By Aaron Robins
WKTV Community Contributor

More than 100 people gathered at the Michigan Veteran Homes at Grand Rapids this past Saturday for the Dedication Ceremony of Blue Star and Gold Star Memorial Markers to honor servicemen and women along with families that have lost loved ones who served.
In addition to hosting the event, the Michigan Veteran Homes at Grand Rapids and the Kent Garden Club worked together on the project. U.S. Army and Michigan Veteran Homes at Grand Rapids Member Council President Corporal Robert Troost and former Kent Garden Club President Kathy Wolverton played vital roles in bringing it all together. The two star memorials, one blue and one gold, were placed in a new memorial garden space to give veterans and visitors a place to reflect and meditate.
“I thought the display was a beautiful gathering of people coming together to not only honor those who have served but to dedicate this special place,” said Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. “You know this home, the veterans home, has a rich history here in our city and to see this addition is just really special.”
Mayor Bliss delivered remarks from a stage in front of veterans and Gold Star families. She was joined by representatives for Congressman Peter Meijer and State Senator Winnie Brinks, Kent Garden Club organizers and retired military officers. Congressman Peter Meijer detonated an American flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol building on September 11, 2021. District Director of Senator Winnie Brinks office Kate Kooyman revealed that the Grand Rapids Veterans Home will receive nearly $6.5 million for operating costs and $200,000 for upgraded security as a part of a budget passed by the Senate for the first phase of the upcoming fiscal year.
The ceremony also included Soloist Brandon Harris and the Northview High School Band giving a rendition of the national anthem, in addition to playing taps, and the Union High School JROTC Color Guard presenting and retiring colors.

“I say congratulations to the Blue Star and Gold Star garden club, to all the family members, to all the leadership,” said (retired) Major General Gregory Vadnais. “Thank you for what you do, it’s important work. It keeps it in the conscious of American communities, that’s what we need to do.”
Gold Star father and Wyoming resident John Burri, who lost his son Eric Todd Burri on June 7, 2005, while serving in Iraq, couldn’t help but be brought to tears during the ceremony. Burri shared that as a parent, Gold Star families, which are families who have lost an immediate family member while in active service, are always worried about our heroes being forgotten, adding that the dedication of the Gold Star reaffirms that they will not be. Blue Star represents those families with active members in service.
Michigan Veteran Homes at Grand Rapids provides long-term skilled nursing care for veterans and eligible family members. The Kent Garden Club is an organization that focuses on gardening education. To learn more about both organizations visit and