By Sharon Wylie, Crash’s Landing
Each week WKTV features an adoptable pet — or few — from an area shelter. This week’s beauty is from Big Sid’s Sanctuary. Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary rescue organizations were founded by Jennifer Denyes, DVM (Dr. Jen), who is on staff at Clyde Park Veterinary Clinic (4245 Clyde Park Ave SW).
Shortly before Christmas, 2015 the wonderful Sara Y. from the Humane Society of Kent County, contacted Dr. Jen to see if she would be able to help with a fabulous Feline Leukemia-positive boy that their executive director found out in Caledonia. The (then) two-year -old (born in December of 2013) intact male happened across the absolute right path, as he was scooped up and carted away for safekeeping: neutered and vaccinated; and best of all, doted upon by all of the employees and volunteers who cared for him over the holidays.
The first thing that struck Dr. Jen when she laid eyes upon this happy, handsome little camper was just how darn outgoing and affectionate he was—he simply couldn’t get enough one-on-one time with her at the clinic! Every single time she walked by his cage she had to stop, pet him, fill his bowl and rub his pretty little face; he repaid her actions by bestowing the sweetest of head rubs and allowing her to tickle his tummy to her heart’s content.
Then it was down to the business at hand, which consisted of baseline blood work and treatment of an ear infection secondary to ear mites. Lab work unfortunately revealed a potentially life-threatening depletion of one of the key white blood cells his body needs to fight off infection, so Dr. Jen hit him hard with heavy-duty antibiotics, rechecking his parameters on a bi-weekly basis until they normalized.

Since he does have FELV+, he is immuno-compromised, and this type of blood cell abnormality can be common—and devastating, so we kept a very watchful eye on this gregarious, gorgeous guy, inside and out!
Once at our sanctuary, boisterous Brendan could not wait to meet everyone (understatement of the year)! He was quickly dubbed a ‘belly-monster’ as his penchant for this activity is rivaled only by his fondness of laying on his back (Surrey-style) and gazing up lovingly and longingly at the volunteers!
We are enjoying our Brendan-time immensely and are so thankful that he was sent our way. This guy right here is by far one of the most outgoing, affectionate, happy-go-lucky cats to saunter around the sanctuary, soaking up his surroundings and charming the socks off of everyone who stops to snuggle him!
More about Brendan
NOTE: A $825 grant from Lil BUB’s Big Fund for the ASPCA will enable Crash’s Landing & Big Sid’s Sanctuary, to fund comprehensive exams for five Big Sid’s Sanctuary cats before going to their new home. Each exam would include a full blood panel, dental care, radiographs, urinalysis, antibiotics and pain medication, if needed. Big Sid’s caters exclusively to cats who test positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). FIV and FeLV are viruses that can, if they flare up, suppress a cat’s immune system. The shelter takes cats with FIV or FeLV from all over Michigan.
Interested in volunteering at one of the cat shelters? Email volunteer@crashslanding.org.
Can’t adopt, but still want to help? Find out how you can sponsor a cat!
Crash’s Landing and Big Sid’s Sanctuary have a common mission: To take at-risk stray cats off the streets of the Greater Grand Rapids area, provide them with veterinary care and house them in free-roaming, no-kill facilities until dedicated, loving, permanent homes can be found.