By Estelle Slootmaker
City of Wyoming Tree Commission
The City of Wyoming Tree Commission, “The Tree Amigos,” planted 20 trees with funds from a DTE Foundation grant administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The original spring planting dates were moved to fall due to COVID-19.
On Sept. 26, seven trees were planted in the Godfrey-Lee neighborhood in parkways in front of residents’ homes. On Oct. 10, another seven trees will be planted in the neighborhood and eight trees in Oriole Park, where many trees have had to be removed. Each tree represents a $500 investment. Excavation and permitting are being provided by the City of Wyoming. In addition to the Tree Amigos volunteers, five youth volunteers from Lee High School National Honor Society are helping with the plantings this fall.

The Tree Amigos have focused on the Godfrey Lee neighborhood the past two years because it has lost many trees to storms and development. On Arbor Day 2019, Wyoming Lee High School Ecology Club joined the Tree Amigos for the City’s 2019 Arbor Day Ceremony. To open the event, members of the Club planted two tulip trees on school property bordering Lee Street. The trees were provided by The Tree Amigos.
“We absolutely have some areas that need this resource,” said Vlad Borza, a Lee High School teacher who leads the Ecology Club. “I actually worked on a project just last year with high school ecology students to identify this very need.
“Due to disease and windfall, several of the trees along the (school’s) front parking area and along the side had to be removed in recent years. We would love to re-populate this area with some preferably native trees that can begin to complete the void left behind by these removals.”
The Friends of Grand Rapids Parks has also noted the need for increasing tree canopy in this area where Wyoming and Grand Rapids share a boundary. This City of Grand Rapids organization has been a helpful resource for The Tree Amigos. Its Urban Forest Project also offer resources and tree education classes, which are open to Wyoming residents.
“There is no arguing the significant environmental and economic benefits that trees bring to our communities,” said Lauren Davis, urban forest coordinator for the Friends of Grand Rapids Parks and who serves as The Tree Amigos volunteer consulting certified arborist. “As we continue to lose mature trees from natural causes and development, the need to plant new trees has never been greater.”
The Tree Amigos also added six fruit trees to the City of Wyoming Tree Commission’s Beverly Bryant Community Orchard at West Elementary this fall.
For more information about The Tree Amigos, visit the organization’s Facebook page.