By WKTV Staff
Quote of the Day
"There's one way to find out if a man is honest - ask him. If he says, 'Yes,' you know he is a crook." ~Groucho Marx
Ladies and gentlemen,
start your engines!

The 2018 Metro Cruise kicks off at 4pm Friday, Aug. 24. The alternative Latin rock group Cabildo will be on the main stage at 4:30pm, followed by local favorite, Delilah DeWylde at 7:30pm performing a range of hillbilly and blues. Friday closes at 10pm.
Looking for a superhero
Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but Kent County is on the hunt for a new sheriff. If you have leadership skills and a background in law enforcement, you might want to consider applying for the position. With the announced retirement of Kent County Sheriff Larry Stelma, the county has formed a Kent County Sheriff Appointment Committee and is looking for applicants for the position. The individual appointed by the committee will hold the position through Dec. 31, 2020.
Take a walk on the wild side
Metro Health Village has a number of walking routes and even a bike trail — all perfect for an afternoon stroll with the kids or a quick, weeknight workout. Download a Walking/Bike Route map here.
Need a little push to get started? Check out the Couch to 5K Training Program. Even if you’re not looking to set any world records, this program will have you up and active in no time!
…and they came out in droves
No, not locusts, but we didn’t have a photo depicting the droves of voters who showed up for the primary election on Aug. 7. Take a good look at this photo — that’s the power inherent in sheer numbers, people. A pat on the back for all who voted.
The Chamber’s WKTV Government Matters committee analyzed the impressive voter turnout during their meeting on Aug. 13. The committee also discussed county staff additions. All in all, pretty important stuff.
Fun Fact:
In Switzerland, it is illegal
to own just one guinea pig.
This is because guinea pigs are social animals, and they are considered victims of abuse if they are alone. Source.