By Deborah Reed
WKTV Managing Editor
Five foreign exchange students representing four countries embarked on a journey that led them to Wyoming High School.
Alexandra (Italy), Edward (Germany), Daisy (Thailand), Linh and Hieu (Vietnam) have traveled thousands of miles to experience the American way of life.
Though not always easy due to cultural differences, all five students have expressed enjoyment of their time in the United States.
International Exchange Coordinator and Educatius Local Coordinator Sunflower Swan is determined to help the foreign students get the most out of their time in America.
“My job is to help them to achieve that experience of positive outcome,” said Swan.

Swan, raised in Korea, came to America as an exchange student when she was in college. Her experience inspired a passion for helping others find that same joy.
“I want this experience to be fun and engaging. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said Swan.
Swan creates that fun environment through various interactive events and activities.
Upon the exchange students’ arrival, Swan hosted a gathering at a local park for the students and their host families. Cookie-eating contests, marshmallow-stuffing contests, and 3-legged races were among the planned activities.
But Swan said the games accomplished far more than just having fun.
“The [3-legged race] is a metaphor that they have to [coexist] in harmony with each other,” said Swan. “Because, to have a successful experience, they can’t do their own thing. You have to tie together.”
Exuberance for life and the American way
Swan’s passion for life was evident during a conversation with Swan and the foreign exchange students.
That conversation involved far more than a question and answer session to see how the students were faring at WHS. Props, signs, face mustaches, picture taking, dancing, and laughter were also part of the mix.
“I don’t do boring stuff,” Swan said as she tossed this reporter a flowered lei with instructions to put it on before she took a picture. “That’s fun, isn’t it? A celebration of life, I call it.”
Alexandra is also embracing life and several new experiences.
“I am making new friends every day, and I am not afraid to talk to [others],” said Alexandra. “I’m shy, but I’m trying to be more confident.”
Alexandra said she joined the WHS golf team because she had never tried the sport before. “I’m not good,” Alexandra said with a shrug. “But I don’t care.”
WHS English teacher and Alexandra’s host mother, Joslyn O’Dell, said Alexandra fit right into her family.
“As soon as we got the name Alexandra, Drake (O’Dell’s son) looked her up on social media and became friends with her,” said O’Dell. “So before she even got to the U.S. they were interacting. Weeks before she arrived, we had already started that relationship.”
Watching Alexandra seize every new experience has been fun for the O’Dell family.
“Just seeing her try the American school and see how that fits for her has been fun,” said O’Dell. “She’s had a lot of new experiences and she’s enjoyed a lot of them; she wants to experience everything.”
Daisy is also embracing new things, with music festivals, camping and learning a different genre of music among the Thailand native’s recent experiences.
Valuable lessons learned
Some experiences, however, are internal and more personal.
Daisy said that she is naturally shy but is learning to open up to people.
“Here, she has learned that exerting her opinion does not mean she isn’t humble,” said Swan. “[It is] gaining maturity and speaking when you need to speak.”
Hieu (Vietnam) enjoys playing basketball, is making friends, and is also learning to be more confident.
“I used to be shy to talk to people, but now I am more open,” said Hieu.
Linh said that through the kindness she has seen at WHS, she “learned to be respectful to everyone.”
Edward says being in America has instigated more meaningful conversations with his parents back in Germany.
“I talked to my parents [before], but here I do more,” said Edward.
Making mistakes and overcoming obstacles
Though most of the exchange students’ experiences have been positive, some difficulties have emerged.
Differences in culture such as body language, difficulty level and concept of school classes, and homework are some of the most common obstacles for foreign students.
“Some students don’t do homework because in their culture, homework is optional, it is not part of their grade,” said Swan, adding that some of the students have had to realize homework is required in the U.S.
Daisy said that while she loves the freedom America offers, she struggles with students’ disrespect toward teachers.
Because of Swan’s own experience as an exchange student in college, she understands the hurdles these students face.
“I know what it’s like, adjusting,” said Swan. “Sometimes they are afraid to speak because they don’t want to mispronounce a word.”
But Swan said making mistakes is part of the learning process.
“You have to make mistakes to learn the language and assimilate,” said Swan. “Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Mispronunciation is good. You don’t have to have perfect English to engage in conversation; that’s not reasonable.”
A few of their favorite things…
Increased freedom, friendly teachers and students, learning activities for students, and free food and refills on drinks were some favorite things mentioned by the group. ArtPrize was also a highlight this fall, with all five students exploring exhibits together.
30 countries, 20 years, and public diplomacy
Swan has spent 20 years and traveled to 30 countries while helping students experience other cultures.
“We are training future world leaders,” said Swan, adding that 200 out of 300 world leaders were involved in some kind of student exchange program.

“This is called public diplomacy,” Swan said. “It’s one of the greatest, powerful public diplomacy the U.S. can have, having exchange students here, learning American culture, American way of life.”
But for Swan, it is about far more than diplomacy.
“I traveled the world, but I discovered people are all the same,” said Swan. “I am more compassionate as I meet people because they all need to be loved and appreciated.
“We are all the same. We have so much focus on skin or education or status but forget they are human.”
And where Swan goes, fun and new friends follow.
“For me, I live fully,” said Swan. “I want to enjoy it. Life is too short, and I want to celebrate life.
“It’s not easy to do what I do. It’s a lot of problem-solving, but I’m making a difference.”
Education money can’t buy

Swan encourages families to consider hosting an exchange student, saying it benefits families as well as students.
“In my experience, host family children become much more diverse and stronger,” said Swan. “You are providing education money cannot buy.”
To learn more about local exchange student hosting opportunities, visit Educatius.