The City of Kentwood’s Trunk or Treat community event invited trick-or-treaters to don their costumes and come to the city’s Department of Public Works building Saturday, Oct. 23, where there were long lines of families and lots of kids in search of candy.
The free event went on for hours with hundreds of families waiting to take a stroll by city police, fire and public works vehicles, as well the of community groups — all with their vehicle’s trunks decorated and stationed inside the building handing out candy and other items.
WKTV was there, to capture some of the spooky happenings and cute costumes, and we asked a few of the trick-or-treaters “What’s their favorite candy?”
In addition to collecting candy, participants had the opportunity to vote for their favorite trunk. Children were encouraged to wear Halloween costumes and face coverings — and the kids did not disappoint, nor did many of their parents.
The City of Kentwood Parks and Recreation Department offered plenty of fun — and a few scares — for the community kids at the city’s Trunk or Treat event. (WKTV/K.D. Norris)
The City of Kentwood offered dress-up opportunity for all ages at the city’s Trunk or Treat event. (WKTV/K.D. Norris)
The City of Kentwood offered opportunity for dress-up for adults too at the city’s Trunk or Treat event. (WKTV/K.D. Norris)
Kentwood Public Schools’ robotics program had a display at the City of Kentwood’s Trunk or Treat event. (WKTV/K.D. Norris)
“It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”
– Brackett, Halloween (1978)
The night sky at about 8 p.m. Halloween with Jupiter and Saturn in the southern sky (right) and the Blue Moon and Mars in the eastern sky (left). (Supplied)
Look to the Skies
Halloween is going to be clear night, which means a good night to look at the stars. And befitting of an evening of strange and spooky things, there will be a lot going in the stars. First three is the Blue Moon, which is when there is a full moon twice in one month, a rare occurrence. But even rare is the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which will have the planets only a .1 degree away from each other. The last time that happened was Galileo’s time of about 1623. Talk about a treat!
The Eastern Kille cider kit. (Eastern Kille)
Celebrate Halloween in Beer City
Holidays are the perfect time to relax, sit back, and have a drink. Recently five Michigan breweries brought home a collective six medals from the Great American Beer Festival Competition honoring it’s title as “The Great Beer State.” Stay in and make yourself a drink or go out and support a local distillery in West Michigan-style. In other words, give your taste buds a real treat this Halloween.
Madea at Studio Park
Not a fan of scary movies? Studio Park is showing “Boo! A Madea Halloween” Saturday Oct 31 at 4 p.m. The 2016 film features director, writer, and star Tyler Perry in his classic role as Madea. Madea crashes a Halloween party that her great-niece lies about going to and finds herself in a hilarious attempt to save herself and her family from some spooky characters.
The famous story of Frankenstein came to writer Mary Shelley in a dream in 1817. Mary Shelley is also the youngest author to be on The Observers 100 Greatest Novels of All Time list. Who knew one great novel could just a dream away?
Flutes, drums, and more will be filling the field at East Kentwood High School as the EKHS Falcon Marching Band Invitational, which takes place Saturday, Oct. 19. Twenty-six bands from across the state will be competing including bands from Kelloggsville and Wyoming. The event opens at 10:30 a.m., with awards being presented at 7 p.m.
Did someone say treats?
The City of Kentwood will be hosting its annual Trunk or Treat Saturday, Oct. 19, from 10 a.m. to noon. Held at the Kentwood Department of Public Works facility at 5068 Breton SE, kids can dress up in their favorite costume and collect treats from a number of decorated trunks. There also will be a bounce house, hayrides, and face painting. If you have time this evening, Encounter Church, 4620 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, will be hosting a Trunk or Treat from 6 – 8 p.m. Also, next Sunday, Oct. 27, Kentwood Baptist Church, 2875 52nd St. SE, will host its Trunk or Treat from 6 – 7 p.m. All events are free and open to the public.
Getting Crafty
The holiday craft shows are now up and running. This weekend, Grandville High School will be hosting its Fall Harvest Craft Show from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the high school, 4700 Canal Ave. SW. Breakfast and lunch offerings will be available. For a list of upcoming craft shows, click here.
Fun Fact: Cathelepistemian
Michigan was the first state to establish a university, which was called Cathelepistemian, which means university. It was established in 1817 in Detroit. The name was later changed in 1821 to the University of Michigan. The university moved to Ann Arbor in 1841.
Among the activities will be the annual Trunk or Treat when city and community organizations decorate their trunks and hand out candy to area children. Participants will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite decorated trunk. Also taking place will be face painting, hayrides, a bounce house, and games.
Go Hike, Get a Prize
Urban-thru-hiker Liz Thomas
If you head out on the trails this weekend, you might be lucky enough to score a surprise from Merrell, the shoe company. Merrell team members will be handing out swag bags and gift cards along The Ales Trail starting at Outside Coffee Co., 734 Wealthy St. SE, and making its way to several area breweries, ending at the New Holland Knickerbocker. The event is lead by urban-thru-hiker Liz Thomas who has been making her way through the local trails to help encourage residents to get out and hike.
Brewed Spirits
The phantom footprint preserved in the upstairs bar.
Co-owner Christ Andrus said he believes that whatever is haunting the former Engine House No. 9 is just playing pranks on people. Regardless if you believe or not, it makes for some great tall tales over some award-winning brew. (The Mitten’s West Coast Swing Amber took a Gold Medal at the 2018 Great American Beer Festival.)
Fun Fact:
5,062 Years
That is how old a bristlecone in California is, making it the oldest individual living tree. (For reference, wooly mamnoths died about 4,000 years. Want to learn more about trees? Then snatch up a copy of "The Hidden Life of Trees" by Peter Wohlleben, and then join the book discussion on Nov. 8 at the KDL Kelloggsville. The program will be lead by the City of Wyoming Tree Commission starting at 6:30 p.m..
Flashback: In celebration of Kentwood’s 50 anniversary, here’s a photo from a 1980s Halloween event.
Calling all ghouls, monsters, superheroes, princesses and other trick-or-treaters: You are invited to attend the City of Kentwood’s annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, Oct. 21.
Trunk or Treat will be held from 10 a.m. to noon at Kentwood Department of Public Works, 5068 Breton Road SE, Kentwood. The City, which is celebrating 50 years in 2017, is inviting families from West Michigan to join in the event.
Children are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes and bring their own candy-collection bag. More than 20 businesses and City departments will be handing out candy and other treats throughout the morning. In addition to the trunks, there will be games, face painting, a bounce house and hay rides.
Some more flashback fun in honor of Kentwood’s 50th anniversary.
“Trunk or Treat gets bigger every year, which is really reflective of the growth in our community,” said Laura Barbrick, marketing and events coordinator of Kentwood’s Parks and Recreation Department. “It was created to provide families a safe and fun opportunity to trick or treat.
“Local businesses and organizations are invited to attend and decorate their vehicles with Halloween themes. It’s a great time for families to connect with local organizations and businesses in a fun, high-energy day.”
The event is free for those participating in trick or treating. There is no cost for those organizations wishing to reserve a parking space, however they must supply their own candy. For more information or to register a vehicle, please contact Laura Barbrick at or 616-656-5272.
On the morn of October 24th, a truckload of cute ghouls and characters appeared outside the Kentwood Public Works Garage. They shambled and moved in unison with a hunger, for seasonal treats. It was Halloween time and that meant Trunk or Treat had arrived.
The event was put on by Kentwood Parks and Recreation in association with many local organizations including Kent District Library, the Fun Spot, and the local police and fire departments, of course.
The event had much to offer for all in attendance. There were the treats, of course, but also warm cider and donuts for sale, a bouncy castle, a clownish DJ playing assorted holiday favorites like “Thriller” and the “Addams Family Theme”, and tractor rides on the way out.
Mr. President!
In attendance that crisp morning was Mayor Stephen Kepley, or rather, Mr. President. Dressed in deluxe Abe Lincoln attire, the mayor was most gracious in handing out treats and goodie bags for the festive multitudes. Asked afterwards about his thoughts on this year’s event, “It was a really great turnout. We only expected around eight-hundred or a thousand, but I surmise we at least doubled that estimate this morning.”
There had been a warning of rain that morning, so the event had actually been moved from its original location to an indoor locale, just in case the weather made a turn.
Representing the police department, Officer J. Morningstar dispensed candy to passing minions, ninjas, superheroes, and even a cupcake!
Attendance proved so numerous that halfway into the two-hour showcase, a supply run had to be made, as sweets were in such high demand!
A miniature horse was also in attendance, representing Karin’s Horse Connection, a group who specializes in equestrian riding as well as vaulting, gymnastics on top of moving horses.
‘Twas a fantastic event that got the community involved and cemented a genuine Halloween atmosphere in the township. Good job, Kentwood Parks and Rec.
Children in costumes, candy coming through their ears, and laughter and smiles that can be seen from space!
Trick-or-Treating is an annual tradition around the nation on Halloween, but the City of Kentwood adds a little twist, instead of going door-to-door, the children go trunk-to-trunk. Why trick-or-treat when you can just as easily trunk-or-treat?
Trunk-or-Treat has become a holiday staple for the Kentwood Parks and Rec Department. It gives children an opportunity to dress up in their favorite costumes and trick-or-treat in a safe environment. The event is also a chance for those children who don’t live in neighborhoods to have a neighborhood brought to them!
This year, with a whole new staff running the event, the Kentwood Parks and Rec Department decided to add a little more fun to Trunk-or-Treat. Don’t think of it as a face-lift or a makeover, it’s more along the lines of accessorizing.
“We are excited about the new addition of the Fall Festival in conjunction with the Trunk or Treat event!” explained Lorraine Beloncis of the Kentwood Parks and Rec Department, “We’ve added hayrides, games, a bouncy house, music, cider & donuts and face painting along with our sponsored trunks handing out candy.”
The addition of the Fall Festival should only add more smiles to a fun-filled day that families and children of all ages can enjoy. On top of all the fun events previously mentioned, there will be pumpkin racing, Halloween Plinko, and pumpkin ring toss.
Oh! I almost failed to mention, the children aren’t the only ones who get to dress up and show off their creative side. It’s encouraged for all participants to decorate and vote on their trunks as well!
Don’t miss out on all the fun of the Fall Festival! This years event is Saturday, October 24 from 10am-noon. Because of the weather, Fall Festival has been moved from its original location at Veteran’s Park to the Garage at Kentwood’s Public Works Department. The address is 5068 Breton Road, between 44th and 52nd Street.