By Deborah Reed
WKTV Managing Editor
With over 1,200 submissions in 2022, Michigan’s statewide short story contest is already garnering new writers and seeing submissions from veteran entrants.
Open to Michigan residents of all ages, the Write Michigan (WMI) competition is accepting submissions through Nov. 30.
Author Joel Armstrong, and a WMI judge of the Adult English category, encourages all those with a love of writing to enter the contest.
“The beautiful side of [writing] is your story can affect people differently,” said Armstrong. “There could be people who are not drawn to the other stories, but really resonate with yours.
“That’s the really cool thing about putting your stories out there. Someone is going to read it and respond to it, they are going to be thinking about it, and that’s the whole point.”
The power of perspective
A publishing house content editor and product developer, Armstrong has written multiple novels, published short stories in science fiction and fantasy magazines, and has entered short stories in WMI for the last few years.
Armstrong said he has been writing since he was young.
“It’s always been what I’ve wanted to do,” said Armstrong, adding that the draw of the written word is “the ability to see different perspectives and worlds. I’ve personally always read fantasy and science fiction, partly because I want to get outside of my own perspective.
“I think it’s really the power of really putting yourself into someone else’s shoes, seeing the world from their perspective, and just understanding how different people’s lived experience can be.”
Wodehouse, Dante, and Shakespeare – oh my!
First time WMI entrant and Grand Rapids resident, Joshua Boers, said he entered the contest because he was looking for a new writing project, and “the contest will keep us accountable to actually finish a story.”
Boers likened his fantasy/humor/historical fiction submission as “P.G. Wodehouse meets Dante’s Inferno.”
“I was reflecting one day that Wodehouse’s stories are so relaxing because his characters are all obsessed with pointless, low stakes things, and I wondered what would happen if you gave a Wodehouse story the highest possible stakes,” said Boers.
Boers admits that he likes making people laugh, which has been the primary goal of his stories to date. Experimenting with tone and voice also intrigue the publishing editorial assistant.
That particular urge is satisfied by writing Shakespearean sonnets based on random Wikipedia articles once a week with his wife and cousin.
Taken hostage by voices
Frankfort resident, Maggie Roberts VanHaften, will be entering WMI for the second time this year.
“I enter to get used to putting my work out for review and judging by people I do not know,” said VanHaften. “It is important to be comfortable with the fact that the judges may not be drawn to my style. Also, because I write from my heart, it is important for me not to take rejections personally.”
And writing from the heart is what drives VanHaften to put pen to paper as she gives voice to others who are unable to find words to express their stories.
“Many of my short stories are about people who have faced challenges and found a way through them,” said VanHaften.
“I write because I have to,” VanHaften continued. “I don’t have a choice, really. My stories generally come to me as my head hits the pillow, with a voice saying ‘write my story,’ and I can’t rest until I get it written down.”
VanHaften admitted that she has tried to give up writing at times, feeling she “wasn’t any good.” But “the hiatus has never lasted long. I just need to do it.”
Addicted to creativity
Full-time writer and artist, Mary Jane Pories of Grand Rapids, says she enters writing contests because it is one more way for her to get her writing out into the world and receive feedback.
Reading the work of contest winners also helps Pories “gain insights into how to craft my work and discover what stories/poems are moving readers.”
Though Pories hasn’t yet decided on her WMI submission genre, she says her works usually fall among the literary fiction, bildungsroman, or realistic fiction/creative nonfiction categories.
“Mostly, I write because I am addicted to the creative process because when I create, I learn things about myself and my world,” said Pories. “At the very least, the process raises more questions and increases my empathy for others.”
But Pories admits that her connection with writing often borders on a love/hate relationship.
“It can be hard and confusing at times,” said Pories. “But when a piece works, or surprises me, or makes a reader laugh, cry, or discover something about themselves or the world, writing can be immensely gratifying.”
Understanding chaos through stories
Teacher and previous WMI Reader’s Choice Award recipient, Marcie Woods, has entered the WMI contest every year since its inception in 2012.
“I took advantage of it to teach a short story unit with my accelerated middle school class,” said Woods. “And I believe in writing along with my students, so I wrote one, too.”
Woods said she loved reading student writing, especially student narratives, as a teacher.
“They are honest in their writing,” said Woods. “They pour out their souls on paper, and that is an awesome responsibility to read and to comment on.
“I myself love to write to help understand the chaos of my thoughts, to organize my life, and to tell myself stories.”
Winning the WMI Reader’s Choice Award, Woods said, was a boost to her spirits, but the real honor was knowing that “no one, without showing a good deal of quality and talent, can get into the semi-finals. [It was] sort of vindication of my right to teach writing.”
A WMI judge of Youth and Teen categories, Woods will judge in the Adult category this year as well.
The magic in our own backyard
Judging WMI contest submissions has been interesting and challenging for Armstrong, who currently works with non-fiction pieces every day. But Armstrong says he enjoys the contrast in genres.
“Fiction can be more subjective,” said Armstrong. “It’s more about how the story hits you emotionally. It’s an interesting change of pace from my normal work.”
The community aspect of the WMI contest and its submissions is why Armstrong looks forward to participating as a judge.
“Paying attention to what’s happening locally, and thinking about the writing that is happening in my own ‘backyard,’ is very exciting to me,” said Armstrong. “A lot of the writing is Michigan-specific, and it shows up in a lot of different ways. It’s interesting how location shows up for different writers, and what about Michigan they want to highlight.”
Believing the experience
Though there is a rubric for judging based on certain themes – such as character, themes and passion – Armstrong says for him, it’s all about believability.
“Do I understand why the characters are doing what they are doing, do I understand their feelings…do I have that human-to-human connection with the people in the story?” said Armstrong. “And even if I don’t share their experience in the story – if I haven’t had what happened to them, happen to me – if I feel like I can experience it along with the characters, that’s often what I find most important in the story.
“That’s what is going to keep me reading and interested.”
To find out more about the WMI contest, or for guidelines on submissions, visit Write Michigan. The deadline for all submissions is Nov. 30.