By K.D. Norris
Following the Friday, Oct. 2, decision by the Michigan Supreme Court to strike down Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID-19 related executive orders, the Kent County Health Department issued a statement today that, in part, said that “orders for isolation and quarantine are not affected by the Supreme Court’s ruling.”
The Oct. 5 statement, attributed to Dr. Adam London, Director of the Kent County Health Department (KCHD), was in response to the supreme court ruling that the Governor did not have the authority to issue executive orders under emergency declarations past April 30 of this year.
“Actions such as orders for isolation and quarantine are not affected by the Supreme Court’s ruling,” Dr. Landon said in the statement. “These actions are authorized under the Michigan Public Health Code, a law that was enacted by the Michigan Legislature in 1978. The KCHD will continue to use public health orders and enforcement actions as appropriate under law as this agency has done for many decades.”
The KCHD statement also “stresses” the importance of adhering to the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Those strategies include wearing facial coverings in indoor public places, maintaining social distance, frequent hand washing, and staying home if you are sick.
“The KCHD is confident Kent County residents will continue to take the steps necessary to place their families, friends, and coworkers at the least possible risk for contracting COVID-19,” according to the statement.
Also according to the statement, the KCHD “is hopeful the Legislature and the Governor will work together to protect public health in a collaborative and expedited manner. The KCHD is communicating closely with officials at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and other local health departments to identify pathways forward which respect rule of law and are protective of the health and safety of our communities.”
Gov. Whitmer, also today, Oct. 5, issued a statement that address the issue of continued health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Director Robert Gordon filed a motion with the Michigan Supreme Court (today) requesting that they clarify that their October 2nd ruling does not take effect until Friday, October 30th. … Ensuring this transition period will allow the governor, local health departments, and the Michigan Legislature to work together to put protections in place that will keep Michiganders safe and protect our economy.”
More information on the KCHD’s COVID-19 resources and information can be found by visiting accesskent.com/Health/coronavirus.