By K.D. Norris
Anybody who has rebuilt a classic car will tell you there are somethings that just have to be modernized, that some of the original mechanicals simply can no longer be renovated.
That is especially true with classic pickups, most of which were bought and used as work vehicles — farm vehicles often — including Mitch Miller’s 1955 Chevrolet, a now annual visitor at the Wyoming-Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2019 28th Street Metro Cruise, this year on Aug. 23-24.

So while “Old Yeller” carries much history with it — including its original bright yellow paint job and his mother’s graduation tassel hanging from its rear view mirror — it also carries something few classic pickups possess: a fuel system running off of ethanol.
“It’s named ‘Old Yeller’ because it had that name, that color, when we bought it,” Miller said to WKTV. But in another way it is very, very different from when it was new or when it came into the family.

“One of the interesting things is I converted it to E85,” he said. “I put a Quick Fuel (Technology) carburetor on it. Replaced the fuel lines and cleaned the fuel tank. It runs great on 85 percent ethanol and that is the only fuel I run through it now. That is kind of a thing (when he shows it off). I’m an ethanol producer, we have the NuVu (Fuels) gas stations, and we wanted to do a little bit of proving that ethanol can run great on older vehicles. It burns really clean and has good power.”
While the ’55 may have modern technology and a little bit of modern purpose associated with it, it also carries a family history that will be passed on in the family, Miller said.
“My father bought the truck in 1992, 27 years ago, in Bismarck, North Dakota … It was his favorite year of pickup. He was a Chevy guy for a lot of years,” Miller said. “But it had basically sat in a barn, in storage, for 15 years in Bismarck … I have had an interest in older vehicles, and have redone a number of vehicles — a ’74 Corvette, a ’68 Camaro — so I asked my brothers to ship that truck to me.”
As with almost any classic car rebuilt, the vehicle was in worse shape than he thought when it was finally parked in his garage — “A lot of pickups were used as farm trucks and they were really abused. I think they are more rare than the cars. … just preserving the history and keeping them on the road.

“I spent the winter of 2016, into 2017, just going through all the mechanical. Brakes. We added power steering. Radiator. Rims and tires. Took the dash out if it, got all the old gages working. … We were having trouble with the original straight six cylinder motor and we put a Crate 350 in it. So it has a little more horsepower. So, just got it road worthy. … Now it’s a great cruiser. We use it on the Interstate. It’ll run 75 miles an hour down the road.”
And with a reminder of its family history hanging from its rearview mirror, it will likely stay cruising down the Miller family road for a while.
“When my dad first bought it, my mom put her 1970 graduate class tassel on the rear view mirror and that would never be touched by our family. That stays there,” he said. “This truck will go down to my brother’s son, or my son. It will stay in the family.”
WKTV Community Media will produce a 1-hour special live broadcast scheduled to air at 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23, on WKTVLive.org as well as on WKTV Comcast Cable Channel 25 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and, later on demand at WKTV.org.
For more information Metro Cruise 2019, visit the chamber’s website at southkent.org and keep up on the latest news of Metro Cruise and DreamWheels at WKTVjournal.org.