Tag Archives: Cory Mcliechey

Local author, descendent of Sojourner Truth, creates children’s book detailing ancestor’s iconic life

Cory Mcliechey, a descendent of Sojourner Truth, keeps his family’s legacy thriving with his recently released children’s book, “Keeping the Truth Alive.” (Supplied)

By D.A. Reed, WKTV Contributing Writer


Cory P. Mcliechey, a 5th generation grandson to iconic historical figure Sojourner Truth, keeps his family’s legacy thriving with his recently released children’s book, “Keeping the Truth Alive.”

In Mcliechey’s debut tale, he strives to educate today’s youth about a historical woman and the trials she endured.

The cover of Cory Mcliechey’s recently released children’s book about Sojourner, “Keeping the Truth Alive.” (Supplied)

“Keeping the Truth Alive” contains colorful illustrations that Mcliechey himself designed and created, captivating readers as they learn about a heroine who stood against her oppressors and fought against inequality and racism, providing greatness to America despite the obstacles Sojourner Truth experienced.

Having recently lost his parents, Mcliechey told WKTV that he felt driven to finish the book as a way to keep his familial legacy alive.

“I dedicated it to the memory of my parents whom me and my siblings had to bury earlier this year,” Mcliechey, a Grand Rapids resident, said to WKTV “That was my motivation in getting the book done.”

Book an extension of community work

Following in the footsteps of his ancestors, Mcliechey has been a community advocate and activist for many years, “fighting for equality and justice,” he said.

Cory Mcliechey’s Top Notch Kids community program aims to change the narrative of the gun by providing real life opportunities to rejuvenate communities using the “GUNS” of home improvement — caulk guns, staple, guns, nail guns, and paint guns. (Supplied)

One of the goals he hopes to accomplish through his activism is helping people realize that, “Throughout all of the ‘isms,’ such as racism, the different hues and colors of people are a reflection of God’s majesty. Don’t get it mixed up with how we view it as humans.”

Mcliechey paused, then repeated, “Different hues, but human.”

Mcliechey has put action to his words, founding a non-profit organization, Descendants of the Truth, whose sole agenda is to educate youth on their history while teaching them life skills.

Top Notch Kids is one program among many under the umbrella of Descendants of the Truth. Designed to encourage and inspire youth to help revitalize their neighborhoods, this movement provides a fun and safe alternative to the culture of violence so prevalent in today’s world, he said.


Top Notch Kids aims to change the narrative of the gun by providing real life opportunities to rejuvenate communities using the “GUNS” of home improvement, such as caulk guns, staple, guns, nail guns, and paint guns. This not only helps them take part in their community, it allows children to attain a valuable skill to help with career readiness.

The motto of Top Notch Kids emphasizes the objective: “We don’t kill with guns, we build with guns.”

Book part of series, documentary in work

When asked about his plans for the future, Mcliechey said that he intends to continue Sojourner Truth’s story as a series.

“I want to continue with Sojourner Truth’s story because there is so much to know about her. This (“Keeping the Truth Alive”) is just a small glimpse of what she’s done for society and America,” Mcliechey said.

The author is also preparing to create a Top Notch Kids children’s book that focuses more on current issues versus history. The main objective of the new work is stressing safety, improvement of self and community, and to guide children toward helping their community.

Cory Mcliechey’s artwork has gained admirers such as American feminist journalist and social-political activist Gloria Steinem. (Supplied)

A more immediate work-in-progress is a documentary on Sojourner Truth’s journey from enslavement to activism and advocacy.

Mcliechey has been working closely with Lateef Calloway, founder of the Phoeion Group LLC (dba Calliwood Productions LLC), and American feminist journalist and social-political activist Gloria Steinem, to showcase how Sojourner Truth’s teachings impacted Truth’s descendants’ individual lives and their views on civil rights, human rights, and women’s rights.

In fact, it was while working with Calloway that Mcliechey’s artistic side reignited.

“I’ve always been an artist,” Mcliechey said, “but it had become dormant. Lateef reignited my passion for art.”

Mcliechey attributes his ability to create the illustrations for “Keeping the Truth Alive” to Calloway and his mentorship.

Calloway also encouraged Mcliechey to design a painting for Steinem. As a way to draw attention to issues of women today and continue Gloria’s legacy, Mcliechey produced a painting of an African Goddess, featuring 24-Karat gold leaf imported from Thailand, which is now hanging in Steinem’s brownstone.

To order a copy of “Keeping the Truth Alive” by Cory P. Mcliechey, visit here.

To learn about the separate Sojourner Truth Memorial currently underway to honor the American icon, visit here.