Tag Archives: Caitlin Boyce Saladin

Wyoming resident designs logo for city’s tree commission

treelogoBy Estelle Slootmaker

The Tree Amigos


Since the City of Wyoming established the City of Wyoming Tree Commission on July 18, this volunteer citizen group, also known as The Tree Amigos, has been busy laying groundwork to support its mission of increasing the City’s tree canopy. Accomplishments so far include creating by-laws, electing officers, confirming a fiduciary, moving the Tree City USA application forward and investigating grants and fund raising ideas.


Caitlin Boyce Saladin
Caitlin Boyce Saladin

This Saturday, Tree Commission members – and other Tree Amigos – will march in the Wyoming Santa Claus Parade along Division Avenue. They will hand out informational brochures and colorful decals featuring a new logo, designed by sixth-generation Wyoming resident Caitlin Boyce Saladin. A senior at the Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan, she has long been active in environmental and social justice causes. She graduated in 2013 from Catholic Central High School. “I grew up with a backyard full of trees,” Saladin said. “Even though our house was just a couple blocks from 44th Street and Burlingame, I got to see deer, opossums, skunks, racoons, birds and squirrels. I hope my little contribution might help my hometown to have more trees in more neighborhoods.”


The Wyoming Tree Commission meets the second Tuesday of every month from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Appointed members include former City councilman, Greg Bryan; Pam Jurick, arborists William Brown and Lauren Davis; retired teacher, Jim Ward; Godwin neighborhood watch leader, Lee Groth; and Stelle Slootmaker, Saladin’s mother. Citizen volunteer Elizabeth Kreager has been an active, dedicated participant.  The Tree Commission invites all Wyoming residents who would like to join in at meetings or activities to come on board. After all, you can’t have too many amigos!


Contact the Wyoming Tree Commission at TreeAmigosWyoming@gmail.com. For information on the Wyoming Tree Commission, like The Tree Amigos on Facebook and message or post your comments and concerns.


The Wyoming Tree commission, nick-named The Tree Amigos, seeks to develop and promote programs that maintain and improve Wyoming’s tree assets in our city’s public and private properties. We strive to foster a healthy, species-diverse tree canopy that meets or exceeds coverage percentages suggested by the Michigan DNR, US Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters.