Tag Archives: Sen. Peter MacGregor

Lansing budget battles, auto insurance changes discussed on WKTV Journal In Focus interview with Sen. MacGregor

By K.D. Norris

On the latest episode of WKTV Journal In Focus, we talk with Michigan State Sen. Peter MacGregor, who represents the City of Wyoming as part of a widespread Kent County area included in the 28th Senate District.

MacGregor is in his second term in the Senate, and is both the Senate majority floor leader and chairman of the important Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.

We talk with the senator about health and human services issues, changes coming to the state’s auto insurance laws, and — of course — budget battles between the Republican-controlled legislature and first-year Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Taking about the budget process, in which the legislature develops and presents a budget to the governor for approval — or line-item veto — Sen. MacGregor said “The Governor was not as involved as she thought she should be. Not that we did not want them involved, just that there is a lot of politics involved with a split government.”

WKTV Journal In Focus airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel (see our Weekly On-air Schedule for dates and times). All individual interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVvideos.

We the People 2018 General Election: State Senate Candidates


State of Michigan 26th District State Senate


The 26th District of the State Senate includes the City of Kentwood along with all of Allegan and Van Buren counties. For a district map, click here.


Three candidates are running in the Nov. 6 General election to replace term-limited Republican Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker. They are, in alphabetical order, Libertarian candidate Erwin Haas, Democratic candidate Garnet Lewis and Republican candidate Aric Nesbitt.


Erwin Haas — Candidate (L) MI State Senate 26th District



Name: Erwin Haas


Party: Candidate, Libertarian


Occupation: Retired medical doctor and former Kentwood City Commissioner


Why did you decide to run for the 26th District State Senate seat?


I see a lot of disfunction, a lot of programs that are outdated, badly thought-through, badly administered, and operate contrary to the public interest.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?

Education, the roads, healthcare. The war on drugs, specifically. I think that the (recreational) marijuana thing is going to go through and the Republicans are going to try to block it, no matter what. They hate people doing what they want to do.


Garnet Lewis — Candidate (D) MI State Senate 26th District



Name: Garnet Lewis


Party: Candidate, Democrat


Occupation: Retired university administrator and real estate business administrator


Why did you decide to run for the 26th District State Senate seat?


We need a representative for the district who is going to represent everyone, and will actually listen to what all the constituents say.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


My number one issue is education, school funding, then environmental protection, there are all the clean water issues alone. Then healthcare. Medicare, Medicaid expansion and, if possible, expansion so that everyone can can have access … we really need to do a better job of that.


Aric Nesbitt — Candidate (R) MI State Senate 26th District



Name: Aric Nesbitt


Party: Candidate, Republican


Occupation: Public Service. (Former cabinet member for Gov. Rick Snyder; former State Representative)


Why did you decide to run for the 26th District State Senate seat?


I want to fight to lower the cost of auto insurance, continue to pay down our longterm debt in the state, and rededicate ourselves to making sure we fix our roads and bridges. our infrastructure.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


In the long term, I want to continue to pay down our debt. And what I hear most, when I knock on doors, is the cost of auto insurance and the condition of our roads.


State of Michigan 28th District State Senate

The 28th District of the State Senate includes the City of Wyoming as well as the cities of Walker, Rockford and Cedar Springs. For a district map, click here.


In the 28th District State Senate race, three candidates are running in the Nov. 6 General election. They are, in alphabetical order, Democratic candidate Craig Beach, Libertarian candidate Nathan Hewer, and Republican incumbent Peter MacGregor.


Craig Beach — Candidate (D) MI State Senate 28th District



Name: Craig Beech


Party: Candidate, Democrat


Occupation: Retired public-school teacher


Why did you decide to run for the 28th District State Senate seat?


As a public-school teacher, I have been frustrated with government in the treatment of public education, especially the lack of perspective. I want to bring an insight into education, which is what is needed. I believe education is the foundation that provides to our middle class. … America is a great country and the adults should be able to deal with this issue.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on? 


I have four platforms: quality of public education, people before profits, protection of our national resources, and Michigan was recently rated by a non-partisan group as the last for government accountability and transparency and I want to change that.


Peter MacGregor — Candidate (R) MI State Senate 28th District



Name: Peter MacGregor


Party: Incumbent, Republican


Occupation: Michigan State Senator, previous small business owner


Why did you decide to run for the 26th District State Senate seat?


Running for reelection because we have moved the state from one of the worst states in the country (to do business) to one of the top 10, and I think there are still a few more things we can do to be the No. 1 state in the country.


If elected, what issues do you want to focus on?


I still think we need to focus on our skilled trade training, on that education part. It is something that I talk to a lot of business owners who are struggling to fill the positions. To make it from No. 9 or 10 to No. 1, we have got to fill that employee gap.


Note: Libertarian candidate Nathan Hewery was invited but did not participate in the We the People candidate profiles.


Primary voting results set up battles for Wyoming, Kentwood voters in fall general elections

By K.D. Norris



The City of Wyoming’s incumbent State Rep. Tommy Brann (R-77th District) and the City of Kentwood’s incumbent State Rep. Steve Johnson (R-72nd District) each cruised to easy victories in their respective Republican primaries in voting Tuesday, Aug. 7.


In state Senate primary voting, former state representative and ex-Gov. Rick Snyder cabinet member Aric Nesbitt won a three-way battle in the Republican primary for the State Senate 26th District seat, which represents Kentwood. Also, incumbent State Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-28th District), running unopposed for a seat which represents Wyoming, now knows who he will be opposed by on the Democratic side, retired public-school teacher Craig Beech.


Also now set for the Nov. 6 general election ballot is the two local U.S. Congressional races.


Incumbent Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-2nd District) will be opposed by Democrat Dr. Rob Davidson — no surprise as both were unopposed in the primary — in what is expected to be one of the most closely watched federal races in the state.


And incumbent Rep. Justin Amash (R-3rd District) will be opposed by Democrat Cathy Albro, who defeated Fred Wooden in the Democratic primary.


Election results, by the numbers


According to the Kent County election website at accesskent.com, following are the election results for each candidate for their entire voting district:


In the State House of Representatives Republican primary for the 77th District, which covers the City of Wyoming, Byron Township and a portion of Cutlerville (for a district map, click here), incumbent Rep. Brann totaled 8,974 while Jordan T. Oesch had 814. On the Democratic primary side, Dana Knight totaled 3,943 while Robert Van Kirk had 1,996. Unopposed Libertarian candidate Patty Malowney had 74 votes.


In the State House of Representatives Republican primary for the 72nd District, which covers the cities of Kentwood and Wayland, along with a portion of Cutlerville and the community of Dorr (for a district map, click here), Rep. Johnson totaled 5,971 while Jennifer Antel had 1,806. Unopposed Democratic candidate Ron Rraayer had 6,067 votes and Libertarian candidate Jamie Lewis had 52.


In the State Senate Republican primary for the 26th District, which includes the City of Kentwood along with all of Allegan and Van Buren counties (for a district map, click here), Nesbitt totaled 4,041 while Bob Genetski had 2,331 and Don Wickstra had 1,379. Unopposed Democratic candidate Garnet Lewis gained 6,101 votes and Libertarian candidate Erwin Haas gained 49.


In the State Senate Democratic primary for the 28th District, which includes the City of Wyoming as well as the cities of Walker, Rockford and Cedar Springs (for a district map, click here), Beech totaled 7,688 while Gidget Groendyk had 6,444 and Ryan Jeanette had 4,427. Unopposed Republican incumbent Sen. MacGregor had 30,476 votes and Libertarian candidate Nathan Hewer gained 224.


On the Federal election side, in the 2nd District, Rep. Huizenga totaled 14,219 votes while Democratic challenger Davidson had 12,445. In the 3rd District, Rep. Amash totaled 44,304 while Democrats Albro had 30,969 votes and Wooden had 14,808.


State, county candidates face off in Chamber hosted forum

By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma



The Wyoming Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce will hosts its Wyoming candidate forum Wednesday, June 20, at the WKTV station, 5261 Clyde Park Ave. SW.


The forum will focus on candidates seeking to represent a political party in the state’s primary election set for Aug. 7. It is during a primary election that the field of candidates are narrowed to a single person to represent a political party during the general election. If there is only one candidate representing a political party that person automatically moves on to the general election.


For those living in the City of Wyoming, there will be three races to consider during the primary election, one for Kent County and two for the State of Michigan. Wyoming residents also will be voting on a permanent renewal of the city’s Public Safety Millage at the primary election.


The City of Wyoming is in the 8th District for Kent County, a seat currently held by Harold Voorhees. Voorhees will face off against Benjamin K. Franz for the Republication Party. The winner of the primary election will run unopposed in the general election on Nov. 6. The Kent County 8th District Commissioner forum is set for 6:15 p.m. 


In the State Senate, the City of Wyoming is represented by the 28th District, which covers 18 other communities such as Byron Township, the City of Grandville, the City of Walker and the City of Rockford. Republican Peter MacGregor currently holds the seat. MacGregor and Libertarian candidate Nathan Hewer are running unopposed for their parties.


There are three candidates vying for the Democratic Party’s spot for the general election. They are Craig Beach, Gidget Groendyk, and Ryan Jeanette. Beach and Jeanette will be at the 28th District State Senate seat forum which is at 7 p.m.


The last forum of the evening will be for the 77th District of the State House of Representatives. Republican Tommy Brann currently holds the seat. He will face off against Jordan T. Oesch for the Republication Party in the primary election. Dana Knight and Robert Van Kirk will face off for the Democratic Party. Brann and Van Kirk are scheduled to attend the 77th District State Representative seat forum which is at 7:45 p.m.


There will be no primary election for candidates running for the City of Wyoming offices. For the city to host a primary, there must be three or more candidates running for a seat. Currently only the Council Member Ward 1 seat has two people seeking it with the rest of the council positions only having one candidate. 


The Wyoming Kentwood Area Chamber of Commerce will host a second forum for the City of Kentwood on Thursday, June 28, at the KDL Kentwood Branch, 4950 Breton Ave. SE. That forum will include candidates for the Kent County 12th District Commission seat, the 26th District State Senate seat, and the 72nd State Representative seat. The Kentwood forum is set to start at 6:15 p.m.

Per residents’ request, Wyoming City Council considers short-term rental ordinance

Wyoming City Council will consider an ordinance on short-term rentals at its next meeting set for March 19.


By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma



“It’s noisy, it’s loud,” said Steven Christensen of an AirBnB located near his home along Mayflower Drive in Wyoming. “You are trying to sit in the living room, trying to relax and people are coming and going, slamming doors all the time. It’s just loud. I had one time with a wedding … I have to go to work at five and they are out there at three o’clock in the morning hooting and hollering it up.”


Christensen and his neighbor Andrew Hanselman attended a Wyoming City Council work session earlier this year to encourage the city to host public hearings on short-term rentals such as AirBnBs, VRBO, and HomeAway, in an effort to create a city ordinance to regulate them.


At its March work session, the Wyoming City Council reviewed an ordinance that would prohibit all short term rentals for non-owner occupied homes. The proposed ordinance will be presented at Monday’s regular council meeting, which is at 7 p.m. at the Wyoming City Hall, 1155 28th St. SW.


“So, if I owned a house, I could rent my room or a room in the house, the basement or something as a short-term rental and that would be completely acceptable,” said City Manager Curtis Holt as he explained the proposed ordinance. “If I own a house and I bought a house just for the idea of an AirBnB that would not be acceptable. If I own a house and let’s say I would be out-of-town for long periods of time and I wanted to hold that house, it would not be acceptable to do short-term rentals with it.”


Holt acknowledged that the ordinance would address the one property the city has received two complaints about. In general, the city has not received a lot of complaints about short-term rentals. He said in a recent search, city staff found about six properties listed as short-term rentals. The most the city has had at one time is around 12, Curtis said.


“Well, understand this short-term rental issue is far more prevalent in tourist destination type towns…,” Curtis said.


The tougher challenge would be enforcement, Curtis said. Mayor Jack Poll said he could see that as if he goes away for the weekend and his children came by to stay, it would be tough to determine if they were renting or just house guests.


Still several council members liked the simplicity of the proposed ordinance and it gave something for the city to refer to when a property owner is blatantly obvious in not following the rules.


The ordinance could have a short life. At the state level, both the House and the Senate have bills — HB5403 and SB329 respectively — in committee that would prohibit municipalities enacting zoning ordinance bans of short-term rentals. Rep. Steve Johnson said during a January Government Matters, cities would still be able to regulate short-term rentals through such means as noise, advertising, traffic or other conditions. The house bill remains in committee, Johnson said.


“There is a battle going with one side on the private property rights of an individual who owns a piece of property versus local control and what control a local municipality can have on it,” State Senator Peter MacGregor said of the proposed Senate bill. In the past couple of months, there has been little movement on either the Senate or House bill.


Holt said municipalities have several concerns about the state bills. It is the belief of many community leaders, including those in the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood, that to avoid inspection requirements, landlords would change their leases to 28 days or less.


“The majority of people who own residential properties do a great job,” said Mayor Stephen Kepley during the January Government Matters meeting, “but then you have have five percent who don’t and if they don’t have to do something they aren’t going to do something.”


To prevent a “one bad apple” scenario, Kepley said city officials are hoping to prevent that loophole so as to keep the neighborhoods nice. Currently the City of Kentwood does not have any regulations on short-term rentals.


AirBnB has opposed outright banning of short-term rentals but does support fair regulations. In an October 2017 Crain’s Detroit Business op-ed piece, a representative for AirBnB said “by taking the nuclear option off the table (the banning of short-term rentals), this law would encourage communities to collaborate with local hosts on commonsense rules…”


The most popular Michigan destinations for AirBnB travelers is Detroit followed by Ann Arbor and then Traverse City. Traverse City does regulate short-term rentals like bed and breakfasts. Traverse City’s ordinance requires owners must be present when renters are there, be licensed and cannot be within 1,000 feet of one another.


Last summer, AirBnB did strike a deal with the Michigan Treasury to collect use taxes. It is estimated that about $1.5 million would be generated through the tax. The move also will allow the state to track and collect the six percent use tax that applies to nightly rental charges on stays in Michigan hotels for periods of less than a month. However the six percent use tax, currently, does not come back to the municipalities.

Migrant Legal Aid program, State Sen. MacGregor on latest WKTV Journal: In Focus



WKTV Staff



On the latest episode of In Focus, the Grand Rapids based Migrant Legal Aid organization, specifically director/attorney Teresa Hendricks and attorney Ben O’Hearn, discuss their group’s work to protect migrant workers’ legal rights and to give voice to a sometimes silent portion of our community.


Also on the episode, Michigan State Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-28th District, which includes the City of Wyoming) talks with host Ken Norris about his work for efficient funding for the state’s foster care system as well as subjects ranging from the state’s term limits law to his volunteer work for “Volley for Mitchell”, a charity volleyball tournament which has raised more than $100,000 for Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy.




The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.

The episode will continue its two week run Tuesday, Jan. 22 , at 6:30 p.m., and will again air on Thursday, also at 6:30 p.m., on WKTV channels but all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVVideos.

State Sen. MacGregor, Migrant Legal Aid program featured on latest WKTV Journal: In Focus

WKTV Staff



Michigan State Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-28th District, which includes the City of Wyoming) has a business background, being a former small business owner and having graduated from Michigan State University with a business degree. So one thing he hates is late payment for work performed, a problem often faced by the state’s foster care providers.


During a visit to the set of WKTV Journal: In Focus early this month, MacGregor talked with host Ken Norris about his work for efficient funding for the state’s foster care system as well as subjects ranging from the state’s term limits law to his volunteer work for “Volley for Mitchell”, a charity volleyball tournament which has raised more than $100,000 for Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy.


Also on the latest episode of In Focus, the Grand Rapids based Migrant Legal Aid organization, specifically director/attorney Teresa Hendricks and attorney Ben O’Hearn, discuss their group’s work to protect migrant workers’ legal rights and to give voice to a sometimes silent portion of our community.


The episode will debut Tuesday, Jan. 16 , at 6:30 p.m., and will again air on Thursday, also at 6:30 p.m., and again next week on the same days and times on WKTV channels but all interviews included in episodes of WKTV Journal: In Focus are also available on YouTube at WKTVVideos.



The entire episode of “WKTV Journal: In Focus” airs on cable television in the Wyoming and Kentwood areas on Comcast WKTV Channel 26 and on AT&T Channel 99 Government channel.

Making a difference: Local state legislators’ key public policy efforts in 2017’s

Wyoming and Kentwood’s local state government representatives were busy in Lansing in 2017, often on legislative action they felt passionate about. (Michigan Municipal League)

By. K.D. Norris



When it comes to working on public policy in Lansing, Michigan state legislators try to vote knowledgeably on wide range of issues. But they often have focal points for their efforts; legislative bills which they champion because they consider them uniquely important or, often, have a personal connection.


As 2017 comes to a close, WKTV asked the two state senators and two representatives who represent the cities of Wyoming and Kentwood to tell us about one of their legislative efforts that rose above the routine job of public policy and governance.


The answers ranged from combating the state’s opioid epidemic to supporting foster care parents, from protecting people by protecting their pets to a deeply held belief in the sanctity of the unborn.


Sen. Schuitmaker seeking an decline in opioid abuse


For Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker — Senate President Pro Tempore, R-26th District, which represents the city of Kentwood and Gaines Township in Kent County — a chance meeting with a constituent who lost her child to opioid abuse led her to focus on the issue and to work on several fronts to combat what some call an epidemic.


State Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker (R-26th District)

First, Schuitmaker sponsored legislation to allow law enforcement and first responders to carry the life-saving Naloxone, a medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. Then, in 2015, she was appointed to Gov. Rick Snyder’s Prescription Drug and Opioid Abuse Task Force, which issued several recommendations including the use of the Michigan Automated Prescription System to deter over-prescription problems such as so-called “doctor shopping” and “pill mills.”


Senate Bills 166 and 167 are expected to be signed by the governor soon.


“Every community across our state has experienced the devastating effects of prescription drug and opioid abuse,” Schuitmaker said to WKTV. “My colleagues and I have heard from parents of victims, individuals who have suffered from addiction, medical specialists, law enforcement and many others.


“Though many tragedies have happened in recent years, Senate Bills 166 and 167 are a culmination of hard work from every end of the spectrum to help put an end to this crisis. … This legislation will put an end to pill mills and other illegal operations by creating a paper trail for every Schedule 2 through Schedule 5 controlled substance. A quick, three-second search gives health care professionals a complete outline of a patient’s controlled substance prescription history; allowing them to see if something doesn’t look right.”


Rep. Brann takes love of animals to legally protected level


Anybody who knows Rep. Tommy Brann — R-77th District, including the City of Wyoming and Byron Township — knows he often explains his stands on issues with stories about people in his community if not in his restaurant. In this, his first year working in Lansing, he says one of his “pet” efforts was the introduction of House Bill 4332 and House Bill 4333, which increases the penalties of animal cruelty.


“I call HB 4332 the ‘Howie Bill’ because it changes the definition of animals to reflect them as companions in law, which is how I saw my dog Howie,” Brann said to WKTV. But the bill really has more of a backstory than just the legislator’s dog.


State Rep. Tommy Brann (R-77th District)

“While clearing tables at my restaurant and I overheard at booth #99 customers talking about the best way to get revenge on someone was to kill their dog,” Brann said. “This had a major impact on me, because of how much pets mean to me.  Animal abuse should not be tolerated, and the proper, humane treatment of animals is good for society. According to multiple studies, there is a correlation between animal abuse and domestic violence.”


According to Brann, HB 4332 and 4333 make it a crime to knowingly kill, torture, or mutilate a companion animal, knowingly administer poison to a companion animal, or threaten to do any of those things, with the intent to cause mental suffering or distress to a person or exert control over a person. The bill also increases penalties for some existing animal abuse crimes, and expands some existing crimes. The legislation keeps some penalties against animal abusers the same but adds three tiers to the sentencing guidelines, and there is no minimum sentencing guidelines.


The House passed HB 4332 (92-15) and 4333 (90-17) and are currently in the Senate Judiciary Committee for review, he said.


Rep. Johnson follows his beliefs with anti-abortion effort


Rep. Steve Johnson — R-72nd District, which includes the City of Kentwood — is also in his first year in Lansing. And while he has had a busy year and been active on many issues, he was Christian conservative before he was elected and will be whenever he finally leaves state government. So his support of right-to-life issues are strong.


State Rep. Steven Johnson, left, talks with WKTV Journal: In Focus host Ken Norris during a 2017 interview. (WKTV)

“The first piece of legislation I introduced that I’m very passionate about is HB 4221, which would prohibit the state from sending money to clinics in Michigan that provide elective abortion services,” Johnson said to WKTV. “Protecting the sanctity of life is a responsibility I take very seriously. Our budget in Michigan should not be used to fund abortion clinics, whether directly through state-generated revenue or indirectly with money we receive from the federal government.”


HB 4221 is currently awaiting a vote in the House Appropriations Committee, he said.


Sen. MacGregor works to support child care efforts


As chairman of the Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee, Sen. Peter MacGregor — R-28th District, which includes the City of Wyoming — has been working to reform the Child Care Fund for several years, most recently and specifically through Senate Bills 529 and 530.


State Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-28th District)

MacGregor has “worked closely with the Child Care Fund and the groups involved with taking care of this vulnerable population of children for over five years,” according to a statement from his office to WKTV. “What started out as a meeting to examine slow payments to counties and non-profit service providers from the state, eventually morphed into a two-year workgroup with the goal of changing the Child Care Fund payment system.”


Michigan’s Child Care Fund (CCF) provides financial reimbursement to counties for community-based programming and placement costs for youth with an annual budget of approximately $400 million. The workgroup included the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, county courts and other county representatives, and non-profit child placing agencies.


SB 529 and 530 amend the Social Welfare Act to improve the reimbursement process. The Child Care Fund pays for costs associated with foster care/child welfare and the juvenile justice services.


“Currently, it’s a convoluted system both in function and process where there is a 50-50 cost sharing between the state and counties,” according to the statement. “The goal of this legislation, which will transition to a state pays first system, is to make the system more efficient and to clarify the process relative to what is reimbursed.


“It’s been a delicate balance because separately each member of this group plays a different role in caring for the children and in how they use or oversee the fund.  However, the communication, commitment to work on solutions and the time put into the proposed solution has really been amazing.”


SB 529 and 530 had overwhelming support in the Senate and are expected to gain a positive the state House of Representatives vote January 2018.


State action on auto insurance reform leads Chamber’s October WKTV Government Matters discussion

Local state Sen. Peter MacGregor was one of the state lawmakers who discussed no-fault insurance law reform at Monday’s chamber Government Matters meeting. (WKTV/K.D. Norris)

By K.D. Norris



The Michigan House of Representatives and Senate are both at work tackling reform of the state’s no-fault auto insurance law, but there are no quick fixes or easy solutions local legislators said at the October’s Wyoming-Kentwood Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Government Matters meetings.


The monthly meeting brings together government leaders of all levels to discuss issues of importance and presents those discussions through WKTV’s live, delayed and on-demand broadcasts.


At the Monday, Oct. 9, meeting at Kentwood City Hall, state representatives Tommy Brann and Steve Johnson, and state senators Tonya Schuitmaker and Peter MacGregor, each discussed the issue as part of a session that included a local insurance businessperson addressing the government panel.


“I have been working on this issue since 2011,” MacGregor said. “It doesn’t seem like it is complicated, but it is … it is a battle.”


Among the competing interests in any overhaul of the current auto insurance system, which has produced some of the highest rates in the country, are not only the cost to the average insurance customer but also the sometimes conflicting interests of insurance companies, medical providers and trial lawyers. And the problem what to do with uninsured, unlicensed motorists hangs over the reform efforts as well.


At times, the issue seems almost too big to handle in a single act of reform, but, MacGregor pointed out: “Maybe we eat this elephant one bite at a time.”


Among the other multi-level government discussions topics at the meeting were the the status of federal tax reform, the planned grand opening of the City of Wyoming’s 28 West development (set for later this month), and the Kent County and the State of Michigan’s emergency management plans.


The Chamber’s Government Matters meetings include representatives of the cities of Kentwood and Wyoming, Kent County, local Michigan House of Representatives and Senate, and, often, representatives of other regional, State of Michigan and Federal elected officials. The next meeting will be Nov. 13 at Kentwood City Hall.


The meetings are on the second Monday of each month, starting at 8 a.m. WKTV Journal will produce a highlight story after the meeting. But WKTV also offers replays of the Monday meetings on the following Wednesday at 7 p.m. on Cable Channel 25. Replays are also available online at WKTV’s government meetings on-demand page (wktv.viebit.com) and on the chamber’s Facebook page.