By Genevieve Fox
Capital News Service

Picture this: You’re walking through the woods when you brush up against some tall grass, or maybe you wandered off trail momentarily. You head home, but the next day notice a black speck on your arm.
It’s a tick.
Beyond the gross-out factor, you wonder if it might make you sick. A new mobile app may help figure that out.
Emily Dinh, a medical entomologist with the Department of Health and Human Services, says encounters people are having with ticks are becoming more common.
That’s as the state’s tick population has been on the rise, including numbers of the American dog tick and the blacklegged tick, which can transmit the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.
“That blacklegged tick is something that we’re concerned about and seeing a greater distribution throughout the state of Michigan. That is the tick that can transmit Lyme disease,” Dinh said.
In 2021, the state health department reported nearly half of Michigan’s counties had a known risk of Lyme disease for people and animals.
Ticks like shady, moist areas
Ticks are typically found in wooded and brushy areas but can even show up in suburban yards.
“The most important thing to be aware of is where ticks are, so ticks like shady, moist areas in woody, grassy locations,” she said. “Especially in the warmer months of April through September, but sometimes into October as well because ticks can be active when the temperatures are above 40 degrees Fahrenheit.”
Barry OConnor is a tick expert at the University of Michigan’s Zoology Museum. He cites a rise in temperatures as a possible reason for the increased risk.
“We’ve certainly seen changes in the distribution of several species of ticks moving northward over the years as temperatures have become warmer,” OConnor said.
According to the state, average yearly temperatures have increased two to three degrees in the past two decades.
The Tick App

Because of growing concerns about the pests, both in Michigan and across the country, a group of researchers from universities across the U.S. decided to create a mobile app, simply called The Tick App.
Michigan State University professor Jean Tsao said the app allows scientists to learn more about where ticks are and what people are doing to keep safe from them. She is in the Department of Fisheries & Wildlife and is part of the group that helped develop the digital portal.
“It’s a mobile health app that is both a research tool as well as an outreach tool,” she said.
When people download it, they’re prompted to fill out a 10-minute survey about potential risk factors.
“We really wanted to understand, if possible, when and where and what kind of activities people are doing to expose themselves to ticks,” Tsao said.
She said users are also able to take a picture of a tick and submit it to the app. The research team is then able to identify it within 24 hours.
“They have a lot of reliable information all collated into one area that can tell you about what a tick is, what the various species of ticks are that you’re likely to contact in the area that you live and what are prevention measures that you can take,” Tsao said.
Tips on avoiding ticks
To avoid ticks, Tsao recommends wearing bug repellent and long clothing outside.
After returning home, a full-body tick check and shower is also ideal.
Tsao said the research team is working to use artificial intelligence to make tick identification faster and more accurate.
She said she hopes that with this advancement, the app may one day be used by health care workers as a diagnostic tool.
Genevieve Fox reports for WKAR Radio in partnership with the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism and Capital News Service.