Tag Archives: Kentwood Public Works Department

Spring Brush and Leaf Drop-Off Service available to Kentwood residents starting April 5

Kentwood Brush and Leaf Drop-Off. (Photo Courtesy, City of Kentwood)

By WKTV Staff

The City of Kentwood will again offer its brush and leaf drop-off service for residents starting Saturday, April 5.

Residents may drop off brush, sticks, tree limbs, logs, loose leaves and grass clippings at the Public Works Department, 5068 Breton Ave. SE, during new adjusted hours. The new hours are from 11 am. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

“We look forward to opening our brush and leaf drop-off site for the season and offering shifted hours based on community feedback,” Public Works Deputy Director Jim Wolford said. “We’re happy to provide an easy and convenient way for residents to dispose of brush and leaves during times that work with their schedules.”

The brush and leaf drop-off service will be offered through Friday, May 23, for Kentwood residents only, and proof of residency is required.

Materials that can’t be dropped off:

Materials that cannot be accepted include trash, paper and plastic bags, dirt, concrete, asphalt, tires, rocks, stones, construction materials, glass and metal.

In addition to making yard cleanup easier, the brush and leaf drop-off service also helps residents stay in compliance with City of Kentwood ordinances. The accumulation of leaves and debris on a property or in the right-of-way as well as the burning of leaves and brush are prohibited in Kentwood.

The Public Works Department gathered input through emails and phone calls from residents. Residents are encouraged to share feedback on the spring brush and leaf drop-off service by contacting the Public Works Department at ePublicWorks@kentwood.us or 616-554-0817.

More information about the City of Kentwood’s brush and leaf drop-off services is available at kentwood.us/BrushLeafDropOff.

Kentwood’s brush drop-off site reopens for residents with storm damage

The City of Kentwood will accept brush and tree debris for a short time due to the recent storms. (WKTV)

By WKTV Staff


The City of Kentwood has reopened its brush drop-off site for residents to dispose of tree debris resulting from recent storms. Residents can also report debris on city streets to the Department of Public Works, according to a statement from the city.

The drop-off site typically is closed in the summer.

Beginning today, Aug. 12, and running through Aug. 21 city residents can drop off brush, sticks, tree limbs, logs, loose leaves and loose grass clippings from storm damage at the Kentwood Department of Public Works, 5068 Breton Ave. SE. The facility will be open from noon-8 p.m., Monday-Friday, and noon-6 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.

“Our crews are working hard to help clean up storm debris throughout Kentwood,” interim Public Works Director Jerry DeRuiter said in supplied material. “We’re reopening our brush drop-off site to help residents take care of the trees, branches and brush that have fallen on their properties.”

The service is available to Kentwood residents only. Staff will be on-site checking for proof of residency and appropriate materials. Materials that cannot be accepted include paper and plastic bags, trash, dirt, concrete, asphalt, tires, rocks, stones, construction materials, glass and metal.

Residents can report downed tree limbs and other debris obstructing city streets to the Department of Public Works at 616-554-0817 or 911. Non-emergency street or sidewalk concerns can be reported online at kentwood.us/psr/index.php.

City of Kentwood’s Community Cleanup Day, including old electronics, planned for Saturday, May 1

In addition to holding its annual Spring Cleanup Day this week, the City of Kentwood will continue yard debris drop-off program this spring. (WKTV)

By K.D. Norris


In addition to its ongoing yard waste drop-off program, the City of Kentwood is assisting residents with general trash and debris, as well electronics, disposal as it will again offer its annual Community Cleanup Day on Saturday, May 1 for residents wanting to “spring clean” their homes and yards.

In a Monday, May 26, announcement to WKTV, the city stated this year’s Community Cleanup Day will accept yard waste, trash and general debris for disposal, and electronics for recycling, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Kentwood Department of Public Works, 5068 Breton Ave. SE.

Following the cleanup event, the city’s yard debris (including brush and leaf debris) drop-off sites, also located at Kentwood’s DPW facility, will remain open through Saturday, May 29. Hours of operation for the yard debris drop-off sites will be noon to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

“Our Community Cleanup Day offers residents a timely opportunity to dispose or recycle items as part of their spring-cleaning efforts,” John Gorney, Department of Public Works director, said in supplied material. “We encourage residents wanting to declutter their homes and property to take advantage of these free collection services.”

Most electronics can be recycled at local community clean-up days, including one planned for Kentwood residents. (Supplied/Comprenew)

The City of Kentwood’s yard waste drop-off site includes accepting brush, sticks, tree limbs and logs at the brush drop-off site, as well as leaves and grass clippings at the leaf drop-off site. Leaves should be loose when dropped off, not left in bags.

Red Creek Waste Services will be on hand for Kentwood’s Community Cleanup Day to accept general debris and trash for disposal.

Comprenew will be on-site to recycle electronic waste, such as mobile phones, computers and fax machines. Individuals with questions about other electronics that can be accepted are asked to call the toll-free number at 833-266-7736.

Items for donation and household hazardous materials will not be accepted during this year’s cleanup event. Those looking to safely dispose of household hazardous materials may utilize the Kent County Department of Public Works’ SafeChem program, which remains available to residents at the Kentwood Department of Public Works facility, 5068 Breton Ave. SE, 1:30 to 5:30 p.m., on Tuesdays.

The cleanup day and drop-off services are available to Kentwood residents only.

Anyone wishing to participate is asked to enter the drive off Breton Avenue where staff will check ID for residency and direct traffic flow to maintain physical distancing. For the safety of City staff and community members, all participants are asked to adhere to CDC guidelines, including staying at least 6 feet from other people and wearing face coverings.

City of Kentwood to open brush drop-off site as part of community clean-up

The City of Kentwood will pilot a yard debris drop-off site this spring.

WKTV Staff



The City of Kentwood will launch a new brush drop-off site to residents this May, coinciding with its annual community clean-up effort. The brush drop-off project is a pilot project.


Residents of the city will be able to dispose of sticks, branches and logs at the Kentwood Department of Public Works, 5068 Breton Ave. SE, from May 7 to June 2.


Residents can stop by between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. The site will be closed on Sundays.


“Residents expressed a desire to have this service available, and we hope it will make spring cleaning and yard care easier,” John Gorney, director of public works, said in supplied material. “A drop-off site has worked well in other communities and we are excited for its launch in Kentwood.”


The site will not accept grass clippings, leaves, trash, dirt, concrete, asphalt, tires, rocks, stones, construction materials, glass or metal.


The service is available to Kentwood residents only, and anyone wishing to drop off items must show proof of residency.


For more information on the brush drop-off program visit kentwood.us .


For more information on the community clean-up, visit kentwood.us .



Kentwood, Kent County host work zone safety poster contest for third graders

2017 Contest Winners: (top row, left to right) Faith Rogers, Appleview Elementary; Adeline Bender, Beach Elementary; (bottom row, left to right) Maria Huston, Saint Patrick Parnell; and Hritvi Mahajan, Orchard View Elementary


In support of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) running April 9-13, the Kent County Road Commission and Kentwood Public Works Department invite third-grade students in Kent County to participate in the second-annual Work Zone Safety Poster Contest and help spread the message that Work Zone Safety Is Everybody’s Responsibility.


National Work Zone Awareness Week is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season. This year’s theme, “Work Zone Safety: Everybody’s Responsibility,” reminds drivers that we all play a role in maintaining safety during construction season. For motorists, this means using caution and care when driving through work zones.


For the poster contest, third-grade students are asked to design a “caution sign” that focuses on one of the following safety tips for driving through a work zone:

  • Avoid distractions. Dedicate your full attention to driving. Avoid using a phone or changing the radio station.
  • Pay attention to directions. Follow directions from work zone flaggers and pay attention to warnings posted on work zone signs.
  • Keep an eye out. Watch for construction workers and their equipment. Also, stay alert to the vehicles around you.


Students may use crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens and/or pencils to create their design. Posters (i.e. caution signs) will be judged on creativity, originality, and their ability to strongly convey a message.


Submission deadline is Friday, March 23: Educators will collect submissions from their students and submit the entries to the Kent County Road Commission, as directed.


Families may also participate directly. For more information, email us here: mlamoreaux@kentcountyroads.net


Three posters will be selected as winners and schools will be notified during National Work Zone Awareness Week, April 9-13, 2018.

  • Contest winners will receive a special prize and metal replica of their sign
  • Each student participant will receive a certificate of appreciation
  • All contest submissions will be exhibited at the 2018 National Public Works Week Family Event on May 16