By Nicole Hofert
City of Wyoming
On Monday, the Wyoming City Council voted to open the 63-day public comment period for the community-driven Master Plan, Wyoming [re]Imagined. The draft plan forms a framework for future growth and reinvestment in the City of Wyoming. Upon final approval, it will inform how planning decisions are made related to land-use, infrastructure, transportation, parks, recreation, housing and more. During the public comment period, the City invites community members to review the plan and provide comments on the goals, objectives, policies, and programs it includes that will guide how the City will develop over the next 15 to 20 years.
As the blueprint for the City, the planning process for this draft Master Plan was intentionally developed to bring community voice and needs to the forefront. The City is committed to involving residents, businesses, developers, stakeholders, and workers in every step of the process. A 20-member steering committee made up of representatives from local school districts, commissions, neighborhoods, businesses, and partner agencies helped to ensure the plan is reflective of the community’s vision. Community outreach activities included workshops, focus groups, interviews, special event outreach, online questionnaires, social media, and more.
“The input we received from the community outreach initiatives formed the foundation of the plan. Our community knows Wyoming and what it wants for our future. They want to see affordable housing options, flourishing economic development, and preservation and activation of our public parks,” says Mayor Jack Poll. “This public comment period is hugely important. It gives the community a chance to come forward and tell us if the document reflects what they told us before formal adoption.”
The Wyoming [re]Imagined document explores multiple topics including a new Land Use Map, and Special Area Plans, as well as chapters on Residential Areas, Economic Development, Community Facilities, Transportation and Mobility, and Parks, Open Space, and Recreation. Each section details what community stakeholders and residents want to see in Wyoming’s future and how the collective vision is implemented.
To view the draft plan and provide feedback, visit www.wyomingmi.gov/reimagined.