By Joanne Bailey-Boorsma
WKTV Managing Editor

The weather is turning colder and before it does, the Kent County Animal Shelter is reminding residents to make sure their pets have appropriate shelter.
While Michigan law does not prohibit dogs from being left outside in the cold, state law does require that all dogs who spend time outside have access to adequate shelter, fresh water, and dry bedding. The statute also stipulates separate shelter requirements for livestock.
“The best place for our pets is in our home but we know that is now always possible,” said KCAS Director Angela Hollinshead. KCAS is working in collaboration with the Kent County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Division to remind residents of the special care their pet needs during the cold weather. “We encourage all pet owners to take appropriate steps to protect those animals that may be left outside for long stretches of time.
“Many pets are not equipment to handle the effects of cold temperatures so we want to remind pet owners of their responsibilities to care for them during the winter.”
A few of the cold weather requirements in state statute include:
Maintain adequate shelter, which can be one or more of the following:
Inside the owners’ home
An enclosure or shelter with at least three sides and a roof that is appropriate for the size and breed of the dog.
A structure, including a garage, barn or shed, that is sufficiently insulated and ventilated to protect the dog from exposure to extreme temperatures, or if not sufficiently insulated and ventilated, contains a doghouse inside the structure.
Structures or natural features such as trees or topography for livestock
Provide dry bedding, such as straw when the temperature is or predicated to be below freezing. Avoid using blankets or cloth bedding as these materials will likely get wet and freeze.
Provide water that is safe to drink and suitable for age and species of the animal. Owners are encouraged to check every few hours to ensure the water is not frozen.
Although Michigan law does not directly address free-roaming cats, the KCAS encourages residents to also be mindful of their needs. Cats are typically well adapted for living in colder climates but they greatly benefit from having access to a shelter. Simple cat shelters made from a storage tote lined with foam and stuffed with straw make great places for cats to escape from the cold.
“It someone suspects an animal is being neglected or is in danger due to cold weather, we encourage them to contact Animal Control,” said KCSO Lt. John DeGroot. “The KCSO is prepared to investigate all reports of animal neglected throughout the winter.”
All reports of animals being kept outside for an extended period without adequate shelter, water, and bedding should be reported to Animal Control at 616-632-7310.
“Michigan winters are certainly beautiful but an be dangerous fo some animals if they do not have appropriate resources,” Hollinshead said. “If you cannot keep your pet indoors and need resources, please call the KCAS to see how e can help.”