Tag Archives: Michigan Science Olympiad

GVSU to host regional Science Olympiad tournament for West Michigan K-12 students March 29

Students from 60 teams throughout Kent, Ottawa and Muskegon counties will compete in the Michigan Science Olympiad regional tournament (Supplied)

By WKTV Staff


Grand Valley State University (GVSU) will host the 41st Region 12 Michigan Science Olympiad tournament on March 29. The university is welcoming West Michigan middle school and high school students to compete in STEM-related events for a chance to advance to the state tournament.

Science, education and community

Students will test their abilities in a wide range of science-related activities (Supplied)

Nearly 60 teams from schools in Kent, Ottawa and Muskegon counties will participate in the annual celebration of education and science on the university’s Allendale Campus, where students will test their abilities in a wide range of science-related activities.

Teams from 10 high schools and eight middle schools will continue on to the April 26 state tournament.

Grand Valley’s Regional Math and Science Center is hosting the competition, which will also feature an exhibition from 2-4:30 p.m. in the Fieldhouse Arena showcasing STEM opportunities and career paths with participating community and business partners.

The tournament’s events start at 8 a.m., ending around 3 p.m., at venues across GVSU’s Allendale Campus. The awards ceremony begins at 4:30 p.m. at the Fieldhouse Arena.

Competition events

Students will compete in events involving biology, geology, physics, chemistry and engineering.

Examples of the types of events include:

  • Build events: Students design and construct physical devices such as robot vehicles, towers or rubber-powered helicopters using specified materials and guidelines. These devices are tested during the competition to see how well they perform based on specific criteria. 
  • Lab events: Students test their technical skills by focusing on identification, procedure, measurement and more.
  • Test events: Students will put pencil to paper and race against time to test their proficiency of science topics.

Cultivating a love for science

The competition’s leaders said they are excited to start the fifth decade of hosting the Region 12 tournament, which tops the state for participation numbers.

(Courtesy, GVSU)

“Michigan and GVSU have been involved with the National Science Olympiad organization since its beginning in 1984, allowing us to cultivate students’ love for science by supporting high-impact STEM activities for hundreds of students each year,” said Deborah Herrington, Director of the Center for Experiential Learning in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

“We appreciate the numerous faculty and staff as well as the 200 Grand Valley students who volunteer their time and talents for each tournament, demonstrating GVSU’s commitment to education and the community.”