Tag Archives: self-defense

WAR Chest Boutique in Wyoming offers FREE self-defense class Jan. 11

As part of their January campaign to bring awareness to human trafficking, Women At Risk, International is hosting a self-defense class for adults (Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


January is Human Trafficking Prevention & Awareness Month. As part of their January campaign to bring awareness, Women At Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) will host a free self-defense class on Saturday, Jan. 11.

(Courtesy, WAR, Int’l)

The self-defense class will be led by Luanne Shaw (DNP, RN, Certified ATA Instructor), from 2-4 p.m. at War Chest Boutique, located at 2790 44th St SW in Wyoming. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Attendance is free, however, registration is required.

Instructor qualifications

Luanne Shaw is a third degree black belt in Songham Taekwondo, black belt in Shinsei Arnis, and has taken certification in Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention (SHARP). She has been involved in martial arts instruction and training, including weapons and self-defense training, over the past 20 years.

Shaw holds her Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree in health systems leadership and teaches for several universities in nursing and health topics. Her nursing career includes practice in Emergency, Cardiovascular, professional development (education) and home/agency staff relief.

What to expect

Class participants will receive training that covers highlights on the impact of stress/fear on how one responds to threats in their environment, practical discussion, tactics to keep one safer in society, and physical skills to defend oneself against unwanted touch, potential attack or abduction.

Class participants will be taught physical skills to defend oneself (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

There will be an opportunity to practice some physical skills, though practice is not required. Many skills can be modified to meet a participant’s physical ability.

Peruse the boutique before or after the event to see products made by, or sold in support of, at-risk and rescued individuals from around the world (#shoptorescue).

Registration details

Register for this free event here. Registration will remain open until the class is full (maximum of 50 attendees).

Donations are welcome.

Questions can be directed to Joy at info@warchestboutique.com or (616) 530-1234.

EmpowerHer: Free self-defense class for women provided by Battle Ground JKD on July 26

In an effort to provide local women with the resources necessary to be confident in their everyday lives, Reggie Macon of Battle Ground is offering a free EmpowerHer self-defense class (Courtesy, Reggie Macon)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


Globally, an estimated 736 million women aged 15 and older—almost one in three—have been subjected to physical violence at least once in their life, according to UN Women. This figure does not include sexual harassment.

Reggie Macon, owner and instructor of Battle Ground JKD LLC, is dedicated to ensuring women and children are able to protect themselves from these senseless acts of violence.

In an effort to provide local women with the resources necessary to be confident in their everyday lives, Macon is offering a free EmpowerHer self-defense class. The class will take place at Boston Square Christian Reformed Church on Friday, July 26, from 6-8 p.m.

Why self-defense is important

At Battle Ground, Reggie Macon (center) is focused on helping women and children defend themselves (Courtesy, Reggie Macon)

“As an instructor, I think it’s important to learn some type of self-defense skill,” said Macon. “I’d rather have the women know it and not need it, than need it and not know.

“With everything that goes in the world, it will also give them a sense of awareness and confidence in their everyday life.”

At the EmpowerHer event, women will learn basic strikes, situational awareness, how to read body language, and tips on maximizing verbal and nonverbal communication.

“Self-defense is important as a woman because it gives you the confidence to defend yourself against an attacker,” said Macon’s wife and co-owner of Battle Ground, Chandra Macon.

“As a mother, it’s important to make sure our daughters have the knowledge of how to get away from an attacker as we cannot be with our children all day, everyday – especially as they get older and want to hang out with friends at the mall.”

A local youth learns self-defense techniques with Macon (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

Chandra went on to say that class participants will gain a better understanding of the tools they can use when in uncomfortable situations, generating confidence.

“This can also help you in everyday life where you may have been struggling to speak up before, but now have the confidence to speak up for your piece,” said Chandra.

“I’ve seen firsthand at sporting events where other kids navigate toward the larger crowds to fit in. Not my child; she decided not to. Proud moment for sure, because that tells me she’s okay to stand on her own – as that’s what leaders do! Anything can happen in larger crowds, and you don’t want to be guilty by association.”

Macon encourages local women to attend this free event and gain tools and resources to help protect themselves and their loved ones.


Register for the free EmpowerHer event here.

This event is sponsored in part by Amplify GR’s Amp the Good grant funding.

More about Battle Ground programs

Battle Ground offers a variety of classes and programs for all ages, and personalized experience to fit the needs of each individual.

Whether looking to get in shape, build self-discipline, defend against an attacker, or become the next boxer or MMA fighter, individuals can reach their goals through Battle Ground JKD.

Battle Ground programs and classes can be found on their website, Instagram and Facebook sites.

Local martial arts school, Battle Ground, offers self-defense classes for women and children

A local youth learns self-defense techniques with Battle Ground owner Reggie Macon (Courtesy, Deborah Reed WKTV)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


Reggie Macon, owner of Battle Ground JKD LLC, is focused on using his 17 years of personal training to help ensure women and children are safe.

Macon began training his two daughters in self-defense techniques when they were only four years old. He has since expanded to provide that same training to local women and children by founding his martial arts school, Battle Ground.

With countless self-defense and martial arts schools available to the public, Macon differentiates himself by being more hands-on than most.

“It’s not just technique and that’s it,” said Macon. “I teach how to read body language, situational awareness, how to create separation to escape in certain instances, and how to build confidence in oneself to know that just because I know how to fight doesn’t mean I have to. I can walk away confidently enough to know I won’t have to cause any harm.”

To find out more about Battle Ground and the classes they offer, visit their social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.