Tag Archives: substance use care

Local organization addresses challenges women face in seeking substance use recovery services

A grant from the Wege Foundation aims to help Arbor Circle remove barriers for women seeking substance use care (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

By Deborah Reed

WKTV Managing Editor


Caregivers often face unique challenges when seeking substance use care (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

Women experience unique challenges when faced with a substance use concern. A local organization is focused on providing solutions for those challenges.

Arbor Circle recently received a two-year grant from the Wege Foundation that will support programming specifically designed to provide in-home and community-based substance use disorder treatment services for women and their families.

Arbor Circle seeks to provide an environment of understanding, trust, and empathy where women can receive the support they need to overcome their challenges and thrive.

What are some of those challenges?

“Women especially tend to be the caregivers, so they potentially are the ones who have children with them as they are also trying to navigate their own personal journey towards recovery,” said Taylor Greenfield, Director of Development for Arbor Circle. “When they’re struggling with substance use, they may also be facing fear around what that means for the children in their home.”

Women may be concerned about legal issues, but they also may encounter barriers when it comes to transportation and childcare.

“They may have challenges around childcare and having someone who is able to come and watch their children while they are seeking or receiving services,” said Greenfield.

Because of this, Greenfield has seen a regional decline in women seeking substance use recovery services – and that is concerning.

Increased substance use, decreased pursuit of care

“What’s really concerning about that is we know substance use concerns haven’t gone away,” said Greenfield. “We know that substance use has actually increased. What that says to us is that women need additional support to engage in services.

Family-related barriers are preventing women from seeking support in substance use recovery (Courtesy photo)

“They are going to need those barriers removed differently, they’re going to need help with those childcare pieces, they’re going to need to know that the services they’re receiving are built on trust and empathy.”

Arbor Circle has worked to find funds that will provide that environment for women looking to begin their recovery journey.

Support from the Wege Foundation will help strengthen Arbor Circle’s community-based, family-focused, and culturally responsive treatment through peer recovery support. This is a unique opportunity for individuals with lived experience with substance use concerns to help keep those in recovery – and their families – engaged throughout their journey.

How peer recovery/support is different

Peer recovery supports are designed to assist individuals and families with achieving long-term recovery from a substance use disorder by acting as “coaches” to provide community-based and strengths-based ongoing support, case management, and consultation.

Those with lived experience can provide a unique perspective to those seeking recovery (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

“Peers are staff with lived experience in substance use,” said Greenfield. “They have been someone who has struggled with that, and they are on their own recovery journey. They are able to lend a really important and different perspective than a staff person who hasn’t gone through that.”

Greenfield went on to say that peer staff are still trained in their expertise, but have the additional element of their own background which allows them to share what the recovery journey is like later on down the line.

“They are serving as that catalyst for engagement, someone who’s able to encourage and support in a different way than a staff person might be,” said Greenfield.

Greenfield went on to say that a benefit to peers is that they are part of a team approach. Peers lend their unique perspective and are also surrounded by staff with a clinical background. Together, they ensure a mother has everything she needs to take that next step.

Peer-to-peer recovery support services are built on the recognition that individuals in recovery, their families, and their community allies are critical resources that can effectively enhance and improve formal treatment.

Community focus reduces barriers to care

Many of Arbor Circle’s 50+ services are based within the community. Staff often provide programming in homes and community centers. They also meet those seeking care at other locations such as churches or restaurants.

“There are folks that are really invested in reducing barriers wherever we can,” said Greenfield. “We have tried to build up programming that will meet folks where they are and regardless of their identity.”

Together, Arbor Circle and the Wege Foundation aim to increase accessibility of care for women raising children (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

Funds from the Wege Foundation will support Arbor Circle in increasing the accessibility of these services for women raising children with a substance use concern.

The Wege Foundation has a long history of generosity in the West Michigan community, with a strong focus on diversity, equity and inclusion.

“They are deeply invested and involved in so many of the nonprofit conversations in the community that it just felt like a good fit,” said Greenfield. “We want to express our thankfulness to the Wege Foundation for their generosity.”

Arbor Circle’s Director of Community Based Recovery Services, Cathy Worthem, agreed. “We are deeply grateful for the Wege Foundation’s support of this work,” shared Worthem. “These funds will enhance our ability to work effectively with women and meet both their needs and the needs of their families.”


Learn more about Arbor Circle’s women-focused services here.

For those seeking additional services, or for those interested in becoming involved with Arbor Circle, more information can be found on their website.