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Grand Rapids Comic Con launches as nation celebrates Wonder Woman


It’s a bird, it’s a plane…it’s Wonder Woman Day.


Friday, Oct. 21, has been named Wonder Woman Day in honor of the first female superhero who marks her 75th anniversary. Wonder Woman has been named the U.N. Honorary Ambassador for empowerment of woman and girls. An event celebrating the special day has been planned in New York and to top off the event Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter will be present. In fact, expect to see more of Carter on television as she is scheduled to appear as president in a few upcoming episodes of “Supergirl.”


Even the post office is celebrating the 75th anniversary with a new line of forever stamps featuring Wonder Woman.


And expect to see a few Wonder Womans wandering Grand Rapids this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 21 – 23, as the Grand Rapids Comic-Con roles into town at DeVos Place, 303 Monroe Ave. NW.


Looks like there is a full list of events and celebrities. For those “Hunger Gamse” fans Bruno Gunn will be attending along side Robin Shelby from “Ghostbusters 2.” Also attending are Denise Crosby, best known for Security Chief Tasha Yar on “Star Trek: The Next Generation”  and most recently seen in “The Walking Dead,” and Sean Maher of “Firefly,” “Arrow,” and “Con Man.” Also two red Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Steve Cardenas and Austin St. John, along with several of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other celebrities are scheduled to attend this year’s Grand Rapids Comic Con.


There will be lots going on in the exhibit hall from demonstrations to various products and items for sale. Artists will be on hand to talk about their work, sell prints and for autographs.


There will be two exhibitions, one from the Wes Shank Museum, featuring items form Shank’s private collection of props from vintage science fiction movies, and the Hall of Heroes Museum, from Elkhart, Indiana, that will have several items on display including the motorcycle from “Ghost Rider,” the screen used ring worn from the 2011 “Green Lantern,” along with displays of the Golden Age Marvel and DC comic books and lots of superhero toys form days gone by.


There will be gaming, discussions, photo ops and presentations by celebrities and lots more. For a complete schedule, visit grcomiccon.com.