WKTV Staff
In Michigan politics two almost conflicting aspects of our election system are coming into conflict as the current politically directed voting redistricting system — often called gerrymandering — is being opposed by a group seeking to place a ballot initiative before the voters in 2018 which would change the system.
On the latest episode of WKTV Journal: In Focus, a public affairs talk program hosted by Ken Norris, he speaks to the leader of the ballot initiative group Voters Not Politicians.
Katie Fahey, president and treasurer of Voters Not Politicians, a non-partisan ballot committee seeking to put before voters in 2018 a proposal to end gerrymandering in Michigan, talks about the state’s current system of drawing election district maps, and how and why the plan Voters Not Politicians is advocating for would change the redistricting system.

Also on the latest WKTV Journal: In Focus, a new county Mental Health Court program — involving law enforcement, courts and the county’s pubic mental health and substance use disorder services provider, Network 180 — aims to change the system for the betterment of all. So also on the latest WKTV Journal: In Focus, Network 180’s director of network services Ross Buitendorp talks about the effort.
The episode will continue airing Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 6:30 p.m., and will again air on Thursday at the same time on WKTV channels but all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVVideos.
For the video of Network 180’s Ross Buitendorp at WKTV visit here.
The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.