Tag Archives: Dentist

Dental Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

By Nicole Kooiker, DDS, Dentist at Heart of the City Health Center

Q: One of my teeth hurts when I drink ice tea. Do I need to see a dentist?


A: As a dentist practicing in Grand Rapids, I can tell you that pain in your mouth is not a feeling to ignore. While it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem, you should contact your dental office if you are experiencing any of the following five symptoms:

  1. Mouth pain could be caused by a cavity, gum disease, an abscess or impacted tooth. If not treated by a dentist, your tooth could die, causing an even bigger problem.
  2. Experiencing pain in your teeth when you drink hot or cold beverages could indicate tooth decay, fractured teeth, worn fillings, gum disease, worn tooth enamel, or an exposed tooth root due to gum recession. Treatment options depend on the source of the sensitivity as determined by your dentist.
  3. Bleeding or sore gums could simply be caused by brushing too hard or overzealous flossing; however, this could also be a sign of gum disease that only an oral health professional can address.
  4. Mouth sores could indicate an infection, virus, fungus, or simply an irritation from dentures or a sharp edge of a broken tooth or filling. Consult your dentist if you’ve had a mouth sore for longer than one week.
  5. Bad breath can indicate poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, gum disease, or a medication’s side effects. If you brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss daily, but still experience bad breath, consult your dentist to rule out an underlying medical condition.

If you’re experiencing any of these issues or have other concerns, please contact us today. We’re here to help!


Reprinted with permission from Cherry Health.

Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy

By Dr. Meghan Condit, Dentist at Heart of the City Health Center


1. Eat healthy snacks: Fruits, vegetables, yogurt and cheese are good choices. Stay away from sweet foods that can stick to teeth, like fruit snacks, raisins and candy.


2. Avoid sweet drinks: Pop, sports drinks (like Gatorade), Kool-Aid, juice and even milk have sugar that can cause cavities! Make sure your child has only 4-6 ounces of juice per day and only during meal times. It is especially important to avoid milk and juice before bed, and your child should never sleep with a bottle or cup!


3. Drink lots of tap water: It has fluoride added to it, which protects teeth from cavities, and washes away all the food your child eats during the day.


4. Brush your child’s teeth: At least 2 times per day as soon as you see a tooth! Children should always be supervised, and an adult should brush until children turn about 8 years old. Use fluoride toothpaste or one that says “cavity protection.” Children 0-2 should use a “grain of rice-size” amount of toothpaste, and children 3-6 should use a “pea-sized” amount of toothpaste.


5. Take your child to a dentist: The first dental visit should be before their first birthday. A dental home will provide information about what to expect as your child grows. A fun and caring dental experience early in your child’s life will help them to feel comfortable and enjoy going to the dentist.


Reprinted with permission from Cherry Health.