Tag Archives: memory loss

Got that foggy feelin’?

Is your memory failing you? Don’t assume the worst. You may have a reversible condition. (Courtesy Spectrum Health Beat)

By Diane Benson, Spectrum Health Beat


Brain fog … Can’t clear the cobwebs … I know I know this … Wait, wait, don’t tell me … Really, it’s on the tip of my tongue.


What did I do yesterday? (Hmmm. Good question).


If this sounds like your state of mind (or lack thereof), you may have dementia.


Hold on. Don’t panic.


Dementia, defined as problems with memory or thinking and changes in personality or behavior, can be reversible.


In fact, more than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia.


“Short-term memory loss, like difficulty remembering recent events, is often the most pronounced symptom of both reversible and non-reversible dementias,” said Maegan Hatfield-Eldred, Ph.D., a clinical neuropsychologist with Spectrum Health Medical Group.


Common causes of reversible dementia include depression, vitamin B12 deficiency, drug or alcohol abuse and under-active thyroid.


“We associate the word ‘dementia’ with permanence, something that’s going to get worse or is incurable,” Dr. Hatfield said. “But with these conditions, symptoms subside, or are reversed, when the underlying problem is treated.”


Many medications can also cause dementia-like symptoms.


As we age, the liver and kidneys don’t work as efficiently so drugs tend to accumulate in the body, become toxic and cause problems. Elderly people in poor health and those taking several different medications are especially vulnerable.

Stressed-out caregivers beware

Another increasingly common cause for scary dementia symptoms is stress. And those overwhelmed by caring for others are particularly at risk.


“So-called ‘caregiver dementia’—cognitive and memory issues brought on by the stress of caring for a loved one—is a very real phenomenon,” Dr. Hatfield said.


Fortunately, caregiver dementia is reversible. Symptoms go away when the stress and depression are resolved, which can be particularly reassuring for those immersed in primary caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s.


“These folks start to notice similar symptoms in themselves and think, ‘I have this, too,’” Dr. Hatfield said. “But it’s because they see and experience (the dementia) day in and day out. And that’s extremely stressful. It’s tough managing their own lives and caring for someone else, too.”


What’s typically at work here is the stress hormone, cortisol, she said. Chronic stress can affect the ways in which our brains function in the present, and may seriously alter our brain health in the years to come.


Chronic anxiety and depression also affect brain function and behavior.


“It’s so important to get help, to be proactive in overcoming these feelings and address any issues,” Dr. Hatfield said. “Don’t let things go or build up. Stress reduction is something to take very seriously.”


Younger people are not immune either, she said. Pronounced and dramatic memory issues due to extreme stress can happen to people in their 20s and 30s.

Is it dementia or something else?

Some reversible dementias are easier to diagnose than irreversible dementias because they can be identified by medical tests. Others are more difficult to pin down.


To tell for certain, Dr. Hatfield advises seeing a neuropsychologist for testing. She suggests using age to help determine when, or if, testing is necessary.


“If you’re under age 50, we tend to be less concerned about a non-reversible dementia like Alzheimer’s disease because they’re incredibly uncommon in younger adults,” she said.  “Instead, we look at stress, depression or other medical conditions first.”


But if you’re over age 65 and notice memory problems it’s a good idea to get it checked out with a full neuropsychological evaluation.


“Everyone has challenges with memory and thinking at one time or another,” Dr. Hatfield said. “Neuropsychological assessment measures how your brain is functioning compared to others your same age. It’s also very good at differentiating cognitive problems caused by stress or depression from problems caused by a non-reversible dementia.”


If your test scores fall outside the normal range, she said, doctors have key information to help identify a cause.


To make an appointment with a neuropsychologist at the Spectrum Health Memory Disorders Clinic, call 616.267.7104.


Reprinted with permission from Spectrum Health Beat.

Holland Home: Communicating God’s love to someone with memory loss

By Peg Cochran

Marketing Communications Manager, Holland Home


Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia is challenging.  Memory loss strips victims of short-term memory, making familiar events and tasks, such as faith-based activities or worship very difficult. However, a strong faith can transcend memory loss, with an adapted approach based on the individual’s abilities.


Discover Strengths

People with memory loss still have the need to be known as a person—to receive self-validation even though suffering from dementia.


“Universal human needs don’t go away with memory loss,” says Joshua Baron, chaplain at Holland Home’s Fulton Manor. “We can communicate God’s love in ways that meet those needs.  Discover the individual’s strengths and build on those.”


People who still have the ability to speak can be encouraged to lead prayers, sing hymns or play the piano, if they have retained those skills. Praying for others can engender positive feelings of self-worth.


Communicate Using Strengths


While someone with memory loss might not be able to remember what they ate for breakfast that morning because of the decline in short term memory, long term memories and things learned in the past are often still vivid and able to be recalled.


“You can tap into enduring memories with hymns and prayers learned in childhood, which are still familiar,” said Baron.


Providing a sensory experience, such as holding onto something special during a church service, can also be comforting and tap into old memories.


Attending Church Services


“It is important that those with memory loss have the assurance of God’s love, support for continued prayer and the opportunity to participate in religious services,” said Baron.   “Research shows that attending church services has positive benefits for a person’s well-being, even for those with significant dementia.”  Being a part of a religious community gives people a sense of belonging, and a feeling that “this is my family”.


If the person with memory loss is not able to attend church services, Baron recommends contacting the church to have a minister or church elder visit so that the person with memory loss can still partake in a service and celebrate communion.


Residential Placement 


Sometimes it is not possible to care for a person with memory loss at home, and a residential placement needs to be considered.  Baron recommends choosing a faith-based organization.


“Holland Home offers a worship service, Evening Star, which was created specifically for people with dementia and is a strength-based approach to worship,” said Baron.


Evening Star focuses on familiar hymns, prayers and Bible passages.


“At Fulton Manor, we offer two services on Sunday where memory care residents are welcome, and also hold services every Monday on our memory care floors using the Evening Star worship service.”


For more information about memory care at Holland Home, visit hollandhome.org/memory-care or call 616-235-5113.