Tag Archives: eating

In Love and Health: Back to School

Dr. Johnson adjusts one of his younger patients. (Supplied)

By Dr. Erik Johnson
Love and Health Chiropractic

For many American families, back to school means back to waking up early, stressful schedules, and junk food. All three of these can wear down children’s immune systems, leaving them more vulnerable to colds, the flu, and, these days, COVID-19. What can parents do keep their kids’ immune response strong? The answer is a lot!

Sleep, the great healer

As the new school year approaches, start encouraging kids to wake up and go to bed a little earlier each day. That way, the 6 a.m. alarm won’t be such a shock on the first day of school. According to the Mayo Clinic, when we don’t get quality sleep we are more likely to get sick when exposed to a virus. And, when we do get sick, we might not recover as fast.

When we sleep, our immune system releases cytokine proteins, which not only help promote sleep but help our bodies handle infections and stress. When kids don’t get enough sleep, their bodies may make fewer cytokines. Lack of sleep also reduces our bodies’ production of the antibodies that fight off infections.

Over-scheduled and overwhelmed

Another hallmark of the school year is the full calendar. Between schoolwork, sports, clubs, music lessons, and other appointments, many families rarely have time to enjoy some good old-fashioned downtime. One lesson we learned during the COVID lockdowns was how to be with our families. Resist the urge to step back into overbooked routines amp up stress and reduce quality family time.


On its website FamilyDoctor.org, The American Academy of Pediatrics advises, “Finding a balance between school, activities, and play can mean the difference between a well-adjusted child and a stressed-out one. Finding this balance is different for every child. It’s up to you, as the parent or guardian, to find the mixture of scheduled time and play time that works best for your child.”

Try to arrange your schedules so kids have free time every day and a day every week with nothing to do.

Overfed and undernourished

Back to school too often means back to junk food. We cave into sugar cereals at breakfast to get them to eat something. If kids eat hot lunch at school, they may eat the sugary treats and throw the real food. In the trash. And, when school activities dominate the calendar, it’s way too easy to serve them a fast-food dinner.

Plan ahead

Make a list of healthy breakfast, lunch and snack items that your child will eat and stock your pantry accordingly. Look for items without added sugars or chemicals and 100% whole grains. Stock up on fresh fruits and veggies—bring baggies of carrots, celery and green pepper with you when you go to pick the kids up. Keep them on the table for munching. Serve them alongside meals. Instead of chips and cookies, stock up on nuts, seeds, 100% whole grain cracker snacks. Don’t forget the cheese and peanut butter! Pop some popcorn the old-fashioned way–in a pan on the stove where you control the additives.

Plan healthy dinners, too. Put that crock pot to use or cook two portions and keep one for the next day to cut your prep time in half. As you cook dinner, relax. The simple act of preparing healthy food can bring solace to the soul as well as health to the body.

A well-adjusted child

You may not have realized that chiropractic care is for kids, too. Many spinal problems seen in adults begin at childhood. Children experience bumps, falls and accidents almost daily. These incidents can cause their spine to misalign the same as they do in adults. Chiropractic care keeps children’s spines and nervous systems healthy, too! Chiropractic adjusting techniques are modified to fit a child’s size, weight and unique spinal problem. Parents of children, who are regularly adjusted, report that their children seem healthier than other children their age.

It’s good to see schools opening and kids getting back to normal. Let’s all do the best we can to support the kids in our lives with good sleep, good times, good food, and good care!

Dr. Erik Johnson DC is a chiropractor at Love and Health Chiropractic in Wyoming at 1586 44th Street SW.