Tag Archives: Ugly Pie

On the shelf: ‘Ugly Pie’ by Lisa Wheeler, illustrated by Heather Solomon

By Debbie Hoskins, Grand Rapids Public Library, Main Branch


Michigan author Lisa Wheeler has cooked up a delightful cumulative story with a song. Ol’ Bear wakes up with a hankerin’ for ugly pie. As he visits his neighbors, they all show him the pies they have made and donate an ingredient. At the end all the neighbors smell the pie and come and eat Ol’Bear’s “scrumptious-truly wondrous-beautiful Ugly Pie!”


The book is illustrated with delightful, colorful paintings created with water color, acrylic, and collage on paper. At the end of the book is an Ugly Pie recipe that you and the grandcubs could make. Perfect for the grandchildren ages 3 through 7.