By WKTV Staff
WKTV Community Media is all about the communities of Wyoming and Kentwood, as well as our community volunteers who live all over West Michigan — community people who bring life to our building and to our work. So in these days of social distancing we at WKTV wanted to keep us a little more connected.
So, we asked people to “Tell us how are spending your time?” How has your life and work changed due to the COVID-19 restrictions? What has stayed the same in your life. What advice would you give to the other WKTV community members, and the public at large?
Bill Rinderknecht, volunteer cameraman and content contributor
“Thanks for asking about us in the midst of these life altering circumstances. Like all extroverts —and now many introverts — I’m a little stir crazy because of the stay-at-home restrictions during this COVID-19 season. However, spending time with my wife, Charlotte, has been wonderful.

“Also, we work from home at C Grace Productions (cgraceproductions.com) so not a lot has changed in our ‘day-job’ routine. Thankfully we have captured a lot of video, which needs to be edited so we can start providing content to WKTV. On the other hand, editing requires a lot of time sitting in front of the workstation, which requires a lot of mental gymnastics, concentration, etc. I’d frankly rather be in the field (with horses) and let someone else do the editing.
“One blessing we had was filming the Michigan Horse Expo March 6-8 in Lansing with (WKTV volunteer) Riley Zoet, just before social distancing was directed. It was a great learning and networking experience for us, and Riley proved his worth as a videographer! Speaking of teammates, I miss the regular interaction with other volunteers at sports events, concerts, and other WKTV filming opportunities.”
And his words of wisdom:
“To my teammates, fellow volunteers, now is a great time to go virtual with projects you may have initiated. If you started editing at WKTV but have no such software at home, you can download free, robust editing software called DaVinci Resolve (https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/). Black Magic also has a $300+ version, but the free version doesn’t lack much. I already have an Adobe account and am not inclined to learn a new GUI, but testimonials I have heard speak very highly of even the free version capabilities.”
Thank you Bill (and Charlotte), for all you do.
Interested in learning more about WKTV Community Media, maybe getting involved with our volunteer community? Visit https://wktv.org.
Other WKTV Community Connections:
Paul Kabelman, high school sports announcer
Becci Schumaker, cameraperson extraordinaire
Mike Moll, high school sports director and announcer