Tag Archives: Debbi Derrberry

Size doesn’t matter in “Jake and the Giants” airing on WKTV

Jake learns that size does not matter when facing a challenge in "Jake and the Giants."
Jake learns that size does not matter when facing a challenge in “Jake and the Giants.”

While the weather is sunny and bright right now, in about a week it is suppose to rain and with everyone hanging in doors, it is the perfect time to catch a movie.


Friday, Aug. 12, at 3 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 13, at 1 p.m., WKTV will be featuring the musical animation “Jake and the Giants” on channels 25.


“The film is a family-friendly animated feature that is reminiscent of many of the great stories of all time, including ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’” wrote film reviewer Bob Pearyea.


MV5BMTQ5MTc5MDI0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjA2NTQ0NjE@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_The story centers around a young boy named Jake (voiced by Debbi Derrberry from “Castle in the Sky,” “Toy Story,” and “Peter Pan”), his twin sister Joanie (voiced by Katie Leigh from “My Little Pony” and “The Adventures of Gummi Bears”), and their dog Waldo. The threesome find they are the only ones left in the village of Shiloh after a vicious attack by gold-thirsty giants and their monkey henchmen. The captured inhabitants are carried away by boat and taken to a mountain top gold mine to work as slaves.


The adventure follows Jake, Joanie, and Waldo on their dangerous quest to rescue their family from the mine with the wisdom of Wisey the owl, the encouragement of Whitey the albatross, and a family of riverboat beavers who give them a rescue vessel. They discover that even if a task is difficult they can find success, especially in helping others.


Produced by Boat Angel Family Films, the film includes several uplifting songs such as “Never Too Small,” “Ho Ho Ho Ho,” and “Monkeys Don’t Fly.”