By WKTV Staff
The official start of summer comes this weekend as many have a three-day one due to Memorial Day being on Monday, May 27.
Memorial Day, usually observed on the last Monday in May, originally only honored those who were lost during the fighting of the Civil War. It has evolved over the years to include all American military personal who died in any of the wars. Communities throughout the country mark the event with parades and special ceremonies, which is what both the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood will be doing on Monday, May 27.

In Kentwood, the Amvets Post and the American Legion D.W. Cassard Post 208 have shared the responsibilities of hosting the annual parade and service with one group hosting it one year and the other hosting it the next. For 2019, the Amvets Post has organized the event.
The parade is set for 10 a.m. Monday, May 27. It kicks off from the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), near the corner of 48th Street and Eastern Avenue. From there, it will head west down 48th Street to Kentwood’s Veteran’s Memorial Park located in front of the Kentwood Activities Center, 355 48th St. SE. At the park, there will be a ceremony including the laying of five wreaths, one for each of the branches of the military service: Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. The service will last about an hour. The Kentwood Memorial Day celebration will air at 12:30 p.m. and again at 8 p.m. on WKTV Channel 25.
The City of Wyoming will host its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 7 p.m. on Monday, May 27 at Veterans Memorial Garden, 2380 DeHoop SW.
The ceremony will feature guest speaker Diane Cimochowski who retired after a career of service from the United States Navy in 1996. Cimochowski is a highly decorated photographer’s mate first class who earned many awards during her career including the Navy achievement medal, national defense bronze star and overseas bronze star.
“The City of Wyoming is honored to recognize those who have served and those who continue to serve our country in the armed forces in order to protect our freedoms,” said City of Wyoming Mayor Jack Poll, who will serve as host to the event. “The Memorial Day Ceremony is a tribute to that service and protection and we are grateful to continue the tradition of this ceremony in our very own Veterans Memorial Garden.”
The ceremony will feature the Lee High School band led by Kevin Gabrielse and the Wyoming Department of Public Safety Honor Guard who will fire a rifle volley salute. WKTV will air the Wyoming Memorial Day ceremony at 8:30 p.m.