By WKTV Staff

It has been a slow start to spring in Northern Michigan and the water remains colder than usual this time of year. While paddlers and boaters are itching to get out on the water, Paddle Antrim warns paddlers to take precautions to protect themselves from heightened dangers of sudden, unexpected cold-water immersion while on early season paddling outings.
While spring is in the air and outside temperatures are warming, lake temperatures are much cooler. When water temperatures are below 70 degrees, paddlers should wear a wetsuit or a full immersion dry suit with insulating layers. Sudden immersion in cold water can cause gasping and inhalation of water and hypothermia, resulting in unconsciousness or swimming failure as muscles become numb. Wearing a life jacket may keep your head above water and support your body should your swimming ability fail, or you become unconscious.
“We encourage people to get out and enjoy the water, but we also want to make sure people are safe at all times,” says Paddle Antrim Executive Director, Deana Jerdee. “Changing winds, stronger than usual currents, equipment failure – these are just a few unexpected elements that can cause paddlers to end up in dangerous situations. No one is ever expecting to fall in while paddling but it happens, and paddlers need to dress for being in the water, not for the air temperature.”
Cold water claims the lives of experienced and inexperienced paddlers each year. Please take the extra precautions to ensure your safety. Here are the five steps paddlers need to take before heading out on the water for any period:
- Always wear a properly fitted life jacket. Simply stated, life jackets save lives;
- Dress for the water temperature;
- Avoid boating alone and always let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. Have a cell phone or VHF radio accessible, in a watertight bag, should you need to call for help;
- Carry essential safety gear, signaling devices and whistles; and
- Refrain from using alcohol.