The average job search process takes over six weeks and can be longer depending on the industry and level of the position. If you’re unemployed, you need to make job search your full-time job to get the fastest results.
West Michigan Works! provides free services to help you at every step of the job search process. There are also things you can do at home to stay productive. Here are some tips and at-home resources to make the most of your time when looking for work.
- Collect everything you need. Take some time before you start searching to pull together the details of your employment history. This will make filling out an application and creating a resume faster and easier.
It is also helpful to have a list of action words available to describe the work you have done in the past. We recommend a list of 139 action words provided by indeed.com. You can access it at http://bit.ly/139ActionVerbs.
- Become a LinkedIn pro. UseLinkedIn to network, learn about companies and find job openings. Start by making a list of 30 companies where you’d like to work. Follow them on LinkedIn for updates, job postings, news, etc. Many employers use LinkedIn to recruit; if you follow them, you will see job openings as soon as they are posted. Once you land an interview, research the company online to gather information to reference in your interview.
Need help creating a LinkedIn profile? Check out this article from Money magazine: http://bit.ly/MoneyLinkedIN.
- Practice makes perfect. The more you do something, the easier it gets. This is true for finding a job. You can use YouTube videos to practice a variety of job search skills like communicating effectively on the phone and using body language to make a good impression during an interview.
Check out the Linda Raynier and Work It Daily channels on YouTube for short, to-the-point videos that can help you get your next job!
If you are looking for assistance exploring career options, building your resume or preparing for an interview, West Michigan Works! can help with this and more. Find free workshops near you at westmiworks.org/calendar.
Employment Expertise is provided by West Michigan Works! Learn more about how they can help: visit westmiworks.org or your local Service Center.