Tag Archives: Farm Tour Initiative

New initiative aims to bring in new hunters and address crop damage in Michigan

Michigan white-tailed deer. (Courtesy, Davin Harsila)

By Greg Chrapek

Michigan farmers produce an abundance of crops that feed not only fellow Michiganders, but people across America. Those farmers, however, also have a culprit that takes a toll on their production. That culprit is the large deer population across the state.

Every year, deer cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in crop damage across the state of Michigan.

Initiatives have taken place to combat this problem and one of the organizations that is addressing the problem is the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), an organization dedicated to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of America’s hunting heritage.

Across the country, NWTF staff and volunteers seek out innovative ways to welcome new and diverse audiences into America’s hunting traditions, and momentum-building efforts in Michigan are no different. Jen Davis, NWTF hunting and shooting Region 3 coordinator for Michigan, recently promoted the launch of the new Farm Tour retention initiative. Davis presented this new program during the Michigan Soybean Committee’s 2024 Soybean On-Farm Research Summary Tour.

Michigan white-tailed deer. (Courtesy, Davin Harsila)

Hunt Michigan Collaborative partnered with National Deer Association

This program, developed by Hunt Michigan Collaborative in partnership with the National Deer Association, aims to address crop damage on Michigan farms while also creating new opportunities for hunters to hone their skills and contribute to conservation. As a key partner in the initiative, the NWTF plays a vital role in connecting hunters with the Farm Tour program.

The Hunt Michigan Collaborative aims to assimilate and streamline efforts to grow hunter numbers in Michigan, while simultaneously providing landowners, urban areas and farmers with much needed wildlife management. 

Every year, deer cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in crop damage across the state of Michigan, including corn, soybeans, buckwheat, alfalfa and apple crops. (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

The Farm Tour initiative connects farmers experiencing crop damage with conservation organizations seeking land access for new and continuing hunters. This mutually beneficial partnership helps farmers address significant crop losses, estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, while providing hunters with valuable opportunities to fill their freezers and develop their skills. Excess deer harvested during these hunts are donated to local communities through the Hunters Feeding Michigan program.

 “Here in Michigan, as with the broader Midwest region, we are dominated by private land, much of it in agriculture,” Davis said. “We also have abundant wildlife populations filling the remaining adjacent woodlands and wetlands. This can lead to tensions for farmers, for new hunters and for wildlife. The Farm Tour aims to broker relationships that offer solutions for all parties involved.” 

Participating hunters must possess a Michigan hunting license, a valid deer hunting license and must follow all Michigan deer hunting regulations and Farm Tour-specific rules during the hunt.

Farmers interested in joining the program are encouraged to complete the form on the Hunt Michigan Collaborative website https://huntmicollaborative.com and hunters are encouraged to contact Jen Davis at jdavis@nwtf.net or by phone at 734-680-6049.

National Wild Turkey Federation

Since 1973, the National Wild Turkey Federation has invested over half a billion dollars into wildlife conservation and has positively impacted over 23 million acres of critical wildlife habitat. The NWTF has also invested over $9 million into wild turkey research to guide the management of the wild turkey population and to ensure sustainable populations into perpetuity. The organization continues to deliver its mission by working across boundaries on a landscape scale through its Four Shared Values: clean and abundant water, healthy forests and wildlife habitat, resilient communities, and robust recreational opportunities. With the help of its dedicated members, partners and staff, the NWTF continues its work to provide healthy habitats and healthy harvests for future generations.