By Deborah Reed
WKTV Managing Editor
Over 70 community members, city and county officials, and law enforcement officers attended the iCI Nation “Lunch n Learn” event on March 12.
Held at the Grand Rapids Police Department (GRPD), iCI Nation Founder and Executive Director Jennifer Franson hosted the Lunch n Learn event as a way for law enforcement and community to meet and build relationships.

“The goal of this right now is building relationships and trust,” said Franson. “Our vision is to unify the city as we protect and serve together.”
iCI Nation has been building successful partnerships between community and law enforcement since 2016. The local nonprofit is dedicated to providing a healthy environment that brings citizens, police officers and organizational resources together to create a stronger and healthier city.
Value in connections
Franson urges police and community to build connections over the shared value of protecting and serving together. Lunch n Learn events are a way to facilitate those connections.
“I want to call out the value of all of you,” Franson said to event attendees. “I want you to try to see each other through that; the value you have, the value they have, and how you – together – are working on the same team.”
GRPD Police Chief Eric Winstrom sought out genuine connections when he first came to West Michigan. However, being seen as human beings – and not just as the uniform police officers wear – is a challenge, Winstrom said.
“To have people like Jenn Franson who give us the opportunities to connect with people on a regular basis like this, to have easy conversations, positive conversations, but also higher conversations – that’s super vital to the success that we’re seeing,” said Winstrom.
Advocating for our youth
Advocating for Kent County youth was the focus of the Lunch n Learn event.
Event speakers included GRPD Chief Eric Winstrom, Kent County Youth Caseworker Frank Briones, and GRPD Victims Advocate Clorissa Novak.
“Everybody in this room wearing a uniform wants so badly to never put handcuffs on a young person,” said Winstrom. “We want to deal with the root causes. This is not an us against them. We want the best, especially for our kids.”
Briones has worked with Kent County youth for over 20 years. Like Winstrom, Briones realizes the youth coming through his door are not defined by crimes written on an admission form. Often, they come from harmful environments and are struggling.
“It’s not their fault,” said Briones. “I try to advocate for them, I try to help them as much as I can.
“These kids, they’re our future. We made a commitment to be consistent with our youth, to go above and beyond to help them.”
Franson urges the community to think of the hearts and stories behind the headlines.
“We hear the bad [and] we don’t think of the people, the humans behind [the headlines],” said Franson.
Tragedy turns to triumph when we reserve judgement, said Briones. “We have to show [youth] that this is not the end of the line, that there is hope.”
Supporting victims of crime
Clorissa Novak, Victim Services Coordinator at GRPD, supports victims after they experience crime.
The social worker-led program focuses on information, support and resources to make sure victims have what they need both physically and emotionally. Education, Novak added, is also a vital component because many victims of crime do not know their rights.
“We are here to make sure people understand what they can expect, help manage expectations, and then support them in a time where our first responders and investigators are doing what they have to do to try to get justice.”
Novak went on to say that the iCI Nation Kids Closet at the GRPD is instrumental in ensuring victims have physical needs such as clothing, toys, backpacks and more.
“It is just meeting folks where they are and trying to make sure that they’re not falling through the gaps,” said Novak. “That they have what they need to get back to that pre-crisis state of function.”
The key to success, Novak said, is collaboration.
“Spread the word,” said Novak. “Let people know that we’re here, that we’re safe folks to talk to.”
Winstrom emphasized the GRPD’s commitment to protect everyone. “We want you to know that if you’re in danger, if you’re being victimized, you can call us.”
Engagement, Collaboration, Partnership
Topics discussed included restorative vs. punitive justice, self-care and needs of individuals and organizations working with youth. Engagement, collaboration and partnership were emphasized repeatedly throughout the discussions.

“Community engagement is huge,” said Novak. “People being willing to collaborate, to help our folks or create pathways for referrals is huge. The more relationships we can build the better.”
Briones said he will work with “anyone, anytime, anyplace” to help youth – even when it is hard.
“Sometimes we don’t want to get up and go,” said Briones. “But we do it anyway. We go, one foot in front of the other. We go because they are dependent on us.
“It takes support, love, caring and compassion to help these young people become better people.”
When asked about the GRPD’s greatest need, Winstrom gestured toward event attendees.
“This,” said Winstrom. “More more things like this where we connect on a positive level and work together.
“When the community supports us, we’re all winning. It’s not us against them…we’re co-producing the safest city we can.”
Value & Authenticity = Change
Franson said bringing value and authentic care and love to youth always makes a difference.
“You guys all have it, you guys are all doing it, and I hope that encourages you,” said Franson. “We’re all in this together. We’re all neighbors, we’re all community. We’re working together for each other.”
Winstrom agreed: “You’re doing the work; stick with it. It may be difficult, but these kids need adults in their lives who care. That’s going to make all the difference.”
“We have to finish the race,” said Briones. “What we start, we finish. When we can do it together, that’s even better.”
To learn more about iCI Nation, click here. For more information on the iCI Nation Kids Closet, contact Clorissa Novak at cnovak@grcity.us or 616-456-3360.
Lunch n Learn Sponsors
Event sponsors included Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker, Kent County Clerk Lisa Posthumus Lyons and Kent County Treasurer Peter MacGregor. Lunch was provided by The Candied Yam.