By Simone Weithers
Tulip Time

Tulip Time Festival (www.tuliptime.com) announces the Tulip Time Run will switch to a virtual experience, which will be held from Friday, May 1 to Sunday, May 10 2020.
During this time of uncertainty, Tulip Time encourages everyone to stay safe, stay healthy and get some fresh air, while continuing to follow social distancing guidelines. Runners can unite VIRTUALLY and participate in the 5K or 10K as their schedule permits anytime between May 1 and 10. Registrants can run or walk around their neighborhood or on a treadmill.
Virtual Run Participants will be mailed a 2020 Tulip Time Run unisex tech t-shirt and finisher medal. One dollar of each participant’s fee will be donated to Kids Food Basket to help fight hunger in the community during this time of uncertainty.
Tulip Time Festival was cancelled on March 16th, 2020 following the CDC recommendations of limiting gathering sizes of 50 or more people to slow the spread of COVID-19. The cancellation of Tulip Time was heartbreaking, and the festival board and staff acknowledge the huge financial impact it has and will have on both the organization and the Holland community. Participation in the Virtual Run will help Tulip Time begin to rebuild for the 2021 festival.
Registration and pricing information, along with all race details, is available online at www.tuliptime.com/run. Questions regarding registration and race details can be directed to Victoria Raterink, Event Coordinator, at victoria@tuliptime.com.