who the boss is! Honestly though, Lacy is a sweetheart, but she had lots to do and say once freedom was finally obtained. She didn’t let confinement dampen her spirit or extinguish her feisty flame; she is a gregarious girl on a mission to seek out fun in every possible form!


Don’t let that innocent face fool you

That famous ‘calico cattitude’ isn’t for everyone, but Lacy won our hearts the instant she hopped on out of her travel carrier, firmly planted her little paws on the ground and took off running. The antics and high-octane activity exhibited those first few days  at the clinic were entertaining to say the least! She’s charming and her face is quite cherubic, but don’t let it fool you — Lacy is a party pussycat at heart and only settles down when she has to.


This wonderfully wild child (born in the spring of 2012) simply has an unbridled passion for life, and now that the world is hers for the taking, she is going to conquer it with reckless abandon and wholehearted glee.


Way to go, girl!

More about Lacy:

  • Medium
  • Adult
  • Calico and Domestic Short Hair Mix
  • Multi-colored
  • House-trained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed

Want to adopt Lacy? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Grumpy


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


On June 18th, 2013, our sanctuary welcomed Grumpy to our fold; he had been TNR’d through Focus on Ferals. Born in the summer of 2009, Grumpy was being fed and sheltered for months by a kindhearted resident. He looked like hell with his whole body one huge mat, and he was constantly fighting with other neighborhood cats.


When Dr. Jen took him in for neuter, she knew he would be FIV. He had a war wound on his face and just had that look about him. Scrapper no doubt! He earned the nickname Grumpy as he walked around literally grumbling all the time. He had very distinct personal space zone and when other cats overstepped their boundaries, they got a stern warning. He does love people though — just wants them all to himself.


We were pleasantly surprised at just how docile and accommodating with regards to personal space Grumpy had become in the time FOF housed him. Grumpy is a gentle, giant-headed boy, who is more than thrilled to be living the cushy indoor life! This reformed sour puss is a complete love bug — sit on the floor and your lap will be commandeered until he decides to let you up!


We are so happy to have Grumpy as part of our family at Sid’s, but our ultimate goal is to find each and every one of our cats homes of their very own. After all these cats have been through prior to their rescue and placement with us, don’t you think they deserve that?

More about Grumpy:

  • Extra-large
  • Adult
  • Domestic medium hair & tabby mix
  • Black and white
  • Housetrained
  • Vaccinations up to date
  • Neutered
  • Not declawed

Want to adopt Grumpy? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.


NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: MacDonald

Just look at that doll face! How can you possibly resist him?

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Last year — 2017 — was quite the year of changes for us, as we had to combine both of our shelters under one roof, though keep the populations separate; one side of our building houses the Crash Cats and the other houses Big Sid’s, our rescue for FIV-and Feline Leukemia-positive kiddos.


Space limitations are greater now than they were when we were fortunate to have our Sid’s Kids running around a huge, two-story building; we had to decrease the number of residents we could have at any one time. Needless to say, our intake has drastically reduced, much to our dismay. However, always willing to lend a hand (er, paw) when we can, we have been able to open our doors to some newbies-in-need, just on a much smaller scale than we had grown accustomed to.


MacDonald came to us with his brother, Barleigh — both beautiful FELV+ brothers transferred from Focus on Ferals. They’d been the duo since they were about eight weeks old (born in March of 2016). Since it is extremely challenging to adopt our cats carrying this virus, FOF had no luck in getting these boys homes, so they asked for our help in placing them. They also wanted the pair to have more room to roam around in, and even though our floor plan is less spacious than the good, old days, it is still free-roaming and has multiple rooms with lots of vertical spaces, walkways, stairs, cubbies, nooks and crannies to explore and hang out on (and in)!


MacDonald is very social, always seeking out the volunteers and asking for pets. He’s not that fond of being held, but he’s a constant companion to the hard workers who care for him and his 50+ feline roommates. Extremely playful, he  will chase ANY toy thrown for him … repeatedly … over and over again.


MacDonald will make someone a very fine feline companion!

More about MacDonald

NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Sly Cooper

Sly Cooper is a confident boy, always on the prowl for and soaking up all of the attention he can get.

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Early October, 2017 brought us a treasure trove of wonderful cats, all of whom Dr. Jen named after pirates of some sort (she loves themes). Our volunteer Alana had been trying her hardest since June to catch this wily fella who had been hanging around her west side neighborhood for ages, getting beaten and banged up — but he just didn’t trust her enough. Finally he gave in and she brought him in to the clinic to assess his issues: flea infestation and skin inflammation from the biting little buggers, a variety of abrasions, infection between his toes and a fatty growth on his belly that had her worried he had suffered more serious trauma. He also tested positive for FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus.


He was painfully shy, scared of his own shadow and especially of his new indoor surroundings. Once Dr. Jen treated his ailments and allowed him to recover from his neuter and acclimate for a few days, she sent Sly Cooper on down to Big Sid’s, into the capable and loving arms of our volunteers who were ready to show him what safety and security was all about.


For the few first weeks, Sly (born in the fall of 2014) spent most of his time hunkered down inside of a kitty teepee; though he would accept pets from the peeps who sought him out, he wasn’t going to venture out on his own for attention. However, slowly but surely, he gained confidence and shed his former scaredy-cat self, emerging as a confident boy who is now out and about constantly, looking for and soaking up all of the attention he can get from his human caretakers and visitors.


The transformation was incredible to observe, and it warms our heats to see him engage the activity that once frightened him so; what a complete turn-around! We are soooo looking forward to packing this guy’s bags and sending him into a home where he can be showered with the TLC that was missing from his life for so very long. Now that Sly has experienced how fantastic affection is, he cannot get enough!

More about Sly Cooper

NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Autumn

Autumn is a shy girl, but has tons of love to share

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing


Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Meet one of the most introverted kitties we have had in recent years — Autumn. Sadly I have to repost her plea for adoption since her ‘happily ever after’ didn’t last.


On March 2, 2018, Dr. Jen received a call from a colleague at our local humane society stating that our pretty girl had been turned in to them by a friend of her initial adopter, stating that Autumn was no longer wanted.


It appears that the initial adopter gave this little lady to a friend (in violation of our adoption contract), and that person decided she didn’t want Autumn after all, despite promising the initial adopter that Autumn would be safe and sound.


Somehow in the shuffle, Autumn contracted FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, transmitted via a bite wound from an infected cat (she was either let outdoors or was housed with a positive cat that bit her). Since she hasn’t a mean bone in her timid tabby body, there is no risk of her spreading it to the other cats that she shares company with, thankfully.


Born in the fall of 2009, Autumn and her still-nursing offspring were originally dumped off in Saranac, and a kindhearted soul swooped in to the rescue.


All were hungry, cold, and flea-ridden. Even though she had just been tossed out like garbage with her young kittens, Autumn was relaxed and ate, fed her babies, and slept. Whoever dumped them did not care that they were pretty much ensuring a slow death to this family. There are so many dangers — including bad weather, coyotes, cars, stupid people, and other wild animals.


Autumn’s kittens grew, were spayed/neutered and vaccinated, then finally adopted out to great homes. Another older brother, Baelfire, was also dumped in the meantime, and was able to charm his way into Crash’s. This left Autumn, who now was suffering from pneumonia that was a result of her poor life prior to finding us and stress from having to remain in our foster kitten room for so long. She beat her pneumonia, and was able to secure her spot at Crash’s also.


Autumn is settling in but is still head shy and uncertain. Potential adopters must be willing to take things slowly, on Autumn’s terms. This sweetie deserves a kind, loving home.

More about Autumn

NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Pumbaa

Hey, there, handsome!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

This dashing and debonair buff beauty gave Dr. Jen quite the runaround for months as he dined and then darted, hiding out in a hole in the cement foundation of her front porch. For weeks on end, Dr. Jen and her son tried to no avail to coax him into their care, tempting him with treats, kibble and canned food, but the wary and worried tom cat (born in the spring of 2013) would have nothing to do with them.


Every time Dr. Jen caught sight of Pumbaa hanging out in the shrubbery, she told him that he would have ‘no worries for the rest of his days’ if he would only allow her to take him in, but it wasn’t until he became ill from a horribly abscessed ear (cat fight) that he begrudgingly allowed her to lay her hands on him. Armed with broth packets, she laid down on her porch and hand fed him bits of shrimp and fish until she was finally able to gently reach out, scruff him and place him into an open carrier. Surprisingly, he didn’t fight her on this until she zipped the top shut, then all hell broke loose as he, well, tried to break loose. A discussion ensued, with Dr. Jen explaining how things were going to be, and he agreed to settle down for the car ride to the clinic so she could tend to his wounds.


Once at the office, Dr. Jen and Pumbaa got down to business: she anesthetized him in order to surgically drain his wounded left ear, neuter him, remove an engorged tick from his back, run lab work (he was anemic), implant his microchip, vaccinate him and treat for external and internal parasites (he was loaded with intestinal worms). Given how long he had been out and about fending for himself, it was no shock when he tested positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) — it was a darn shame, but not unexpected as intact males are always getting themselves into trouble due to surging hormones.


Looking for a home that encourages lounging

Dr. Jen kept the former porch kitty in her half-bath at home since it was Memorial Day weekend and she didn’t want him to feel abandoned if he spent too much time alone in a strange place. However, the first two nights he spent quite a bit of time trying to get out the window that Dr. Jen had the foresight to reinforce with duct tape. He also scratched the paint on her door and windowsill. However, by day three, Pumbaa was ready to accept head rubs and didn’t protest too much when Dr. Jen cleaned his draining abscess. He spent the first few days of the following week at the clinic with her, then once she was certain he wasn’t going to flip out due to sensory overload, she packed her boy up and sent him down to our sanctuary.


At first Pumbaa was afraid of his own shadow, preferring to hunker down in an open-door cage, but after being on the receiving end of continuous cuddle sessions and tender handling, he soon became putty in the volunteers’ hands. In fact, the transformation from frightened and semi-feral to comfortable and laid-back was absolutely astonishing; not only does Pumbaa enjoy the spotlight now, but he simply adores being the center of attention as verified by his striking supermodel pose for his photo op here!


We could not be more proud of our emblazoned, bold boy who not only seeks out affection but brazenly demands it! Every single time we gaze upon his serene face we are thankful that he trusted Dr. Jen to care for him. Patience paid off as he is now living a life that suits him perfectly and we are sure it’s better than he ever could have imagined possible!

More about Pumbaa

NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Adoptable cat of the week: Kitty Kitty

Kitty Kitty has already proven herself to be a wonderful companion!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

Kitty Kitty was once a Crash Cat back in 2009. Her name was Sandra then and we had taken her in on a shelter transfer from Harbor Humane Society. How this darling, dainty girl ended up homeless and in need of help was beyond us, but we sure were happy to help out and to have her with us. In fact she was such a charmer that she was adopted out just a few months after her arrival, and Dr. Jen has had the pleasure of providing veterinary care for her all of these years. Dr. Jen can attest to the fact that her owners, a mother and son duo, doted on their baby girl, and our visits were always enjoyable because they simply beamed when they brought her in.

So it was understandably heartbreaking when we were contacted in Sept. 2017 and asked if we could take Kitty Kitty back into our adoption program. Due to unexpected health issues, her mom suddenly found herself caring for her adult son, and that took up all of her time. Knowing that her fluffy friend deserved more than she could now give, she handed her back over into our care, although heavyhearted during the entire process.

Although the dark chocolate beauty (born in the summer of 2006) needed a bit of grooming and some teeth extracted due to dental disease, the bigger concerns were weight loss, loose stool sand arthritis symptoms; she was now sporting a hitch in her giddy-up that needed attention. So Dr. Jen set about righting the wrongs, starting Kitty Kitty on meds to improve her appetite, firm up her stools (major success) and injections to treat her aging joints.

Each and every one of the volunteers who care for her think she is just the sweetest thing, a stunning senior who is more than ready to start the next chapter in her life. And we would like nothing more than to be able to offer her a home of her own again, as her former family would be extremely appreciative and could rest a bit easier knowing that she was once again lounging in the lap of luxury.

More about Kitty Kitty

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Brendan

Look at my paw… just LOOK at it

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s SanctuaryCrash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


Shortly before Christmas, 2015 the wonderful Sara Y. from the Humane Society of Kent County, contacted Dr. Jen to see if she would be able to help with a fabulous Feline Leukemia-positive boy that their executive director found out in Caledonia. The (then) two-year -old (born in December of 2013) intact male happened across the absolute right path, as he was scooped up and carted away for safekeeping: neutered and vaccinated; and best of all, doted upon by all of the employees and volunteers who cared for him over the holidays.


The first thing that struck Dr. Jen when she laid eyes upon this happy, handsome little camper was just how darn outgoing and affectionate he was—he simply couldn’t get enough one-on-one time with her at the clinic! Every single time she walked by his cage she had to stop, pet him, fill his bowl and rub his pretty little face; he repaid her actions by bestowing the sweetest of head rubs and allowing her to tickle his tummy to her heart’s content.


Then it was down to the business at hand, which consisted of baseline blood work and treatment of an ear infection secondary to ear mites. Lab work unfortunately revealed a potentially life-threatening depletion of one of the key white blood cells his body needs to fight off infection, so Dr. Jen hit him hard with heavy-duty antibiotics, rechecking his parameters on a bi-weekly basis until they normalized.


Love me, pet me!

Since he does have FELV+, he is immuno-compromised, and this type of blood cell abnormality can be common—and devastating, so we kept a very watchful eye on this gregarious, gorgeous guy, inside and out!


Once at our sanctuary, boisterous Brendan could not wait to meet everyone (understatement of the year)! He was quickly dubbed a ‘belly-monster’ as his penchant for this activity is rivaled only by his fondness of laying on his back (Surrey-style) and gazing up lovingly and longingly at the volunteers!


We are enjoying our Brendan-time immensely and are so thankful that he was sent our way. This guy right here is by far one of the most outgoing, affectionate, happy-go-lucky cats to saunter around the sanctuary, soaking up his surroundings and charming the socks off of everyone who stops to snuggle him!



More about Brendan

NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Billy

Billy has turned over a new leaf

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


This big, bold, beautiful boy with the sultry, slight pout initially came to us back in the summer of 2011, a stray that had been wandering around Eastown sowing his wild oats. He tested positive for FIV, so he was transferred to us from Focus on Ferals and headed on down to our sanctuary. He turned out to be such a lovable lug that it was no surprise when one of our volunteers and her husband took a shine to the terrific tabby—and took him home. Billy, Allison and David lived happily together in a home full of love and many other cats, all of whom Billy got along famously well with; even though he was quite large at 15 pounds, he didn’t try to be in charge, instead allowing the little ladies in the household to run the show.

Over the years, Billy (born in late summer of 2008) made a few trips to the clinic to be treated for a common inflammatory condition known as plasma cell stomatitis, something FIV cats are unfortunately prone too. We were able to manage his illness by extracting all of his teeth except his canines, and periodically with steroids . But in late 2016, it was quite apparent that not only was this physical problem starting to really affect his behavior negatively, but the birth of a human baby had also set him off-kilter. Sadly, Billy started lashing out at the others in the home, and misdirected his aggression towards the baby; his folks had no choice but to relinquish custody back to us at Big Sid’s.

When he arrived at the clinic on Dec. 1, he and Dr. Jen had a good, long heart-to-heart and she issued an ultimatum: he had to behave at Sid’s because we were his last chance. We encouraged him to embrace his return with open arms (er, paws) and to make the best of the situation, because if he did, he would experience comfort and camaraderie that would hopefully take the place of the only family he had probably ever known.

We’re not sure exactly how much Billy actually understood, but we’d would like to think that he turned over a new leaf because from the get-go; he has been nothing but a purr-fect gentleman in every sense of the word! When our cat care director learned of his return and got to spend some time with him, she had this to say:

“This cat reminds me of the bar he was initially named for—Eastown Billy’s—as he should be singing the blues, having been returned to the shelter, but NO—he is rocking it! He fit right back in like he had never left the premises, and has been so incredibly sweet to the volunteers and the other cats alike!”

More about Billy

NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Butters

Who could possibly resist that face?

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


In October of 2017, volunteer and one-woman-rescue-machine Sandi D. came out to the clinic with her latest charge, although it was literally two years in the making—so the trip was quite the momentous occasion! Born in the spring of 2014, Butters was hard-pressed to become domesticated and really didn’t care for the company of other cats whatsoever, which made Sandi’s job of rehabbing and rehoming him all the more difficult. In fact, she wasn’t able to gain his trust enough to have him neutered until this fall, so by the time we were able to take him into our program in November, he was sporting some pretty chubby cheeks.


It took several weeks for Butters to be, well, buttered up into fully immersing himself in the Crash’s experience, however, once he figured out that indoor life was pretty darn awesome, he simply melted into the warm and comforting arms of the volunteers—and we discovered how much this big boy likes being carried around like a baby. He morphed from a shy guy to an attention-grabbing, affection-hogging hunk o’cat! When people aren’t around he is more than content to just chill on the windowsill and watch the birds, but his real passion is anything and everything HUMAN!


He would do very well in a home with others of the feline kind, but honestly, as long as there is at least one person to offer him a lap to lay on and a shoulder to rest his head on whilst being cradled in enveloping arms, he will think he is in heaven! Really, his wish list is pretty basic and minimal, so it shouldn’t be difficult to grant him what he desires.

More about Butters

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Adoptable pets of the week: Sunny, Abby and Lucy

Sweet Sunny

By Brittany Cekola, Humane Society of West Michigan


Each week, WKTV features an adoptable furry friend (or few) from various shelters in the Grand Rapids area. This week, we focus on Humane Society of West Michigan, located at 3077 Wilson Dr. NW in Grand Rapids.


Humane Society of West Michigan’s mission is to rescue hurt, abused and abandoned animals and find them new, forever homes. The 501(c)3 non-profit organization helps over 8,000 animals annually and is 100% donor-funded by caring individuals and businesses in the community. Additional programs help reduce pet overpopulation, provide assistance to low-income pet owners, behaviorally assess animals and reunite lost pets with their owners.


Sunny — Female Domestic Medium Hair

I am a 6-year-old cat looking for my forever home! I am shy and will need time to adjust to a new home. I need an environment where I can approach people on my own terms, and have a space to hide when I need to be alone. Once I get to know someone, I come out of my shell. I also do well with other cats. Please come meet me at Humane Society of West Michigan!


More about Sunny:

  • Animal ID: 37170090
  • Breed: Domestic Medium Hair/Mix
  • Age: 6 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Size: Small
  • Color: Orange
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed
Adorable Abby

Abby — Female American Staffordshire Terrier Mix

I am a sweet and gentle 8-year-old dog looking for my forever home! I love soft beds, squeaky toys, belly rubs, and car rides. I have a calm and affectionate personality and so much love to give. My adoption fee is waived as part of HSWM’s Silver Paws Society program. If I sound like a good fit for you, please come meet me at Humane Society of West Michigan!


More about Abby:

  • Animal ID: 37530720
  • Breed: Terrier/Mix
  • Age: 8 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Size: Medium
  • Color: Brown/White
  • Spayed

Lucy — Female Domestic Short Hair

I am a 7-year-old cat looking for my forever home! I would do best in a relaxed home that would give me time to slowly adjust to my new surroundings. I am affectionate, but on my own terms. I am currently an office foster at Humane Society of West Michigan and enjoy lounging on desks, having my ears scratched, and climbing up to high place to oversee the office! Please come meet me at Humane Society of West Michigan!


Heeere’s Lucy!

More about Lucy:

  • Animal ID: 36496973
  • Breed: Domestic Shorthair/Mix
  • Age: 7 years
  • Gender: Female
  • Size: Medium
  • Color: Black/White
  • Spayed
  • Not declawed

Humane Society of West Michigan is open Tuesday-Friday 12pm-7pm and Saturday-Sunday 11am-4pm.


The Humane Society of West Michigan automatically microchips all adoptable animals using 24PetWatch microchips, which include FREE registration into the 24PetWatch pet recovery service. For more information visit www.24petwatch.com or call 1-866-597-2424. This pet is also provided with 30 days of FREE ShelterCare Pet Health Insurance with a valid email address. For more information visit www.sheltercare.com or call 1-866-375-7387 (PETS).

Humane Society of West Michigan is open Tues-Fri 12-7, Sat & Sun 11-4.

Adoptable cat of the week: Captain Kidd

Captain Kidd has 21 toes!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).


On Oct. 2, 2017, this totally adorable, 21-toed, intact male was unceremoniously dumped on the doorstep of our shelter, in a filthy travel carrier with a note attached. Evidently he was thought to be suffering from a urinary blockage and his owners couldn’t afford to have him treated, so instead of asking for help, they left him behind in the hopes that we would: 1) be able to care for him and 2) have the space to accommodate him once his medical issues were addressed.


As luck would have it, even though the unexpected addition of 2-1/2 year old Captain Kidd (Dr. Jen’s name for the handsome bloke who was born in the spring of 2015) put us up over our acceptable head count, he wasn’t afflicted by a urinary tract blockage but rather a non-infectious, inflammatory condition of his bladder.


Dr. Jen suspects that Kiddo was showing symptoms of discomfort and either straining to pee, producing bloody urine or going outside of the box. His issues have been simply remedied by neutering him, making sure his daily water intake is increased by feeding him canned food, and inexpensive medical management in the form of twice weekly anti-inflammatory tablets that he takes like a champ. And his litter box manners are something to behold, as he is a proud piddler and uses those massive mitts to cover his business when all is said and done.


Captain Kidd is not only drop-dead gorgeous but he is HILARIOUS! He is always in the thick of things, sticking his nose (and those toes) into anything and everything he isn’t supposed to! He is like our very own Energizer Bunny and he cracks us up with his playful antics and his zany, kitten-like behavior.


He gets along famously well with the other kitties at Crash’s but in all honesty he wouldn’t have to go into a multi-cat household; as long as he is the center of attention and has plenty to keep him occupied (think rambunctious children or perhaps even a boisterous canine companion), he is absolutely going to make a fabulously fun addition to any family that is fortunate enough to end up with him! And c’mon, those tootsies alone are simply stupendous!

More about Captain Kidd

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Adoptable cat of the week: Nessarose


By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

On October 27th, 2016, we got a call at the clinic from a Meals On Wheels worker who was out and about and came across this hungry, flea-ridden little lady who was hungry for human contact even more than she was craving food. A kindhearted volunteer scooped her up and took her home, offered her some tasty treats and then tried to figure out what exactly to do with her. The cat appeared to have an injured rear leg and her paws looked odd, so the volunteer thought it best to seek help from Dr. Jen.

Although we really didn’t have any extra room at our facility, turning away a cat in need of medical care just isn’t anything Dr. Jen is comfortable with, so she said to bring the kitty on in. Thankfully, the injury sustained to kitty’s left rear leg was minor, and the pododermatitis (or ‘pillow foot’ as it is commonly called) affecting all four foot/toe pads is easily treatable if actively inflamed or painful. Since her tootsies weren’t bothering her, the condition was noted and would be monitored.

Dr. Jen set about treating the kitty for fleas and a mild case of flea allergy dermatitis, spayed the 2-1/2 year old (born in the spring of 2015) and got her program-ready.

Once at Crash’s, Nessarose immediately took to the volunteers. In the words of our cat care director: “What a doll! Nessarose just can’t get close enough to people. Whenever you pick her up, she snuggles up and burrows to the point of almost crawling inside of your clothing — and never wants to be put down. She loves everything about shelter life, especially the never-ending supply of volunteers to cuddle with her. She also makes feline friends eagerly. She really doesn’t need to go into a home with other cats though — as long as there are plenty of people to give her attention — but since she thrives on physical contact, another kitty to claim as her BFF would be fabulous”.

You really couldn’t find yourself a nicer cat than Nessarose, so seriously consider doing something wickedly wonderful by welcoming this darling, delightful girl into your heart and home!

More about Nessarose

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Nigella

Beautiful Nigella

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

On July 11th, 2016, Dr. Jen received this email from a wonderful gal, Kate, who is doing her part to help out the homeless cats in her neighborhood:

“Hi, Dr Jen, I feed a feral colony and end up attracting friendly strays from time to time. I’ve brought some to you in the past and I swear the minute I bring in one, another one appears. I always wait to see if they hang around or seem to have a home, but for the past 6 weeks this grey female has been basically living on my porch. At first she was scared but now she is very friendly; she has been looking more and more sickly with her fur very unkempt, and also she’s getting skinnier … she’s not doing well and she is not comfortable in my house. …”

It took a few weeks before we had an opening, but in the meantime, Kate combed an entire cat’s worth of matted fur off of her 3-year-old rescue (born in the summer of 2013) and managed to fatten her up a bit. Dr. Jen discovered the reason why kitty wasn’t eating or grooming herself that well was because she had two bad teeth that needed to be extracted AND she was also losing weight from having chronic diarrhea. Tests revealed she was internal parasite-free, so Dr. Jen suspected the loose stools were from the fact that kitty was eating more soupy canned food versus dry kibble. In any case, Dr. Jen was able to get the kitty’s medical issues under control, and a few days after her arrival, this incredibly sweet but painfully shy girl made her way down to Crash’s.

Nigella has a soft, gentle purr and is quick to roll over for belly rubs once she feels comfy, but as soon as anything startles her she high-tails it back to her safe place. It goes without saying that Nigella will need a very quiet, stable home environment to flourish in; she will require a person with patience to allow her to come into her own at the pace she sets for herself. She will need a room to herself, at least initially, as Nigella is all about taking baby steps towards her goal of becoming a brave soul.

Nigella, after a good brushing

After a month at the shelter, she still wasn’t ready to leave the cozy confines of our intake suite, so we let her guide us as to when she was ready to roam. The nice thing about our facility is that there are no time limits or constraints, and every single cat can acclimate and adjust according to his or her own comfort level.

We strive to make the Crash’s experience a positive one for everyone, tailoring it to meet individual needs. It doesn’t matter to us how long it takes.

More about Nigella

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Sparky

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

Sparky is a lovely cat, ready and eager for his forever home

When you take a gander at this gorgeous gray-and-white guy’s photo, you would have no idea that upon arrival back in October of 2015, his cheek and jaw were a swollen, infected mess. A victim of a nasty cat bite—a common occurrence in intact males— this 4-year-old (born in the spring of 2013) was suffering from a huge pocket of pus teeming with bacteria that caused a terribly high fever (105.7 degrees).

If it weren’t for the kindhearted Wyoming woman who cared for him for over six months noticing that something was awry, Uncle Fester (as he was named then) would have become even more ill than he was, risking widespread infection and devastating tissue damage. As luck would have it, Dr. Jen was able to surgically drain and flush the abscess and treat with heavy-duty antibiotics and pain medication; within a few hours his body temperature had normalized and Fester was no longer festering but eagerly filling his face with yummy canned food.

Further exam showed a previous injury that caused avulsion of his right thumb and a mild flea infestation, but both of those paled in comparison to that erupting volcano of goo and gore!

After a few days of rinsing, rest and relaxation, our beautiful boy was ready to make his way down to Crash’s, where he settled in nicely, totally digging his new surroundings and being doted on hand and foot. It didn’t take him long to win over the volunteers and roomies alike, and within a few short weeks of his arrival, he was out and about, meeting everyone who came to visit our shelter and charming them with his quiet sophistication and sultry good looks. He proved to be a very busy boy that involves himself in any activity happening around him—he loves being in the middle of the action!

Given his bubbly, outgoing nature, he wasn’t with us for a lengthy time period, and soon resided in a family home where he had tons of fun with the kids and adults alike. However, in late June of of 2017, Sparky (as he was renamed) ended up back with us due to unfortunate circumstances beyond his control; although his humans were so very sad to have to return him to us, rest assured he readjusted to life in our free-roaming facility, getting reacquainted with old friends—and making many new ones!

Sparky is an all-around good guy—adventurous and energetic yet gentle and sweet , all rolled up into one stunning perfect companion style package; we have no doubts that we will be able to send him into a home of his own again soon—and hopefully this time forever!
More about Sparky:

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the Week: Jamie

Gorgeous Jamie wants a home of his own

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

It is typically not an easy task for a pet owner to come to the realization that he or she has to return their beloved Crash Cat to us, especially when the kitty in question has been a family member for years, so when an owner contacts us, we try to get as much information as possible so we can make the transition as smooth as possible for both human and feline alike.


We were contacted in mid-August of 2017 because Jamie (formerly known as Phillie) found himself in this unfortunate situation, and in all honesty, we were a bit concerned as to how he would do back at our free-roaming facility, considering he was adopted out over 5-1/2 years prior, and had been the only cat in a household with two adults. But, with his owner becoming a single pet mom and having to travel more than she was home, we all felt it was best to take him back into our furry fold.

Jovial little Jamie, who was born in January of 2008, came in to see Dr. Jen at the clinic before being transferred on down to Crash’s. Dr. Jen did a complete work up on him, since he is now a senior citizen, though quite the spritely one at that. Unfortunately she discovered that he was suffering from early-stage kidney disease and a kidney stones as well; best-case scenario was that infection was causative, but a less likely underlying issue.

At the writing of this biography (early September), he is in the midst of receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics for a total of 6 weeks, just in case bacterial invasion has seeded his unsuspecting kidneys, and he has been put on unlimited canned food to help increase the water content to his diet, flush toxins from building up and also put weight back on his thin frame.

However, don’t fret too much, as he is one helluva happy camper who mingled, meshed and made himself right at home with the other residents almost immediately, which is utterly amazing! Here is what our cat care director had to say about our terrific tuxedo:

“Jamie adjusted so, so well. It only took him a few hours to start exploring, which is pretty good for a cat that had been in a home for so many years. He is very social now and greets everyone who walks in to the shelter. He doesn’t care about the other cats at all, so he could live with or without them. He also talks — a lot!”

And although we fully realize placing an elderly cat with kidney disease in a home is going to be challenging, Jamie is up for it!

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the Week: Heihei

Hey! It’s Heihei!

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

It’s been quite the year of changes for Crash’s Landing, as we had to combine both or our shelters under one roof, though keep the populations separate; one side of our building houses the Crash Cats and the other houses Big Sid’s, our rescue for FIV- and Feline Leukemia-positive kiddos.

Because our space limitations are greater now than they were when we were fortunate enough to have our Sid’s Kids running around a huge two-story building, we had to decrease the amount of residents we could have at any one time; needless to say our intake has drastically reduced, much to our dismay. However, we are always happy to help another local shelter in need and leave spots open for just such instances, so when our friend Amber at the Kent County Animal Shelter contacted us in mid-August with a transfer request, Dr. Jen was more than thrilled to oblige.

On August 7th, this FAB-U-LOUS FIV+ boy was picked up as a homeless wanderer in Kentwood, and after his stray hold was up and no one had claimed him, the employees were hard-pressed to find him a place to go that could accommodate him given his viral status. Although Heihei (pronounced ‘hay-hay’) doesn’t have a single ornery bone in his gorgeous body, the virus is transmitted by deep puncture wounds, so putting him with the general population wasn’t ideal or even an option.

He was already neutered when the animal shelter got him, but sadly he wasn’t kept indoors; intact males tend to fight, no matter how nice they are, so if he had only been safe and sound inside, his story could have been written up just a little bit differently. The good (no, GREAT) news is however that since our sanctuary caters to kiddos with either FIV or FELV (feline leukemia virus), we were the purr-fect spot for him to land—and boy did he ever hit the ground running!

From the second we laid eyes on his handsomeness, we KNEW he was going to be a fast favorite, as not only is he utterly stunning with his dark black tabby markings, but he is such a gentle, sweet soul that you can’t help but fall helplessly in love with him. It also appears that the volunteers and other residents alike echo this sentiment, as he can always be found snuggling up next to another Sid’s Kid, or hanging out next to one of the humans as they do their chores around the shelter (these cats can be quite the task masters). In fact, our cat care director had these glowing words about Heihei:

“We couldn’t have a more wonderful boy! He adjusted immediately when he got to the shelter and was demanding to be let out of the intake room less than 24 hours after he arrived. He is super cuddly, social, and playful and he also talks non- stop, which is absolutely adorable. He will make a great cat for any family, especially one with kids. I doubt we will have him long.”
Want to adopt Heihei? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here. Go here to learn about FIV. Go here to learn about FeLV.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the week: Sassy Salsa

Sassy Salsa

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

On June 13th, 2017, we took in this affectionate little girl, about 18 months of age (born in late 2015). As it turned out, Salsa was pregnant (and eating bird seed in her rescuer’s yard to feed her growing belly).

Salsa was very lucky that she stumbled into the yard of volunteer Sandy R, as she put food out for the darling calico until such a time that she could coax her into her good graces and bring her in to Dr. Jen. She recovered well from her spay surgery and was totally meshing with the other residents at Crash’s when she fell ill with Calici virus, a very contagious feline respiratory disease that strikes unvaccinated, immunocompromised kitties. Thankfully we were able to treat her successfully and she recovered fully.

Salsa has earned the nickname of ‘Sassy Salsa’ — she is a spitfire, but only in a totally endearing way. She has a lot of spunk in her teeny little body; for example, she will only eat wet food that she steals from other cats, even if you put the same food in front of her. She is not afraid to show her roommates who’s the boss and will smack them right across the face if she doesn’t like what they are doing. She will do very well in any home that has lots to do, but she would probably prefer to be the only cat.
Want to adopt Salsa? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.

Cat of the Week: Cilantro

By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing

Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Crash’s Landing. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).

In honor of Cinco de Mayo 2017, Dr. Jen opted to give all of the ‘newbies’ for the month names of Hispanic origin; we had already had a Cinco (and Dr. Jen is saving Mayo for a white kitty). So, here’s a little bit about Cilantro, one of May’s magnifico kiddos that became a Crash Cat.

Super cute Cilantro is a fun and fabulous fella born in early 2015 who was fortunate enough to cross paths with one of our volunteers. As part of her TNR efforts on the south side of town, the volunteer comes across MANY a cat in need, but thankfully Cilantro was pretty darn healthy, just homeless.

He initially had a difficult time adjusting to shelter life as he didn’t take too kindly to others invading his personal space, but over time he has gotten used to their company. However, we are sure he wouldn’t mind being in a single cat house as long as it is a VERY busy one, probably with a rambunctious kid or two! He can’t wait to chum around with a human that is as energetic and adventurous as he is.

Want to adopt Cilantro? Learn about the adoption process here. Fill out a pre-adoption form here.

Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.

Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!

Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.