WKTV News Station Manager Tom Norton checks and adjusts cameras and video equipment in preparation for the upcoming WKTV Friday Night Highlights show (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)
By Cris Greer
WKTV Managing Editor
The WKTV Friday Night Highlights show is coming soon, along with our in-depth Journal website coverage of the Wyoming and Kentwood area football teams. Our FNH host will walk you through highlights from most of the local games every Friday night throughout the season and into the playoffs.
We plan to bring you another great season of local high school football, covering your favorite teams from Wyoming and Kentwood, including East Kentwood, Wyoming, Godwin Heights, Godfrey-Lee, Kelloggsville, South Christian and Tri-unity.
Game of the Week airs every Friday night on WKTV Comcast Channel 25 & AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 at 11 p.m. with a rebroadcast on Saturday at 11 a.m. If you don’t have cable, visit our website at WKTV.org to watch the livestream. Watch at home on your Smart TV in brilliant HD. Broadcasts also are available on Video on Demand at a later date.
WKTV Friday Night Highlights will bring you some great high school football clips from the Wyoming and Kentwood area teams, highlight top performers and their stats, give final scores, and show a snapshot of the latest conference standings.
As a bonus, we will have a reporter on the field at the Game of the Week to interview coaches and players for the show and occasionally have them come into our studio for a live interview as well.
Wyoming: Roadwork, and delays, coming to 56th Street in early July
If 56th Street is one of your favorite routes to take to the RiverTown Crossings or to Maple Hill Golf Course, be warned: starting July 9 you will need to find a different route. 56th Street will be closed between Ivanrest Avenue and 56th Street for reconstruction that includes the road being widen to three lines.
Kentwood and Wyoming: Citizens invited to talk with Sen. Gary Peters
S.S. Sen. Peters will be in Grand Rapids on Saturday, June 30, at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. (Supplied)
U.S. Sen. Gary Petters (D-Michigan) has announced that he will be traveling to four Michigan cities this summer for community meetings, and he will be in Grand Rapids on Saturday, June 30, for a 10 a.m. meeting at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum, 303 Pearl St NW.
WKTV on YouTube: U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga talks tax cuts, recreational marijuana
U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-District 2) was the special governmental guest Monday, June 11, at the Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce’s Government Matters Committee’s monthly forum at Kentwood City Hall. WKTV’s Ken Norris caught up with him.
2017 top story: Grace Bible College’s Kate Shellenbarger makes a difference by working with Wyoming police Det./Lt. James Maguffee. (WKTV/K.D. Norris)
As 2017 comes to a close, I thought it would be fun to take a look at some of the most popular stories for the cities of Kentwood and Wyoming.
In compiling this list, I took a look at both page views on a story, which indicates the number of people who clicked on the article, and also social media statistics. The result is a mix of both most read and shared articles from the WKTV Journal website.
A room with a view: The partnership to make the Kelloggsville Library a community library wrapped up the year and our list for most read and shared stories of 2017.
The first Kentwood City Commission met on Feb. 27, 1967. The city kicked off its 50th anniversary by hosting a commission meeting on Feb. 27, 2017.
The biggest event that took place in the City of Kentwood was the city’s year-long 50th anniversary celebration, so it only makes sense that many of the most read and shared Kentwood stories centered around the celebration. Some of those stories were:
Who does not love a good animal story? Through partnerships with such groups as Crash’s Landing and the Humane Society of West Michigan, we have featured a number of adoptable animals and of the top five, Nessarose, Jamie, Heihei, Cuervo, and Salsa (All from Crash’s Landing), three have been adopted, Nessarose’s adoption is pending and Jamie is being fostered.
Wrapping up our list of the 2017 biggest stories is Kelloggsville, KDL join together to open high school library to entire community, which I could not think of a better way to cap off the year. The story, which was published in December and did remarkably well for the short time it has been up, serves as an excellent example of how various community groups working together can find a way to fill a need. Those partnerships are what has enabled the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood to accomplish some pretty amazing things, as you can tell from this list of 2017 most read and shared stories.
And with that said, we look forward to covering the amazing things that both the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood accomplish in 2018.