By WKTV Staff
Quote of the Day
“Children are not only innocent and curious but also optimistic and joyful and essentially happy. They are, in short, everything adults wish they could be.”
― Author Carolyn Haywood

Shazam! That kid is awesome!
Have a great kid in your life? Then join Camp Fire West Michigan in celebrating him or her this Thursday as part of the Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. What do you have to do? Just send that awesome kid a note or letter to let them know just how amazing you think they are.

On the Safe Side
Over half of the 2.4 million cases of poisonings reported to poison control centers each year involve children less than 5 years of age. This week is National Poison Prevention Week with the Kent County Health Department providing a list of drop-off sites county residents can take a variety of hazardous materials to, including medications and sharps. Both the Kentwood and Wyoming Police Departments are drop-off locations for SafeMeds. The health department has a clinic in Kentwood that is a SafeSharps drop-off site. For more, visit

Remembering Richie
It has been 28 years since Richard “Richie” Hitchcock was last seen by family or friends. His family, who live in Allegan, hope to one day learn what happened to the young man. To help, they are hosting a fundraiser Saturday, March 23, to add more money to an existing reward in locating Hitchcock. The dinner event, which is from 1-5 p.m. takes place at Allegan Eagles (#2315) 110 Chestnut St., Allegan. To learn more about how the family has become advocates for all missing persons, click here.
Fun fact:
Nope, we are not talking about the area code for New York City. (Good guess, though.) As of Aug. 18, 2018, there have been 212 spacewalks devoted to assembly and maintenance of the International Space Station totaling 1,327 hours and 17 minutes. The 213th one will be this Friday with WKTV Government Channel 26 featuring the walk via the NASA channel. Coverage starts at 6:30 a.m. with the walk at 8:05 a.m.