The “mad scientist” of documentary film Brett Morgen recently sat down with The Kamla Show host, Kamla Brett, to discuss his newest project “Jane.” WKTV premieres this newest episode on WKTV Channel 25 at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 31, and 2 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2.
Morgen has directed and produced a series of films including the award-winning “On the Ropes” and “Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck.” His most recent project, “JANE,” released in October, shares the story of Jane Goodall, who is the foremost expert on chimpanzees, having spent more than 55 years studying the social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Tanzania.

“I feel like ‘JANE’ is the perfect antidote for our times,” Morgen said during the interview. “I feel like this is the movie the needs to be heard and seen now particular because of what is happening with gender politics in America today…
“Jane is not a preachy film. It is not intended to have a message but the culture has taken ownership and they have told us what the message is. And they have told us that this has now become a film about a woman who does not have to give up her dream to have a family, to have a child. It is a movie about passion. It transcends the time and science to become this kind of rare move that you can go to feel good about and smile.”
Along with discussing the film, Morgen also talks about his desire to become a filmmaker, which started at a very young age; some of his famous classmates, and having a passion for what he does.
“I think when people see Jane Goodall or Philip Glass or they hear me talk, all of us found our fame when we were really little,” Morgen said. “And I think that is really scary for kids today because not everybody finds their thing because we are all moving at our own speed.
“So I just think for young people if they don’t find that passion, I think as parents we need to try and encourage them, but if they don’t find it they should not feel overwhelmed that I haven’t by 14 ‘By God what am I going to do with my life?’ There is plenty of time. You can shift and move.”
And at the age of 50, Morgen has admitted he has considered a shift in his own life. To learn more about the film “JANE” and what makes Moregan passionate about making films, check out the interview airing this week. Currently, there are no Michigan listings for the film “JANE.”