Tag Archives: Kentwood and Great Lakes Disc Freeze Fest

Kentwood and Great Lakes Disc host 10th Annual Freeze Fest Disc Golf Tournament and Food Drive Feb. 15

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

By WKTV Staff


The City of Kentwood and Great Lakes Disc are partnering to host the 10th annual Freeze Fest doubles disc golf tournament and food drive on Saturday, Feb. 15.

Disc golfers of all skill levels are invited to join the best-shot doubles competition at Jaycee Park, 1088 Gentian Drive SE, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $25 per person or $50 per team, plus a canned food donation for Kentwood’s Little Free Pantry.

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

“We’re pleased to celebrate 10 years of Freeze Fest, continuing this annual gathering of disc golf players coming together for friendly competition and to support our Little Free Pantry,” City of Kentwood Recreation Program Coordinator Lori Gresnick said. “We’ve enjoyed watching this event grow over the years and look forward to seeing it thrive for many more.”

Pre-registration for Freeze Fest is encouraged. Players will meet at 9:45 a.m., and the first round of the tournament will begin at 10 a.m. Dune Buggy food truck will be on-site at 11:45 a.m., offering a variety of burgers, sandwiches and sides. For more information about Freeze Fest, visit  kentwood.us/FreezeFest.

(Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

“Each year, the Great Lakes Disc team looks forward to joining the City of Kentwood in hosting this beloved event,” Great Lakes Disc owner Shea Abbgy said. “We are happy to bring disc golfers together for this offseason competition.”

Kentwood’s Little Free Pantry is open to all community members year-round, offering non-perishable food and personal care items anonymously to anyone in need. The pantry is in need of donations, and the City is encouraging local businesses, organizations and community members to get involved.

A Little Free Pantry is available at the Kentwood Activities Center, 355 48th St. SE, and at the Kent District Library – Kentwood (Richard L. Root) Branch, 4950 Breton Ave. SE. Several donation bins also are available throughout Kentwood.

For more information about Kentwood’s Little Free Pantry and to find a list of suggested donations, visit kentwood.us/LittleFreePantry.