Tag Archives: freedom

Voices of Freedom: Liz Midkiff – Part 3

No matter the cost: Liz Midkiff risked everything to find freedom – and her voice

Human trafficking survivor and WAR, Int’l Ambassador Liz Midkiff is determined to keep others from experiencing the horrors she endured (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


TRIGGER WARNING: This article contains sensitive information about violence and rape that may be distressing or traumatic for some individuals.

Liz Midkiff was trafficked for two years before she found a way out. Held captive physically and emotionally, Midkiff finally had enough.

“I finally got out of it by running into the woods,” said Midkiff. “I think I just lost my mind. At one point I’m like, they can kill us all. I’m going to call my dad.”

Midkiff called her father at 4 a.m. and asked him to come get her – immediately. “He didn’t ask any questions. He got me and took me home. They lived four hours away.”

Midkiff was willing to risk everything to regain her freedom (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

Midkiff and her father didn’t talk during the car ride home. In fact, he did not know what he had rescued his daughter from until years later. He simply knew his daughter called, she was frantic, and he needed to go get her.

Though Midkiff received threatening phone calls after she escaped, her traffickers did not want to cross state lines, so she was not in physical danger.

Midkiff stayed with her parents as she began the healing process, describing her parents’ home as her safe house.

“Even if you get somebody out of [trafficking], you’ve got to get them to a place that’s safe or they’re never going to heal,” said Midkiff, adding that many victims do not have a safe place to go to. “I feel really blessed that I had parents that were able to help me.”

Finding hope and purpose

Midkiff’s healing process was long and difficult, mentally and physically.

“I had to have multiple surgeries because people did some ungodly things,” said Midkiff.

Midkiff’s attempts to facilitate healing were not easy – but she did not give up (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

The mental and emotional side of healing was difficult for many reasons.

“It wasn’t easy because I didn’t even know I was trafficked until years later,” Midkiff admitted, adding that she was continually told she simply had “bad boyfriends” and that her experiences happen to everyone. “I didn’t know there was an actual name for it.”

It wasn’t until she heard trafficking talked about on television that Midkiff realized: This is what happened to me.

Armed with that knowledge, Midkiff attempted to facilitate healing by talking with various therapists, but did not find it helpful.

“Most therapists have no idea what trafficking is,” said Midkiff. “They have no idea how to speak to a survivor.”

Midkiff found herself struggling with deep-seated anger as she sought meaning in what happened to her. “I just wanted to have meaning to what happened. I wanted to make sense of it, and I wanted purpose in my life.”

Eventually, Midkiff found a Christian counselor who asked where her journey first began. Midkiff explained about her mission trip to Thailand and the call she felt from God to fight trafficking. The counselor then asked Midkiff: “Do you think it’s a possibility that Satan heard that goal too, and he wanted to try to bring you down because you have something so powerful to say?”

Midkiff felt like a switch had been flipped.

“When I felt like I had a call on my life, I feel like that was from God. Three years later, I just happened to be trafficked myself.

Midkiff refused to let guilt and anger rule her life (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

“I feel that Satan tried to bring me down with the one thing I was supposed to fight. That there is something that I have to say that is so powerful, he just wanted to destroy it.”

For years, Midkiff did keep silent. “I didn’t want to talk about it. If I can’t even protect myself, how can I help other people?”

As Midkiff struggled with survivor’s guilt over escaping the trafficking business while others remained victims, Midkiff’s husband echoed the suggestion that Midkiff might have something to say.

“Maybe you have something that needs to be said, and so you need to use that to fight it,” Midkiff’s husband told her. “Instead of in anger, fight it by helping other people.”

Midkiff began seeing other survivors lead programs and meetings and was intrigued.

“Hearing from other survivors, how powerful their story is and how they can help others with what they went through, I thought, I have that. There are so many things that could be said about what happened to me.”

A lifelong journey of healing

Aspects of her physical trauma remain with Midkiff even now – and she refuses to be silenced about those experiences.

“To this day, I don’t sleep in a bed,” said Midkiff. “And if I do, I don’t sleep.

“I’ve been out of this for 15 years now, but to this day, I will wake up so tense I won’t be able to move, or I’ll have nightmares the whole night. I either sleep in a chair, or I sleep on the floor.”

Midkiff’s husband Roger (right) patiently won her trust and love (Courtesy, Midkiff)

When she married her husband, Roger slept on a couch and Midkiff slept on the floor.

“Eventually he just slept on the floor with me. He’s a big guy, so it shows his love, to be able to come down to my level.”

The fact that Midkiff was able to trust someone enough to marry was a monumental hurdle in its own right – and it took time.

“We would just hang out, [and] he became my best friend. He was different from every guy I’ve ever met.”

But even friendship didn’t come easily for Midkiff.

“I didn’t have friends. It’s still hard for me to make friends. I didn’t trust anybody. It was just me and my dog. I was very much a loner, and my husband very much pursued me, but in a friendship sort of way.”

When Midkiff’s dog died, Roger was there to support her.

“My dog had been through all of that with me. When he died, it was like my life was falling apart. But then Roger would just be there, just hang out with me as a normal person. He was never forceful, he was never weird.

“And I realized this is how people are supposed to be. I think that helped me be able to laugh again and be able to have fun.”

When Roger said he wanted to date Midkiff, she revealed everything in her past, fully expecting him to walk away.

It took time for Midkiff to trust that not all relationships are transactional (Courtesy, Midkiff)

“He didn’t leave,” said Midkiff. “He hugged me and said, ‘None of this was ever your fault.’ That was a turning point.”

But obstacles remained.

Because Midkiff’s experiences with men were entirely transactional, certain aspects of her relationship with Roger were difficult. When Roger took her hand or bought her flowers, Midkiff  was instantly transported back to her past and became angry, asking what he wanted from her.

“During dating – and even marriage – there was a lot of ironing out of those things,” said Midkiff.

A large part of her healing came from turning back to her Christian faith.

“When [the trafficking] was actually happening, I would say I turned away from it, especially when the church rejected me,” said Midkiff. “That was my final straw. I had a nice little showdown with God in the car, actually. I still believed in Him, but didn’t want anything to do with Him.”

However, Midkiff could see God at work through specific instances where she was shielded from harm by people who said God sent them to protect her.

As Midkiff tried to make sense of why she went through being trafficked, she found purpose in her faith – and found her voice.

Taking a S.T.A.N.D

Midkiff says every step she takes toward speaking out has solidified her belief that God has called her to fight human trafficking.

Liz Midkiff, human trafficking survivor and WAR, Int’l Ambassador (right) with Rebecca McDonald, Founder and Executive Director of WAR, Int’l (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

“Things are happening,” said Midkiff. “The S.T.A.N.D class, different situations I’ve had talking to people, and seeing people freed from shame they felt. People only I would have been able to talk to.

“If you talk to another survivor, it means something different because they understand. I think it’s helped me a lot with my anger and guilt.”

Midkiff began speaking at public events – and happened to share her story at a Women At Risk, International CFR event where founder Rebecca McDonald was in attendance. The next day, McDonald invited Midkiff to speak at more WAR events.

Midkiff has worked with the nonprofit for the past five years, finding she fits well into the role of speaker. And Midkiff’s voice is having a powerful effect.

“Working with WAR, I can speak for survivors, and I can help them.”

Knowledge and preparation are vital

For the past five years, Midkiff has been sharing her story to help others recognize and prevent human trafficking. However, she only shared her story at WAR events. In April 2023, Midkiff took a leap of faith and shared her story on Facebook for the first time.

Midkiff uses her personal knowledge and everything she has learned to protect others (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

But she wants to do more.

Knowledge and recognition of what human trafficking truly consists of is vital in preventing trafficking. However, even if Midkiff had been prepared, she knew her trafficker for six months, and he seemed trustworthy. How could she have known she was entering a dangerous situation?

What would have made a difference, Midkiff said, was having knowledge of how to get out of that situation. “It’s not just how to prevent it but, if this happens to you or your friends, what can you do?”

Knowledge of what trafficking actually looks like is also important.

Midkiff observed that people have a basic knowledge of what trafficking is, but don’t know what it looks like or what to do if they see it. And most people don’t know what grooming means in the trafficking world.

“That’s where I feel I can help,” said Midkiff. “And WAR is such a big help to people because every trafficking case is different and we have the resources, we have the knowledge to back it up. We have Homeland Security, we have the FBI, we have all these things that maybe the everyday person doesn’t have.”

An ambassador for truth

Midkiff works to educate both children and adults about trafficking (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

As an ambassador for WAR, Midkiff’s ministry is funded through the generosity of supporters. Her passion for protecting children from trafficking keeps her continually seeking ministry opportunities.

“I created the S.T.A.N.D. classes because that was something that was really important to me as a mom.”

S.T.A.N.D. classes are available for children as young as 5-years-old and contain age appropriate material regarding safe relationships, stranger danger, private parts and personal privacy. Teen classes may include content about drugs, money, phones and social media.

However, Midkiff has noticed many parents avoid talking to their children about trafficking because they believe it will scare them.

Midkiff has already begun teaching her oldest son (left) about appropriate interactions and relationships (Courtesy, Midkiff)

“I think adults are more scared than the kids are,” said Midkiff, adding that even if they do talk to their kids, there are things parents would not know about.

“What I do is so new, and such a hard topic, that people are a little apprehensive about having me come out. So [I’m] just trying to be bold, stepping out and fighting for kids now because the media is certainly fighting to get your kids right now. Trafficking is happening.”

While Midkiff may never fully make sense of what happened to her, “I’ve come to the peace of: it happened. For whatever reason it happened, I have something to say that needs to be said. And that drives me to seek out these opportunities.”

*Continue reading Liz Midkiff’s survivor story and misconceptions about human trafficking in part four of her Voices of Freedom series, coming to WKTV Journal on Jan. 27, 2025.

Take a S.T.A.N.D.

Liz Midkiff, human trafficking survivor and WAR, Int’l ambassador will lead the S.T.A.N.D. classes (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

WAR, Int’l is hosting two S.T.A.N.D. classes on Jan. 25 at the WAR Chest Boutique in Wyoming.

Created and designed by Liz Midkiff and Rebecca McDonald, these classes are teach safety awareness, trafficking signs, age appropriate communications/actions, and more.

– The Kids S.T.A.N.D. Session will be held from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. for children ages 5-10 years old.

– The Teen S.T.A.N.D. Session will be held from 12:30 – 2 p.m. for youth ages 11-17 years old.

More details and registration information can be found here.


*In an emergency, call 911.

– If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline. It is a free, 24/7 service that offers confidential and multilingual support, information and local resources for victims, survivors, and witnesses of human trafficking.

The hotline can be reached:

– If you believe a child is involved, contact the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST or www.cybertipline.com, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

– Additional resources can be found here: Trafficking Resources.

Women at Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) can be reached by phone at 616-855-0796, toll free at 877 END-SLAVERY (363-7528), or via email at info@warinternational.org. You can also reach them via their website contact form.

KDL hosts free preview of Ebony Road Players’ ‘Alabama Story’

WKTV/D.A. Reed

By D.A. Reed
WKTV Contributor

Kent District Library (KDL) will be hosting a free preview event of Ebony Road Players’ production of Alabama Story from 6:30-7:30p.m. at the Grandville and Cascade Township branches May 17-18.

The Ebony Road Players will present a reading of “Alabama Story” May 17 and 18 at the KDL Grandville and Cascade branches. (Courtesy, Ebony Road Players, photo by Brian Greenleaf)

Founder and Executive Director of Ebony Road Players, Edye Evans Hyde, and cast members will share a reading from the play Alabama Story and discuss its relevance today.

“When we heard the story about the play (Hyde) was putting on, it just seemed like a natural fit,” said KDL Director of Engagement Randy Goble. “It’s a topic we hear about in the current day and time…(and) it’s seeing how something from the late 1950s is relevant today.”

The six-actor, one-set play written by Kenneth Jones gives voice to a little-known story about a librarian who was persecuted for protecting a children’s book titled The Rabbits’ Wedding.

The story of two rabbits

A children’s picture book written and illustrated by Garth Williams and published in 1958, The Rabbits’ Wedding depicts the love and wedding of two rabbits, one black and one white. The book was ridiculed as promoting interracial marriage, and Emily Wheelock Reed, director of the Alabama Library Service Division, became an advocate for The Rabbits’ Wedding.

KDL features a display about Loving Day, the anniversary of when interracial marriage laws were abolished. (Courtesy, KDL)

“We wanted to do (the preview) to support Ebony Road Players, but also because it is a very fascinating story that we want to help people and the community become more familiar with,” Goble said.

Alabama Story is being performed in conjunction with National Loving Day, an annual celebration held on the anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision Loving v Virginia, which abolished interracial marriage laws on June 12, 1967.

“Unfortunately, a lot of things during the Civil Rights movement and this particular court case in 1967 is rearing its head again,” Hyde told WKTV. “I was searching for plays, and this one came up. I thought, this needs to be shown so people have an opportunity to see what’s going on now is not new.”

Telling multi-cultural stories

Since its inception as a non-profit theater organization in 2013, Ebony Road Players has provided a platform for narratives like Alabama Story that are not normally heard about or discussed.

Over the past 10 years, Hyde has not lacked for participants in ERP or viewers for their productions.

“It is a very multi-cultural group of people coming,” Hyde said. “They are understanding the need for these stories to be told on a consistent basis. People have been really open to it.”

A participant and one of only a handful of African Americans in Grand Rapids theater during the 1980s-1990s, Hyde began Ebony Road Players when she “realized the talent that is supposed to be here for telling these types of stories was not here. It hadn’t been cultivated.”

Hyde continued to say that she realized the real need was to build a talent pool that could be part of productions and opportunities that are not always given to people of color, and Hyde has been appreciative of the reception from the West Michigan arts community.

“We (Grand Rapids) have a pretty vibrant arts community, and we all work together,” she said.

A natural fit

Goble urges community members to come out for the Alabama Story preview. “If you would like a sneak peek, please come to the library at either of the two locations,” said Goble. “It’s going to be a fantastic introduction to the whole story.”

The May 17 performance will be at the KDL Grandville branch, 4055 Maple Ave. SW. The May 18 performances will be at the KDL Cascade branch, 2870 Jacksmith Ave. SE.

Ebony Road Players will be presenting the full production of Alabama Story June 8-11 at the Grand Rapids Public Museum, 272 Pearl St. NW. Information and tickets can be found here.

ERP is also collaborating with the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum, 11 Sheldon Ave. NE, to host a Loving Day celebration for families on June 10 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. More information can be found here: Faces of Family: Growing Seeds of Love.

D. A. (Deborah) Reed is an award-winning author of young adult novels and a creative writing instructor from the Grand Rapids area. To find out more about D.A. Reed, visit her website: D.A. Reed Author