Tag Archives: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Bipartisan legislation expanding burial benefits for veterans signed into law

Gerald’s Law Act was named after late Michigan veteran Gerald “Jerry” Elliott of Kingsford who did not receive VA burial benefits after he passed away at home (Courtesy, pxhere.com)

By WKTV Staff


 President Joe Biden has signed into law bipartisan legislation led by U.S. Senator Gary Peters (MI) to expand the eligibility of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) burial benefits to terminally ill veterans who pass away at a non-VA facility while receiving hospice care.

Honoring those who served

The legislation, called Gerald’s Law Act, was named after late Michigan veteran Gerald “Jerry” Elliott of Kingsford who did not receive VA burial benefits after he passed away at home.

Gerald’s Law Act ensures all veterans can be laid to rest with dignity and respect (Michigan Veterans Homes)

Peters introduced the Gerald’s Law Act with U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), and bipartisan companion legislation was introduced in the House by U.S. Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI-01). The Gerald’s Law Act was passed into law as part of the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act.

“Gerald Elliot is one of far too many veterans whose families were denied VA burial benefits because they chose to receive hospice care at their home instead of a VA facility,” said Senator Peters, a member of the Armed Services Committee and former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve.

“As Americans, we have a sacred responsibility to ensure that veterans and their families have the support they need, especially during hard times like the passing of a loved one. This law honors those who have served and sacrificed for our country in uniform, and helps make sure all veterans can be laid to rest with dignity and respect.”

A significant victory

Veterans can now spend their final days at home (Courtesy photo)

Under current law, the VA will cover nearly $1,000 toward burial and funeral expenses if the veteran is hospitalized at the VA at the time of death. This legislation would update the department’s policy and ensure that veterans aren’t penalized for spending their last days in the comfort of their homes or other settings.

Denise Formolo, the Veterans Service Officer for Dickinson County, MI, raised this issue with Senator Peters’ office and shared the Elliott family’s heartbreaking story – inspiring the legislation. 

“It has been a great honor to collaborate with Senator Peters and Congressman Bergman in passing Gerald’s Law as part of the Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Improvement Act,” said Denise Formolo, Veteran Service Officer at Dickinson County Veterans Affairs. “This is a significant victory for our veterans and their families.

“Veterans now have the option to spend their final days at home, surrounded by their loved ones, without the concern of losing burial benefits for their families.”

Support for Gerald’s Law Act

The Gerald’s Law Act is also supported by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, National Association of Veteran Service Organizations, AMVETS, Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), With Honor, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Gold Star Wives and The Independence Fund.

Metro Health hosts Aug. 18 community resources fair for homeless vets 


By Metro Health-UM Health/U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Scores of homeless veterans from throughout West Michigan are expected to gather for the second year in a row on the Wyoming campus of Metro Health – University of Michigan Health to connect with resources that can help them rebuild their lives.



The veterans will be participating in a Stand Down event coordinated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Held throughout the year and throughout the country, Stand Downs bring homeless veterans together in a single location to provide convenient access to community resources.


The local Stand Down will be held Friday, Aug. 18, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on the Granger Green in front of the hospital at The Metro Health Village, 5900 Byron Center Ave. SW.


“We’re honored to host these veterans on our campus,” says Emil Hannesson, director of community outreach for Metro Health. “These individuals have pledged their lives to the country and now need the community’s assistance. This event is a great way to remind them how much they are valued, and that people do support them.”


Tiyanna Payne, a supervisor with the VA’s Health Care for Homeless Veterans program in Grand Rapids, adds: “Stand Downs are the nation’s most valuable outreach tool for veterans who are homeless or marginally housed.”


Nearly 50 service providers plan to participate, including federal, state, and community agencies, as well as veteran support groups. Homeless veterans will have access to food, clothing, medical care, housing assistance, job counseling, substance abuse treatment, and mental health services.


In addition, military surplus items will be available for eligible vets, including sleeping bags, rucksacks, cold weather gear and personal hygiene products. The event also offers breakfast, a lunch prepared by Metro’s chef, and free haircuts.


“Veterans won’t have to go from one agency to another to access the services they need,” Payne says. “For one day, everything will be in one place, and everyone will be here to provide them with aid.”


The name of the event has its origins in the Vietnam War, when “standing down” referred to soldiers being taken off the lines to rest and recover.


“Our Stand Down is designed to give veterans an opportunity to renew their spirit, health and well-being,” Payne says. “Here’s our chance to surround this vulnerable population with the services they need.”


The event gets underway at 10 a.m. with a Color Guard presentation and national anthem. The anthem will be performed by Joyce Jones-Davis, a nurse manager with the Wyoming VA Health Care Center. Lisa Martin, director of the Wyoming VA clinic, will follow with a welcome address.


This event is for veterans only. If a veteran needs assistance getting to the event, please call the Health Care for Homeless Veterans service center (616-356-1746).