Tag Archives: Spectrum Entertainment Complex

SNF’s third annual Women’s History Month standup comedy performance set for March 2

Eight female comedians will be participating in this SNF special standup comedy performance (Courtesy, Brian B.)

By WKTV Staff


The Sunday Night Funnies’ (SNF) third annual Women’s History Month (WHM) show is set for Sunday, March 2.

Lucky Lee (Courtesy, SNF)

Eight comedians will be featured in the March 2 standup comedy performance.

This special show includes returning WHM show participants Cheryl Stoner and Lucky Lee, and new WHM performers CJ Harris and Brittany Melvin. Also taking the stage are 2023 Kingpin of Comedy competition finalist Sarah Wooley and 2024 Kingpin of Comedy quarterfinalist Elieen Nolton.

Lansing comedian Nicole Melnyk and Grand Rapids comic Kim Cook are also slated to perform. Melnyk has been voted Lansing’s Best Comic three times. Cook, a Second City alumni, was also a 2022 Kingpin of Comedy semifinalist. Cook will also participate in the special LaughFest Cancer Survivors Showcase on March 5 at Midtown GR that features all cancer survivor comics.

Kim Cook (Courtesy, SNF)

“The Sunday Night Funnies has always been a diverse show,” says Brian B., MC and Founder of the SNF. “When putting together the lineup each week, I try and have a good mix of comedians – be it race, gender or age-range.

“I wanted to celebrate the contribution women comedians have brought to the show through the years, and what better time to do that than Women’s History Month. Locally, it wasn’t long ago that there weren’t many women doing standup comedy. But over the course of the last few years that number has been steadily growing.”

Enjoy more comedy!

Upcoming SNF performances include SNF’s special LaughFest show on Sunday, March 9 with some of their most popular comedians from 2024.

The month of May will feature an Older American Month celebration performance with a lineup of comics ages 50+ (May 4), and the start of SNF’s seventh annual Kingpin of Comedy competition (May 11). The Kingpin of Comedy competition will run weekly through Oct. 26.

About SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of local and national comics. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. (fall/winter) and 8:30 p.m. (spring/summer) at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

Sunday Night Funnies announces Black History Month standup comedy performance on Feb. 16

Eight comedians will be participating in this SNF special standup comedy performance (Courtesy, Brian B.)

By WKTV Staff


The Sunday Night Funnies’ (SNF) third annual Black History Month show is set for Sunday, Feb. 16.

Eight comedians will be participating in this SNF special standup comedy performance. Comics include Ricarlo Winston, comedy show producer along the Muskegon lakeshore; Brianna Blackburn, local favorite and regular of several LaughFest shows; JT Motley and Darius Walker, past SNF Kingpin of Comedy competition finalists; Mike Logan, 2019 SNF Kingpin of Comedy winner; up-and-coming comics, Emeka Nriagu and Mikeyy Chandler; and Turbulence Tyme with her first ever SNF appearance.

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

“The Sunday Night Funnies has always been a diverse show,” says Brian B., MC and Founder of the SNF. “When putting together the lineup each week, I try and have a good mix of comedians – be it race, gender or age-range.

“I wanted to celebrate the contribution Black comedians have brought to the show through the years, and what better time to do that than Black History Month.”

But wait – there’s more!

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

Upcoming SNF performances include a March Women’s History Month performance featuring a lineup of all women comedians on Sunday, March 2. The following Sunday, March 9, is SNF’s special LaughFest show with some of their most popular comedians from 2024.

The month of May will feature an Older American Month celebration performance with a lineup of comics ages 50+ on May 4, and the start of SNF’s seventh annual Kingpin of Comedy competition on May 11. The Kingpin of Comedy competition will run weekly through Oct. 26.

About SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of local and national comics. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. (fall/winter) and 8:30 p.m. (spring/summer) at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

Sunday Night Funnies holds first ever Winter Roast Battle

By WKTV Staff


The Sunday Night Funnies (SNF) stand-up comedy show began the beginning round of its first ever Winter Roast Battle on Sunday, Jan. 5. The roast battle will run weekly through Sunday, Feb. 2.

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

“Comedy roasts have really taken off in popularity,” said Brian B., Founder and MC of SNF. “Everything from celebrity roasts like the one that recently aired on Netflix for Tom Brady, to roast battles done on a local level at comedy clubs throughout the country.

“I thought that it would be fun to do at the Sunday Night Funnies as well. It something different – a little change of pace for the show.”

What to expect

Winter Roast Battle Trophy (Courtesy, Brian B.)

During the four-week Roast Battle, up to four comedians will pair off to roast each other.

The audience serves as judge and jury each night, with one comic emerging as the winner and taking home the $25 weekly prize.

Each weekly winner advances to the Feb. 2 finals where one comic will be crowned the 2025 SNF Winter Roast Battle winner, and awarded an additional $100 and a personalized trophy.

About SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of local and national comics. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. (fall/winter) and 8:30 p.m. (spring/summer) at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

Join the Sunday Night Funnies annual Ugly Christmas Outfit contest Sunday, Dec. 22!

Ugly Christmas outfits from 2023 (Courtesy, Brian B./SNF)

By WKTV Staff


The Sunday Night Funnies (SNF) second annual Ugly Christmas Outfit contest is this Sunday, Dec. 22.

“We had a lot of fun last year at our second annual Ugly Christmas Outfit contest, so I figure why not do it again,” says Brian B., MC and Founder of the SNF. “It’s our last show for 2024, so why not go out with a bang.

(Courtesy, Brian B./SNF)

“The winner received $25 in Woody’s/Spectrum Entertainment Complex gift cards. We’ll be using an actual decibel meter to determine who gets the loudest response and will win the gift card.”

Come out and show off your best ugly Christmas outfit!

Big events planned for 2025

The Sunday Night Funnies has an eventful year ahead with several events planned for 2025.

February 16 we’ll be doing our The SNF annual Black History month show featuring an all-black comedian lineup will take place Feb. 16, 2025. All women comedians will perform March 2 in honor of Women’s History Month.

The following Sunday, March 9, will be the annual Gilda’s Club of Grand Rapids LaughFest SNF performance featuring an all-start lineup of comics. Closing that show will be Simon Carlson, winner of the 2024 Kingpin of Comedy competition.

May 4 will feature comics 50+ years of age to celebrate Older American Month. The Sunday right
after, May 11, will see the launch of the SNF’s seventh annual Kingpin of Comedy competition which will run through Oct. 26, 2025.

The community is invited to come out for these eventings of fun and laughs!

Sunny with SNF car (Courtesy, Brian B./SNF)

About SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of local and national comics. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. (fall/winter) and 8:30 p.m. (spring/summer) at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

Simon Carlson crowned winner of 2024 Sunday Night Funnies’ Kingpin of Comedy competition

Simon Carlson was crowned Kingpin of Comedy at the SNF competition finals on Oct. 27 (Courtesy, Brian B.)

By WKTV Staff


Carlson shows off his tricked-out bowling pin trophy (Courtesy, Brian B.)

Local comedian Simon Carlson was crowned the Sunday Night Funnies (SNF) 2024 Kingpin of Comedy on Sunday, Oct. 27.

“It was a tight contest with just a handful of votes separating the top four vote-getters,” said Brian Borbot (Brian B.), SNF creator and MC. “But Simon had a terrific set and deserves the crown.

“I was really happy with the turnout for the finals. We had a packed house – absolutely no seats left. The audience saw an amazing show from some talented comedians.”

Simon Carlson on winning the competition: “Thanks for giving comics a good room to get better at stand up. Also, I wish I got to keep the big check. When do I get the keys to the SNF mobile?”

The SNF mobile Carlson referenced is the SNF “Sunny” car that is wrapped in various shades of yellow and gold. “Sunny” acts as an advertisement for the weekly comedy show.

The “Sunny” car helps advertise the weekly SNF comedy show (Courtesy, Brian B.)

As the Kingpin of Comedy competition winner, Carlson receives a prize package valued at $1,000 from local businesses including Craig’s Cruisers, LaughFest, Midtown GR, and show host Spectrum Entertainment Complex. Carlson also receives $500 cash, a bowling pin trophy and a personalized Kingpin bowling shirt.

About SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of comics from around the Midwest. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

Sunday Night Funnies Kingpin of Comedy competition finals to be held Oct. 27

The Kingpin of Comedy winner will receive a prize package valued at $1,000 (Courtesy, Brian B.)

By WKTV Staff


Nine finalists remain for the final round (Courtesy, Brian B.)

The Sunday Night Funnies Kingpin of Comedy (SNF) competition enters its final round on Oct. 27 with just nine of the original 98 comedians.

“We have a good mix of comedians performing in the finals this year,” says Brian B. (Brian Borbot), creator and MC of the SNF.

“The Grand Rapids metro area is obviously represented, but we also have two comedians from Detroit, one from Lansing and one from Kalamazoo. The lineup is diverse too. Not only in terms of race, but age-range as well.”

Along with the nine comics participating in the competition, former professional football player and comedian, Peter Cender, will close the show while votes are counted.

The competition winner will receive $500 cash and prizes from Wyoming businesses: Craig’s Cruisers, Spectrum Entertainment Complex, Midtown GR and Gilda’s LaughFest. The winner also receives a Kingpin bowling pin trophy, a customized bowling shirt and the opportunity to close the Sunday Night Funnies LaughFest show in 2025.

The total prize package is worth $1,000 in value.

“Seeing that Wyoming is the 14th largest city in Michigan, I thought the eventual winner deserved a prize package worthy of the title, Most Humorous Person in Town,” said Brian B.

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

About the SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of comics from around the Midwest. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

The Sunday Night Funnies Kingpin of Comedy competition enters its semifinal round Oct. 6

(Courtesy, SNF)

By WKTV Staff


The Sunday Night Funnies Kingpin of Comedy (SNF) competition enters its semifinal round with just 21 of the original 98 comedians.

The contest began May 12 with its first of 14 qualifying rounds, followed by six quarterfinal rounds. Three semifinal rounds run Oct. 6, 13, and 20 with finals held Oct. 27.

Competition details

Kara Coraci performs during the SNF (Courtesy, SNF)

Seven comedians are given eight minutes to perform in each round. The line-up order is drawn as the show progresses, with comedians unaware of when they will be performing.

Audience members are given a ballot before the show begins. Following all performances, the audience votes for three out of the seven comedians they feel should advance to the next round. Once collected, the ballots are tabulated while a non-competing comic performs, with the three finalists announced at the closing of the show.

“We have a very diverse lineup of comedians going into the semifinal round,” says Brian B. (Brian Borbot), creator & MC of the SNF. “Of the 21 moving on, there are eight comics of color, four women and one senior citizen!”

Kingpin prize package

The competition winner will receive $500 cash and prizes from Wyoming businesses: Craig’s Cruisers, Spectrum Entertainment Complex, Midtown GR and Gilda’s LaughFest. The winner also receives a Kingpin bowling pin trophy, a customized bowling shirt and the opportunity to close the Sunday Night Funnies LaughFest show in 2025.

The total prize package is worth over $1,000 in value.

“Seeing that Wyoming is the 14th largest city in Michigan, I thought the winner deserved a prize package worthy of the title, Funniest Person in Wyoming,” said Brian B.

(Courtesy, SNF)

About the SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. The weekly live stand-up comedy performance is free admission and features a variety of comics from around the Midwest. Each show begins at 7:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

Sunday Night Funnies sixth annual Kingpin of Comedy competition enters quarter-final rounds

The SNF is gearing up for the Kingpin of Comedy quarterfinals (Courtesy, Brian B.)

By WKTV Staff


(Courtesy, Brian B.)

Ninety-eight competing comedians have been whittled down to 42 as the sixth annual Sunday Night Funnies (SNF) Kingpin of Comedy competition enters its quarterfinal rounds.

The Kingpin of Comedy competition began May 12 with the first of 14 qualifying rounds. Qualifying rounds wrapped up on Aug. 11, and six quarterfinal rounds will run Aug. 18-Sept. 29, with the exception of Sept. 8. Three semifinal rounds will be held Oct. 6, 13 and 20, with finals held Oct. 27.

“Seeing that Wyoming is the 14th largest city in Michigan, I thought it deserved its own stand-up comedy competition with the overall winner getting a prize package worthy of the title Most Humorous Human in Wyoming!” says Brian B., Founder and MC of the SNF.

Competition details

The seven quarterfinal comedians are given eight minutes to perform each week, with the line-up order drawn as the show progresses.

Audience members are given a ballot before the show begins. After the last comedian performs each night, the audience will pick three comedians they feel should advance to the next round. The ballots are counted while a non-competing comic performs. The comics moving on in the competition are announced at the end of the show.

The competition winner receives $500 cash, prizes from Spectrum Entertainment Complex and Craig’s Cruisers, gift cards from LaughFest and Midtown GR, a bowling pin trophy and a personalized “Kingpin” bowling shirt. The winner will also headline the SNF 2024 LaughFest performance.

The total prize package is worth over $1,000.

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

About the Sunday Night Funnies

The SNF is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. (Brian Borbot). The weekly live stand-up comedy performance features a variety of comics from Michigan and around the country.

The free admission show beings at 8:30 p.m. at Spectrum Entertainment Complex/Woody’s Press Box in Wyoming. In September, the show will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Sunday Night Funnies second annual 50+ comedy show to be held in honor of Older Americans Month

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

By WKTV Staff


The Sunday Night Funnies (SNF) will perform their second annual Older Americans Month show featuring comedians ages 50+ on Sunday, May 5. The event will be held at Woody’s Press Box inside the Spectrum Entertainment Complex.

“There are more than 117 million Americans age 50 and older – 35% of the total population. I wanted to do a special show to honor and represent that age group,” says Brian B., founder and MC of the SNF. “This is the second year of special performances to recognize specific groups.

(Courtesy, Brian B.)

“In February, we did our special Black History Month show. In March, it was our Women’s History Month and Gilda’s Club of Grand Rapids LaughFest performances. The SNF is a melting pot of comedians and audience members – different ages, nationalities, so why not honor all the groups that make up the show?”

The Older Americans Month lineup consists of seven different comedians at least 50 years of age. The show will feature former local radio personality Jojo Girard closing out the show. Also featured will be Detroit area comic Kathy Ryan, comedians from Ohio, and various local talent.

“The Sunday Night Funnies has got a big 2024 going on,” said Brian B.

In addition to the the Older Americans Month show, the following Sunday (May 12) will kick off SNF’s seventh annual Kingpin of Comedy competition.

15 years of SNF

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. Now in its 15th year, the SNF is a weekly live stand-up comedy performance featuring over 1,200 performances from comics across Michigan and around the country.

The SNF is a free admission show on Sunday nights at 7:30 p.m. during the winter/spring, and at 8:30 p.m. during summer and early fall. All performances take place at Woody’s Pressbox inside The Spectrum Entertainment Complex in Wyoming.

The Sunday Night Funnies Kingpin of Comedy competition enters its semi-final round

Making them laugh: Pagan, Aaron Cohen, Jay Hunter, and Ricarlo Winston (SNF)

WKTV Staff

What was once was 120 comedians is now down to 16, the Sunday Night Funnies Kingpin of Comedy competition enters its semi-final round this Sunday.

The contest started May 19 with its first of twelve qualifying rounds, which wrapped up last Sunday. The four quarter-final rounds ran Aug. 11- Sept. 1 with two semi-final rounds on Sept. 8 and 15 with the finals being held on Sept. 22. The competition takes place at The Sunny Night Funnies home, Spectrum Entertainment Complex, 5656 Clyde Park SW, Wyoming.

For the semi-final and final round eight comedians are given ten minutes to perform. The line-up order is drawn as the show progresses, so they have no idea of when they’ll be going on stage — it could be first, it could be last. Before the show begins the audience members are given a ballot the night of the show. The audience picks three of the ten they feel should advance to the next round. The ballots are counted while a comic not in the competition performs at the end and the winners are announced afterward.

A packed room for the annual Kingpin of Comedy hosted by the Sunday Night Funnies. (SNF)

“The Kingpin of Comedy competition is a blatant rip-off of the Funniest Person in Grand Rapids contest,” said Brian B. (Brian Borbot), creator & MC of the Sunday Night Funnies. Brian is referring to the successful annual event at Dr. Grins comedy club inside The B.O.B. downtown Grand Rapids.

“Seeing that Wyoming is the 14th largest city in Michigan, I thought it deserved its own stand-up comedy competition with the overall winner getting a prize package worthy of the title funniest person in Wyoming!” Brian said.

The prizes are prizes from Wyoming businesses Spectrum Entertainment Complex and Craig’s Cruisers. Other prizes comes from LaughFest, 20 Monroe Live, and Party in the Park (a concert @ 5/3 Ballpark.). The winner also receives a Day-Glo bowling pin trophy, and a presentation from the City of Wyoming Mayor Jack Poll declaring the winner the funniest person in town.

The Sunday Night Funnies is the creation of Grand Rapids stand-up comedian Brian B. (Brian Borbot.) It’s a weekly live stand-up comedy performance featuring a variety of comics from Michigan and around the country. The Sunday Night Funnies is a free admission show that starts at 8:30 p.m. at the Spectrum Entertainment Complex, 5656 Clyde Park SW, Wyoming.