Tag Archives: award

Wyoming PD invites community to utilize CALEA public comment portal

Capt. Eric Wiler (center) talks with local event attendees (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

By WKTV Staff


Wyoming Police invite members of the community to utilize the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) public comment portal.

CALEA Accreditation signifies more than just an award; it underscores firm dedication to professionalism, excellence and competence. It stands as a point of pride for the community and police department alike, demonstrating their commitment to upholding the highest standards in law enforcement.

How to provide comments

Anyone wishing to provide comments regarding the agency’s compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety services, and overall candidacy for accredited status may provide comments to CALEA through the Public Comment Portal.

The Wyoming PD is looking for information to support continuous improvement and foster the pursuit of professional excellence (Courtesy, iCI Nation)

Comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide the agency with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence. All comments made through the portal will be sent directly to CALEA; submitters will only receive acknowledgment of their submission.

Anyone wishing to leave comments and have them sent directly to Wyoming Police should use the non-emergency number 616-530-7300, appear in person at the police department, or use the online Police Department Contact Form.

$250,000 award money to support KDL expansion projects and scholarship fund

KDL wins national award, plans to reinvest the prize money into the community (Courtesy Photo)

By WKTV Staff


The Jerry Kline Community Impact Award recognizes libraries as a vital community asset (Courtesy, KDL)

The Kent District Library Board of Trustees recently approved a plan to reinvest $250,000 in prize money into the community. The money will be used to support library expansion projects and to establish a scholarship fund.

As the recipient of the fifth annual Jerry Kline Community Impact Award, KDL receives the one-time prize as the 2023 winner of this national award.

Developed as a partnership between the Gerald M. Kline Family Foundation and Library Journal, this award recognizes the powerful synergy that results when a library works closely with both its local government and its community.

Funding Details

Four communities in the KDL service area currently have a library expansion project underway — the cities of Rockford and Walker and townships of Grattan and Tyrone. Thanks to this one-time prize for excellence, KDL is able to pledge $50,000 to support each of these projects.

KDL is also establishing a scholarship fund for KDL patrons who are a pursuing a college degree with plans to positively impact their community. The fund will be established with $50,000 from the Jerry Kline prize, interest earned from KDL’s Community Foundation Fund through the Grand Rapids Community Foundation, and private donations.

Scholarship applications will be announced and accepted late in 2024.

Community Impact

 “The whole focus of the Jerry Kline Award is community impact, so it only seems fitting we use these funds to have a positive effect on the communities that we serve and love,” KDL Executive Director Lance Werner said. “This is an exciting opportunity to live out our mission of furthering all people thanks to the financial prize that comes with this recognition.

“This gives us a unique opportunity to invest in the physical growth of branches in our community and in personal growth for exceptional patrons. We are so pleased to give back to Kent County, whose residents so thoughtfully support our operations.”

People who would like to donate to the building projects can do so by contacting the government offices for Grattan Township, city of Rockford, Tyrone Township or city of Walker. For those who would like to donate to the KDL Impact Scholarship fund, visit kdl.org/donate.

Impact Award Highlights

(Courtesy, KDL)

The Jerry Kline Community Impact Award was created in 2019 to distinguish the public library as a vital community asset.

KDL was recognized for building relationships with local officials based on a foundation of trust and credibility.

All U.S. public libraries were eligible to apply for the prize whether in a single building in a small town or a multi-branch system serving an entire region.

Nominations were evaluated based the library’s impact on the community in areas such as engagement, inclusion, leadership development, sustainable thinking and inventiveness.