Over 20 million children in the U.S. face barriers to receiving quality health care (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
By Lauren Konsdorf
WKTV Contributor
The 19th century proverb, “An apple a day keeps the dentist away,” is easier said than done for some families. Over 20 million children in the United States face barriers to getting quality health care, with cost and transportation being two of these barriers.
Meeting families where they are
School is back in session, and this means more contact with other children and daily germs. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Nationwide Children’s Hospital provides school-based health programs, one of the programs tackling the most common chronic condition among children, tooth decay.
Tooth decay is the most chronic condition among children (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
“It is a great partnership, and we are grateful for the services provided to our families,” Wyoming High School Principal Josh Baumbach said.
The Wyoming Public School district benefits from dental clinics which include preventative care appointments and performing most restorative procedures. Partnering with Cherry Street Health Center, Wyoming families have the ability to request dental services for their children.
Shauna Bayer, Associate Director of School-Based Programs at Cherry Health, said the programs participated in 857 exams last year in the Wyoming school district, 55 of which had urgent needs. Bayer also said the program treats every child the same whether they are insured or not. It provides families with care that they might not have access to.
“It makes it worthwhile to come to work every day,” said Bayer.
School-based dental clinics have helped over 1,000 children
Since July 2021, the school-based dental clinics have treated more than 1,000 children and have completed more than 7,000 procedures.
School-base dental programs help families access important healthcare (Courtesy, pxhere.com)
Mary Kay Irwin, Senior Director of School Health Services for Nationwide Children’s, wants to improve health outcomes for all children.
“We know that children can reach their full potential in the classroom when they are healthy, live in a safe and stable environment, and have access to the resources they need,” Irwin said.
The dental program creates outcomes for children and families that need access to important healthcare.
Irwin said working together and meeting families where they are is key to helping children access important care that they would not otherwise receive.
School-based dental services help with eliminating barriers that exist in receiving adequate healthcare for school children, creating a more resourceful environment and a future of children enjoying a five-letter facial expression – a smile.
Lauren is a senior at Central Michigan University and is studying Broadcast and Cinematic Arts with double minors in Journalism and Communications. She is a radio host for a specialty show on 101.1 The Beat, and is Promotions Video Editor for WCMU Public Media. She hopes to become a lifestyle reporter or host after college.
By Emily Armstrong Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan
Oral health is an integral component of overall wellness. Yet access to dental services can be a serious barrier for older adults to maintain their oral health. Each year the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan (AAAWM) partners with Grand Rapids Community College to host Senior Dental Day; an event that helps older adults in Kent County engage their oral health and find a new dental provider.
Last year, the event served 18 individuals, providing dental cleanings, x-rays, and exams conducted by GRCC dental program students. To qualify, seniors must be over 60 years of age and have not been to the dentist within the last 12 months. Held at Cook Academic Hall at GRCC’s downtown campus, the event will take place this year on Monday, March 20.
“We’re so thrilled to again offer the Senior Dental Day initiative. This is an event we look forward to each year and the partnership with Grand Rapids Community College gives us the chance to connect with high-risk seniors and connect them with services to support their health and independence,” shared Brandon Beck, Contract Administrator with the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan.
Locally, AAAWM supports oral health in a variety of ways. In Kent County, the Kent County Senior Millage (KCSM) network provides low-cost dental services to Kent County residents 60 years or older in partnership with Cherry Health and Exalta Health. AAAWM is also a member of the Kent County Oral Health Coalition, a group focused on advocacy and outreach in the West Michigan.
If you have any questions about this year’s event, you can reach out to Brandon at BrandonB@aaawm.org. If you’re an older adult in Kent County seeking dental services, you can contact the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan at 616-456-5664 to be connected to resources.
As teeth are one of the busiest organs of the human body, they need to be taken care of with utmost priority. Our recklessness often neglects our oral health (dental health) in eating habits and hygiene routines. Our overall well-being is dependent upon our dental hygiene. A single shred of bacteria can set our whole body in pain and jeopardy as many organs get affected by the bacteria deposits in our teeth.
The matter of dental health includes the overall condition of our gums, salivary glands, lips, tongue, ligaments, and mouth tissues, and chewing muscles. It means being free of ceaseless oral-facial torment conditions, oral and pharyngeal (throat) tumors, oral delicate tissue injuries, and craniofacial tissues, all in all, known as the craniofacial complex.
Dental care is neglected at a very early age, due to which the dental health deteriorates on the arrival of adulthood and mostly in old age. Today, many senior citizens in the US are facing oral health-related problems that affect their overall health. There are ample medical outlets that provide dental care for senior citizens at cost or free throughout the country.
Importance of Dental Health
More often than youngsters, senior citizens fall into the trap of oral health malfunctioning. This is because, after retirement, they find it difficult and unnecessary to avail themselves of dental care facilities and checkups. Secondly, they often have inadequate and unbalanced appetites due to soreness, and tooth loss is inevitable. This minor health negligence can be a driving force behind many other chronic dental and overall health issues.
Good dental health influences the overall health and well-being of a person. Painful cavities and bleeding gums are signs of deteriorating dental and overall health. Children need to be guided about the significance of oral hygiene so that they do not face chronic tooth decay or tooth loss at the slight onset of old age from an early age. Recent reports indicate a relationship between strokes, cardiovascular diseases, breathing problems, and periodontal diseases with dental health.
The tooth diseases start at the onset of plaques, which accumulate in the teeth if they are not cleaned properly. This gives birth to bacteria that can be harmful to the whole body’s functioning, as this bacterium runs through the bloodstream to different organs of the body such as the heart or lungs. This bacterium becomes a hard base gathered at the base of teeth, inflaming the gums and causing painful swelling and bleeding. Daily brushing is necessary for oral hygiene; otherwise, these bacteria thicken into black substances such as tartar and cause multiple infections.
Another reason why you should take care of teeth is because it can cause cavities in the mouth, resulting in holes in the tooth structure. Cavities can rot the teeth at an early age; thus, one entirely becomes toothless by old age. So, if you want to possess some teeth as you age, the observance of dental health is a must.
Studies have also indicated a link between diabetes and tooth infections. Diabetic conditions are more vulnerable to tooth decay, gum infections, and cavities. This further puts a person’s overall health at risk.
Some tips to enhance your Dental Health
It is advisable to brush your teeth twice every day with nutrient-rich toothpaste, like fluoride-containing toothpaste.
Flossing can prevent the accumulation of bacteria or any food leftover; thus, it can be done at home or done at a dental clinic.
The best practice to keep your teeth healthy is to visit the dentist once a week or twice a month. Dental checkups can be very beneficial as the dentist can advise on the onset of any medical condition or provide counseling on preventive measures.
Diabetic patients must immediately visit the dentist if they feel a slight ache, swelling, or bleeding in the gums.
Facilities by Government
In the U.S., the government has devised free medical health, dental, and insurance plans for senior government agencies through which clinics, charities, and non-profit organizations offer extensive medical and dental care. These dental and medical care facilities are free of cost and quality assured, with special attention paid to senior citizens’ health.
The senior citizens can apply for government-funded health programs that suit their medical conditions: a renowned government-owned free health and dental organization. Medicare provides assistance in dental care for senior citizens.
The public medical care service is like a free health insurance plan with comprehensive and extensive medical and dental facilities and allowances. The U.S. government founded it in 1965. This program is for senior citizens, youngsters, and other patients with chronic health conditions and disabilities. The senior citizens can enroll in this program and apply for Medicare medical and dental facilities for 50% and above provisions.
Senior Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is a database of specialists and doctors who act as consultants. They also assist senior citizens in understanding the importance of medical care, dental health,insurance plans, and billing processes. Many other such plans can be of great assistance to senior citizens.
Apart from this, every county’s dental association can provide accessible dental care facilities, dental checkups, and dental medicines to the enrollees.
Dave Stanley is the host of Safe Money Radio WOOD1300 AM, 106.9 FM and a Financial Advisor and Writer at Integrity Financial Service, LLC, Grandville, MI 49418, Telephone 616-719-1979 or Register for Dave’s FREE Newsletter at 888-998-3463 or click this link: Dave Stanley Newsletter – Annuity.comDave is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully transparent approach to money management