By Deborah Reed
WKTV Managing Editor
Tommy Brann opened a restaurant at age 19, becoming the youngest restaurant owner in Michigan. After 52 years of serving the Wyoming community, Brann handed Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille on Division Avenue over to his sister Liz Brann-Stegehuis and nephew Sean Stegehuis.
“A lot of people ask me, ‘Is it bittersweet?’ and it’s not,” said Brann without hesitation. “I would walk around the block and just escape my restaurant. It was to that point where it wasn’t enjoyable anymore for me, and it’s not because anybody did anything wrong. It was just time to move on.”
Continuing the family business

Twelve years Brann’s junior, Stegehuis is no novice to the restaurant business, working at their father’s steakhouse and Brann’s Holland location as a teen.
After taking a break from the business to raise her family, Stegehuis returned to the family business 12 years ago, and has since partnered with another buyer for their Bay City location.
Stegehuis and her son took ownership of Tommy Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille at the beginning of September.
“Sean and I are partners,” said Stegehuis, adding that her son grew up in the business.
“With Brann’s, he is really driven to keep the legacy going,” Stegehuis continued. “We complement each other. He’s the back of the house and he loves the people. You’ll see him out front bussing tables and helping servers, but he also can jump behind that line and cook and hold up the back of the house too.”
Starting ‘em young
After Brann’s mother died when he was 12 years old, John Brann put Brann and his siblings to work. Brann said it was a blessing.
“My dad kept us out of trouble,” said Brann. “I called it John Brann’s Work Release Program because my friends were doing heavy duty drugs, and I wasn’t because I was working.”
Young Tommy Brann didn’t intend to make the family business his life’s work, planning for a career in law enforcement instead. But when the Division Avenue restaurant location became available, Brann took ownership of his own restaurant at age 19.
“[My dad] lent me $30,000,” said Brann. “I paid him back with interest, which is one of the best things he did for me. It made me my own person.”
Hectic days and new goals
Brann clearly remembers serving 97 dinners on his first day in business, July 5, 1971. He also remembers a one-of-a-kind encounter with a customer that day.
“I remember a customer coming in and buying the whole restaurant a drink – which has never happened since then,” said Brann. “It was just to help me out, get me going.”
Having $5,000-a-month payments and being told by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission that he could no longer sign checks for beer at the restaurant were also memorable moments.
“I was only a 19-year-old kid, I wasn’t supposed to be buying beer,” Brann said with a laugh. “So I had to have my bookkeeper sign the checks for beer.”
Owning a restaurant was not always easy, with a hectic pace and unfavorable hours topping the list.
“You’re working New Year’s Eve, Mother’s Day, Christmas Eve,” said Brann. “I never missed one of those. You’re working when people are enjoying themselves, and then you’re asking other people to work too, so I made sure I was with them working.”
Brann, however, chose to focus on the favorable aspects of the business and his passion for serving.
“My dad would always say you meet so many good people as far as customers and employees, and it’s so true,” said Brann.
The retired restaurateur remembers several customers who became friends, especially Robert (Bob) Kibby.
“If I was having a bad day and [Bob] came in at 11:30, he’d make my day good just because of the joking and the comradeship,” said Brann. “That’s what makes this business good.”
Stegehuis agreed. “Tom couldn’t have said it better as far as the people,” said Stegehuis. “That’s the main part for me. They become your friends and family.”
A life of hard work and dedicated service
Brann’s passion for serving his community extended far beyond Brann’s Steakhouse & Grille.

Over the years, Brann served in several leadership positions at city, county and state levels, which included service as Michigan State Representative for District 77.
“The reason I got into politics is because sometimes politicians don’t realize what small businesses go through,” said Brann. “It’s dangerous when a politician doesn’t have that small business experience…and they make rules against small businesses.”
Brann also earned a black belt in karate, was a Michigan Restaurant Association Distinguished Service Award recipient, partnered with a local songwriter to write a song, and published the memoir Mind Your Own Business that shares the ups and downs of running a successful small business.
A new focus for the Brann and Stegehuis families
Having accomplished many of his goals, Brann plans to focus on more personal pursuits, such as spending time with his wife Sue and supporting her work with the National Ski Patrol.
One thing Brann does plan to cross off his “bucket list” is a trip out of the country.
“I want to go to Liverpool because I’m a big Beatles fan, and walk Abbey Road,” said Brann. “That’s definitely a must for me.”
Brann has also considered writing about his experiences as a politician.
“One time at the State office, we had to compromise on something to get somebody’s vote,” said Brann. “I came back and wrote “I’m now a politician,” and stapled it on my wall while my staff laughed. So I could share my experience with being a politician, and the give and take of it.”
But relaxing after a lifetime of hard work is something Brann refuses to feel guilty about.
“It is hard for me to sit down, but when I do sit down I feel like I’ve earned it, so I don’t feel guilty about it,” said Brann.
Stegehuis says that, for right now, Brann’s Steakhouse is her focus.
“I am going to have the balance of my family,” said Stegehuis. “But really, this consumes you. You have to make the time [for family] when you’re in the industry, and that’s why Tom’s doing what he’s doing. At this point in my life, this is my focus. Keeping it Tommy Brann’s, carrying on his legacy.”
Stegehuis says she plans to keep the restaurant very similar to what it already is, and that the transition has been smooth. She does intend to bring back the salad bar, but considers that an addition, not a change.
The Brann family legacy
Brann says that he wants to be remembered for being a hard worker and giving customers a good experience while at his restaurant.
“I was a hard worker, and I would mop my floors…whatever it took,” said Brann.
But the retired restaurateur knows he is not perfect, saying he still remembers a customer complaint about a meal that arrived cold.
“That was probably 30 years ago, and I still remember that,” said Brann. “I just wanted to make sure that when they left here, they had a good experience and we didn’t fail them.”
Stegehuis says she wants the community to know that the reception customers receive at Brann’s is genuine.
“These people that I’ve had for coworkers over the years and the guests that I’ve met, I truly consider them friends and I truly consider them family,” said Stegehuis. “They are very special to me, and that’s what I would like to carry on, and carry on for Tom.”