Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
By WKTV Staff

Movie Night
Have a hankering to go to the movies? While traditional theaters are still not open, Studio C’s Getty Drive-In! The oldest drive-in theater in West Michigan, operating since 1948, is offering an array of classics such as “Ghostbusters,” “The Karate Kid,” Jurassic Park,” “Jurassic World,” “The Rental,” and “The Amulet.” For complete listings, click here. Also tonight (Friday), the Ionia Drive-Up Theater will be taking place featuring the 1939 classic “Wizard of Oz” at 7 p.m. at LoNia’s World Center, 3810 Thornapple River SE. The Ionia showing is free.

Disc Golf
ZigZag Disc Golf Club, Grand Rapids’ own youth disc golf club, will be hosting a free youth disc golf tournament, Saturday at Garfield Park, located off of Burton Avenue and Madison Street. The free event is for students in 4th to 12th grade. Participants should meet at the gazebo around 12:45 p.m. The tournament will run from 1 – 3 p.m. No experience is necessary and discs will be provided, so there is no reason not give it a try.

Play Ball!
The Detroit Tigers will play their home opener this Monday, July 27, at Fifth Third Ballpark. Tickets are free but only available for the first 500 fans, so snatch them up quick. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. with the first pitch set for 7:10 p.m. All social distancing guidelines will be followed and masks are required. For more information, click here.

Fun Fact:
Dark Chocolate: A Heart Healthy Option
Like any of us need a reason to eat chocolate, but according to a recent study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology suggests that “chocolate helps keep the heart’s blood vessels healthy.” That is because chocolate is choc-full of antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, improve blood flow and boost mood and concentration. This is not a license to pig out on chocolate, instead it is recommended that a one-ounce serving a few times a week has the best results..