Tag Archives: Healthy snacks

Resolve eating unhealthy snacks at work

By Sheilah Hebert, Michigan State University Extension


It is mid-afternoon and the vending machine down the hall is calling out to you. Do you take the calling and grab a candy bar and soda to satisfy the afternoon snack attack? This might leave you with feelings of guilt or feeling sluggish an hour or two later. Many people, especially those who work desk jobs, struggle with this battle on a daily basis. What is the key to beating the vending machine blues?


Michigan State University Extension says that planning is the number one weapon against the “vending machine assault.” If you know you are always hungry at 2 p.m., then it makes sense to have snacks handy when hunger strikes. We often run into problems when we wait to decide what to eat until we are very hungry and we then reach for the closest, quickest option. Having something quick and healthy that is readily available before we get to that point helps us to choose better options. To prevent eating unhealthy foods, MSU Extension recommends the following tips:

  • Try to pack snacks for a whole week or several days at a time and select a variety of options to choose from, so that there is always something appealing regardless of how you are feeling. Some days you may want a salty, crunchy snack like nuts or trail mix, whereas other days something sweet like fruit may be more of what you have a craving for.
  • Most offices have a refrigerator to store lunches or snacks, so bringing along a small stock of yogurt or cheese, which gives you a protein packed snack that is readily available, will give you a healthy option to curb your afternoon hunger.
  • Similar to yogurt or cheese, stocking up on carrots or jicama and hummus can help to provide you with the kick you need to finish off your day.

By packing foods at home you can control the portion size of your snack. Sometimes our best laid-out plans still go awry and we end up at the vending machine anyway. If this is the case, try to choose snacks that are lower in calories such as baked plain chips instead of regular flavored ones and tea or sparkling water instead of soda.


Do you have control over what is in the vending machine or can you talk to the company and make suggestions on healthier choices? If so you can ask them to follow snack options from the National Alliance for Nutrition and Physical Activity and American Heart Association Guidelines.


Just say no.

Remember that everything is fine in moderation, so if you generally make healthy choices, it is okay to occasionally splurge on that candy bar or bag of chips when the vending machine comes calling. Being prepared ahead of time will help make the vending machine habit a once in while occurrence rather than a once a day choice.


Happy snacking!


Michigan State University Extension offers nutrition education classes and policy, systems and environmental initiatives to support healthy choices in the workplace. Contact your local MSU Extension office to find support near you.




Too soon to talk school?

Your little one’s first day back to school isn’t that far off. Now is the time to think about new strategies for a productive school year. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Sue Gunnink, Spectrum Health Beat


It’s always difficult transitioning from the laid-back summer schedule to the hectic schedule of the school year.


It usually takes a good month or so to get back into the groove, at least to where you feel confident everyone in your household is back on track.


And once you’ve gotten into the groove again, don’t you wish you could keep it going all year long? Wouldn’t it be great to keep everything running smoothly ’til next June?


It just so happens that a few handy tips can keep your family functioning like a well-oiled machine, at least when it comes to nutrition and meal preparation.


We all know that one of the best tools in the toolbox is the lunchbox.

Here’s how to keep your meals on track all year long:

Pack ahead

Pack lunches the night before to avoid the rush in the morning. This gives you more time to plan meals, which increases the chances you’ll select nutritious foods. Have your kids get involved in the lunch packing, too. They’re more likely to eat the food in their lunch when they’re involved in the process.


Be a portion pro

To simplify lunch preparation, cut your fruit into individual portions for the week. For example: If you have three kids and want them to have fruit each day of the week, you can cut 15 containers of fruit on Sunday night.


Get stocked and ready

For after-school snacks, consider stocking healthier items that are easy to grab, such as trail mix, unbuttered popcorn, or peanut butter on sliced apples or pears.


Coordinate schedules

Plan dinners in advance. On Sunday night, take a moment to survey your family’s schedule for the coming the week, identifying nights that involve sports practice, school activities, special events and so forth. Plan the meals accordingly. Consider having one night where your child is responsible for coming up with a meal.


Prep and freeze

Consider preparing and freezing meals well in advance. Once every few months, you can make a large batch of a particular food item, such as lasagna, then divide it into dinner portions. These can be frozen and labeled for easy use later on.


Are you interested in learning more about balanced nutrition? Schedule a personalized appointment with a Spectrum Health registered dietitian or call 616.391.1875 to register for a group class series.


Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.