Tag Archives: Legacy Trust Award Collection

LTAC announces April 21 workshop for artists with disabilities

Michigan artists with disabilities will have the opportunity to attend a free Saturday workshop focused on art promotion and marketing and special needs planning.


LTAC Arts, the nonprofit arm of the Legacy Trust Award Collection, will host its first workshop in advance of its May show at the Grand Rapids Art Museum. The three morning sessions will focus on topics such as valuing and marketing art, benefits protection and special needs planning.


Sponsored by Trivalent Group, the workshop will be held on Saturday, April 21 at 401 Hall St. SW, Suite 134. Artists may submit completed artwork and registration forms prior to the start of the sessions. The planning sessions are open to all Michigan artists with disabilities, as well as any interested family, caregivers or other members in the community.


Now in its ninth year, LTAC is a statewide competition open to artists with disabilities that seeks paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, collages, mixed media and other works of art. Four wining artists will be entered in ArtPrize 2018.


Chris LaPorte, 2010 ArtPrize winner, and Erin Nemastil, ADAC Automotive communications manager, will lead “Valuing and Marketing Your Art.”


The Arc of Kent County’s Maggie Kolk will lead “Protecting Your Benefits While Selling Your Art.” The Arc of Kent County ensures that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are valued and able to contribute to their community.


Mark Periard, director of wealth management at Grand Rapids-based investment and wealth-management firm Legacy Trust, will lead a session on “Special Needs Planning” session.


Art drop off will be between 8-9 a.m. and sessions will begin at 9:15 a.m. A light breakfast will be provided. RSVP to LTACarts@gmail.com or call 616-649-2818 by April 19. Spouses and caregivers are welcome to attend.


More information on LTAC is available at www.LTACArts.org. Join the conversation on Facebook facebook.com/LegacyTrustAwardCollection and Twitter with #LTAC.

Nine Wyoming area residents to showcase work in 2017 Legacy Trust Award Collection

This year’s Legacy Trust Award Collection will feature nine Wyoming area residents among the 143 Michigan artists who will showcase their art for a chance to be sponsored in ArtPrize.


For the eighth consecutive year, Legacy Trust is sponsoring a statewide art competition for adult artists with disabilities in an effort to bring their voices and vision to ArtPrize, an international art competition that draws hundredss of thousands of visitors to Grand Rapids each year. Dates for this year’s ArtPrize are Sept. 20 – Oct. 8. Artists from Ada to Zeeland, the Lower Peninsula and into the UP have submitted artwork.


Artists from Wyoming include:

  • David DeBoer, Head Chef, mixed media
  • Adam Reidsma, The Workshop, mixed media
  • Jill Lindgren, Dogs, mixed media
  • Ryan Oosterheart, Fishing at the Cabin, mixed media
  • Mary Helmic, Abstract Geometry, mixed media
  • Jeffery Baar, Spring is in the Air, marker
  • Carole McDonald, Sapphire, mixed media
  • Jerrilynn Anderson, Getaway Place, acrylic
  • Tyler Riley, Bird’s Eye View, acrylic


Four winners will be chosen – one by a panel of celebrity judges, two by public vote and one special juried award – and sponsored in ArtPrize, the world’s largest art competition.


The public will have a chance to view and vote for its favorite entry on Tuesday, May 23, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Grand Rapids Art Museum, located in downtown Grand Rapids. Votes can also be cast online at LTACarts.org.


Along with the nine from Wyoming, there are 51 Grand Rapids residents whose pieces were selected. For a sneak peek at all 143 pieces, visit the Legacy Trust Awards Collection Facebook page.


Winners of LTAC 2017 will be announced on May 30. Along with having their artwork entered into ArtPrize, the winning artists will each receive a cash prize of $500.  All entry fees and promotion expenses for ArtPrize will be paid by Legacy Trust, which, for the fifth year, has secured the high-profile DeVos Place venue for the winning artists during ArtPrize.


Legacy Trust announces eighth annual competition for artists with disabilities

Adult artists with disabilities have a chance to win $500 and have their artwork displayed in the Grand Rapids Art Museum and entered in ArtPrize 2017 – thanks to the Legacy Trust Award Collection.


Back for its eighth year, the Legacy Trust Award Collection is soliciting artwork from Michigan artists with disabilities for its popular mini-competition in advance of ArtPrize. Four winning artists will each receive $500 and sponsorship in ArtPrize, the radically open art competition, scheduled this year Sept. 20 – Oct. 8 in downtown Grand Rapids.


The statewide competition is open to all Michigan artists with disabilities and seeks paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, collages, mixed media and other works of art. Four winners will be chosen by popular vote, a panel of celebrity judges and the LTAC Advisory Committee.


Artists must register with LTAC by April 24 to be considered for the 2017 competition.


Sponsored by Grand Rapids-based investment advisory and wealth management firm Legacy Trust, LTAC will be held this year in the Grand Rapids Art Museum May 22-23. A private reception for all artists, judges and LTAC supporters will be held on the evening of Monday, May 22.


The public will have a chance to view and vote for its favorite entry May 23 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the GRAM, which is located in downtown Grand Rapids.


Winning artists will have their work displayed during ArtPrize at DeVos Place in downtown Grand Rapids. Last year, 101 artists from around the state submitted artwork to LTAC, its seventh straight year of growth.



Winners of LTAC 2017 will be announced May 30. Along with having their artwork entered into ArtPrize, the winning artists will each receive a cash prize of $500. All entry fees and promotion expenses for ArtPrize will be paid by Legacy Trust, which – for the fourth year – has secured DeVos Place venue for the winning artists during ArtPrize.


Artists from all genres are invited to participate in the competition. All artists must submit an artist registration to Legacy Trust by April 24. All artwork must be completed and available for showing in Grand Rapids by 5 p.m. on April 28.


Following is a list of guidelines for submitting artwork:

  • All participating artists must be a resident of Michigan and at least 18 years of age by April 3.
  • All artwork must be original, attributable to the applicant and completed within three years prior to September 21, 2017.
  • All artwork is subject to the “Official Rules for Artists-ArtPrize,” which can be found at www.artprize.org.
  • The top four artists will retain ownership and all rights to their artwork, subject to the rules and restrictions of ArtPrize 2017. The artists agree to make themselves and their artwork available to LTAC and all partnering agencies and sponsors prior to and during ArtPrize for promotions and marketing efforts.
  • The top four artists who receive the award will be entered into ArtPrize 2017 as a Legacy Trust Collection Award winner.
  • LTAC artists agree that if their artwork wins any ArtPrize award, they will donate 25 percent of any award to create a special Legacy Trust Endowment Fund to continue arts programs for adults with disabilities in greater Grand Rapids.
  • Winning artists will be notified by Legacy Trust by May 30 and will be entered into ArtPrize.
  • There are no restrictions on artists who are not part of the Collection from entering ArtPrize on their own.


Artwork may be delivered by mail, UPS, FedEx or in person to Legacy Trust, 99 Monroe, Suite 600, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503 by 5 p.m. on April 28. See the registration form for additional rules and details at http://ltacarts.org.


More information on LTAC is available at www.LTACArts.org. Join the conversation on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LegacyTrustAwardCollection and on Twitter with #LTAC.

Legacy Trust Award Collection artists showcase their work at DeVos Place during ArtPrize

The 2016 winners of the Legacy Trust Award Collection will showcase their artwork at DeVos Place during ArtPrize 2016.


Installation has begun for Josh Andrus, Paula Clark, Debra Dieppe and Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation, who received top honors in the seventh annual LTAC competition for adult artists with disabilities. Sponsored each year by Legacy Trust, LTAC is a mini-art competition that supports four adult artists with disabilities by providing a cash prize, along with venue and marketing support to display their art in ArtPrize.


This year, 101 artists from Ada to Zeeland and the Upper Peninsula submitted artwork to the LTAC competition. In addition to two days of public voting at the Grand Rapids Art Museum, LTAC held online voting, which drew votes from throughout Michigan, across the U.S. and from other countries. Prizes and sponsorships were awarded to the two top vote-getters as well as one winner chosen by a panel of celebrity judges and one winner selected to receive the Lillian Perry Walker award.


This year’s Legacy Trust Award Collection will feature:

  • Andrus’s piece, “Cattails and Irises,” is an impressionistic acrylic painting inspired by nature walks and the flora found in his backyard. Andrus often turns to nature to unleash his creative spirit, which is apparent in many of his works. Andrus won one of the public votes.
  • Clark’s “Autumn Hues” is an abstract piece that utilizes acrylic paints in a sculptural and expressionistic way to form a fall landscape. Inspired by the rich hues found in the fall season, Clark expressed her love of nature through the piece. Clark received the celebrity judge award.
  • Dieppe’s “She Was Made of Magic That Only I Could See” is a mixed-media piece that expresses the importance of love in finding self-peace. Dieppe drew on personal traumas that have shaped her life to develop the hidden, but significant, imagery found throughout the piece. Dieppe won the Lillian Perry Walker Award, which is chosen by the LTAC steering committee.
  • is a 3-D exhibition of 28 paper masks, each created by a unique artist, that expresses how brain injury affected each artist or how they triumphed over brain injury. The piece is part of a national project to spread the word on the prevalence of brain injury. Hope Network also won the public vote.


“We continue to be inspired by the creativity each artist in the LTAC competition brings,” said Mary Ann Sabo, board chair of LTAC Arts, the nonprofit that supports the Legacy Trust Awards Collection. “The four winners truly encompass the spirit of LTAC and are wonderful representatives for the larger disabled community.”


This year’s celebrity judges included Richard App, owner of Richard App Gallery, Rosalynn Bliss, Grand Rapids mayor, Meegan Holland, special projects manager for Gov. Rick Snyder, Chris Smit, executive director of DisArt and David Thinger, artist and LTAC 2015 winner.


Legacy Trust will work with each of the four artists to market their entries, secure media coverage prior to and during ArtPrize 2016 and support their entries into the world’s largest art competition.  ArtPrize is slated for Sept. 21 through Oct. 19.