By WKTV Staff

Kent County road crews got a little surprise as they were working to replace a culvert along the county line on 22 Mile Road: they discovered a femur bone.
Turns out that the bone is part of a mastodon with officials from the Grand Rapids Public Museum and the University of the Michigan contacted to come to the site to excavate. University of Michigan officials confirmed that the bones are mastodon.
There is some speculation that there may be two set of bones. Once the bones have been excavated, they will be processed by the University of Michigan. The bones are scheduled to be returned to the Grand Rapids Public Museum per the landowner’s wishes.
Mastodon versus mammoth
The mastodon is a member of the order Proboscidea, which also includes the mammoths, modern elephants, and a wide variety of extinct elephant-like species that evolved more than 60 million years ago.
The American Mastodon was wide-spread across all of North America from Alaska to central Mexico. It was smaller than the mammoth and they used their teeth to clip and crush twigs. Mammoths grazed on grass. Also, mastodons had straighter tusks and both the body and head of the mastodon is longer and squatter than the woolly mammoth
It is estimated that more 300 mastodon fossils have been found in southern Michigan and in fact, the state’s fossil is a mastodon fossil. In 2016, a UM-lead team unearthed Michigan’s most complete ice age mastodon since the 1940s in Mayville, located in Michigan’s thumb area. The team found 70 percent of the mastodon skeleton.
The Grand Rapids Public Museum has several mastodon fossils in its collection including the most famous local find, “Smitty,” which was 40 percent of a full mastodon skeleton found in 1985 in Grandville. Smitty’s skeletal material has been radiocarbon dated by multiple researchers, yielding dates ranging from 10,920 to 12,160 years ago.
The Museum also has the Moorland Mastodon which was found in 1904 in the Muskegon area and which has been on display for several years at the museum. Dr. Cory Redman, who is the museum’s science curator, has been working on restoring the Moorland Mastodon to a state that would be better for is preservation.
To stay up-to-date on the Kent City mastodon, visit the Grand Rapids Public Museum’s Facebook page.
As a side note, the Grand Rapids Public Museum currently has the exhibit “Pterosaurs: Flight in the Age of Dinosaurs.” For more information about the exhibit, visit